After a teenage shooter gunned down 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Texas Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbott’s old pro-gun tweet has gone viral. Netizens are commenting on the old tweet venting out their frustration as the US state has witnessed several deadly mass shootings in recent times.
Soon after Abbott announced the death of the children and a teacher at Robb Elementary School in the town of Uvalde, Texas, about 130 km west of San Antonio, a 2015 tweet by the Texas Governor resurfaced where he called upon Texans to buy more guns. “I’m EMBARRASSED: Texas #2 in nation for new gun purchases, behind CALIFORNIA. Let’s pick up the pace Texans,” the nearly seven-year-old tweet read.
The tweet tagging the National Rifle Association (NRA) was made during his first year as Texas governor while sharing a link to an article about the state’s gun sales.
I’m EMBARRASSED: Texas #2 in nation for new gun purchases, behind CALIFORNIA. Let’s pick up the pace Texans. @NRA
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) October 28, 2015
As the governor extended his condolences to the victims’ families and expressed his grief over “this senseless crime” and mourned the death, netizens were quick to lash out. Many slamming the governor asked if he was “proud now” as guns have reached the hands of young teenagers responsible for mass shootings.
Others asked him to delete his old tweet saying he should be “embarrassed about today’s shooting” and not about gun sales.
However, many highlighted how this isn’t the first time the tweet has recirculated after a mass shooting, underlining how distressing it is to come back to it almost every year, while mass “shootouts keep happening and nothing changes”.
Are you proud now, @GregAbbott_TX?
— Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) May 24, 2022
Seven years later, nothing has changed. It doesn’t have to be this way. 💔
— Anne Wheaton (@AnneWheaton) May 24, 2022
This tweet from 2015 is still up. From the governor of Texas who just announced the mass murder of 14 kids to the world. I wonder if he’s still “EMBARRASSED” about Texas not selling enough guns.
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) May 24, 2022
The youngest kids at Robb Elementary today were born the year he tweeted this
— Jonathan M. Katz (@KatzOnEarth) May 25, 2022
He was embarrassed that they weren’t buying enough guns in Texas. I’m embarrassed that we allow repeated mass slaughter of innocents.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 25, 2022
In case you were wondering why Americans continue to get slaughtered in grocery stores, churches, hair salons and schools. In case you were wondering why Texas is home to half the nation’s deadliest mass shootings. In case you were wondering why @GovAbbott hasn’t acted.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 24, 2022
the replies from 2017, 2019 and 2022 marking how many mass shootings have happened in the state that greg abbott encouraged people to buy a bunch of guns… chilling.
— kaila✨ anyone for dodgems? (@strkrhds) May 24, 2022
no channel should air greg abbott’s sympathy comments today without superimposing this tweet on his face.
— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) May 24, 2022
What’s particularly insane about this tweet is if you look in the comments there are like 10 different, specific dates where people are telling him he has blood on his hands. just shows you how common mass shootings are
— GITMO Security Consultant Drew Brees (@pff_sucks) May 24, 2022
You should be VERY embarrassed! Today, I hope every American reads your tweet. Disgusting!
— Darby Desper (@DarbyDesper) May 24, 2022
The purpose of a gun is to kill people. When you fetishize guns like this, you invite more murder and bloodshed like we saw today.
— JorgeCSantos (@JorgeCSantos) May 24, 2022
GOTO HELL @GregAbbott_TX— you have blood on your hands. History remembers how you stoked the fires for more guns 👇. Now 19 kids and 2 teachers are dead—murdered in cold blood at Robb Elementary School. YOU— @GovAbbott—ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO AMERICA. #UvaldeMassacre
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) May 25, 2022
The 14 mothers that will not see their babies come home tonight in Uvalde disagree.
I stand with these mothers.
You need to take the guns away from kids until 21! #GunControlNow
— Wanda Roe (@WandaRoe) May 24, 2022
You must be so proud today.
— Maggie McDonell 🇺🇦🌻 (@Highlandgames62) May 24, 2022
We should ALL be EMBARRASSED! Embarrassed that you are an elected official. #AbbottFailsTexasChildren
— Christopher 🇺🇸 Is Pro-Choice (@cwebbonline) May 24, 2022
Briefing the media after the shootout, Abbott said that the suspect, identified as Salvador Ramos, was apparently shot down by police officers, and that two of them were struck by gunfire. The governor said their injuries were not serious.
The 18-year-old also shot his grandmother before fleeing from the scene, then crashed his getaway car and launched the bloody rampage at Robb Elementary School.