For any lovers of both the Sprouse twins and horror out there, Borrasca is a mystery/thriller podcast starring and produced by Cole Sprouse, and based on the novella of the same name. The podcast is adapted from Haunting of Hill House writer Rebecca Klingel’s novella, which she parsed out via Reddit in 2015 on the r/nosleep community. True to form, don’t read the novella or listen to the podcast if you have any intention of sleeping within 24 to 48 hours. But, if you’re a brave soul, as Season 2 of the podcast was announced for later this year, now is the perfect time to dive into the mysterious world of Borrasca and its sleepy mountain town of Drisking, Missouri.
Starring: Cole Sprouse, Lisa Edelstein, Peyton Kennedy, Jama Williamson, Mark Derwin, Charlie Shotwell, Dan Blank, Carmen Tonarelli
Where to Listen: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music