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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Kobe Blaise Wants Emily Bieberly’s Breasts All for Himself on 90 Day Fiance (Recap)

90 Day Fiance Season 9 marches on, with Episode 5 giving viewers some beautiful reunions … and potential new villains.

Kobe has just met his son for the first time, but decided to call out where Emily feeds him — and that she does it at all.

Ariela and Biniyam touch down in the United States, but a generous gift from Ari’s parents may turn into a burden on their family.

Bilal has a new test for Shaeeda, and it involves his children.

Guillermo is finally reunited with his and Kara’s dog and meets Kara’s family — and he’s so adorably nervous about the whole thing.

Thais introduces herself to viewers, revealing that there are big things that neither Patrick nor her father know yet.

Mohamed’s first morning in America doesn’t go at all like he imagined, because Yvette has to go to work.

Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise

Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise

After warm celebrations, Emily sits down to pump some milk. After spending a couple of days picking up Kobe, Koban probably ran through a good bit of what she had already pumped. But Kobe decides to call her out, claiming that this is “not normal.”

He thinks that she should nurse and pump elsewhere

He thinks that she should nurse and pump elsewhere

Every now and then, there’s a viral social media post about a woman getting shamed for breastfeeding somewhere — on a park bench, in a museum, that sort of thing. In each case, the bad guy is demanding that she go elsewhere, or “cover up,” or both, and is almost universally dragged by the collective internet. Kobe is taking that even further, suggesting that Emily should pump elsewhere even though she is in her own home.

Kobe says that women are more “discreet” in Africa

Kobe says that women are more "discreet" in Africa

Africa is a sprawling continent full of various languages, cultures, and traditions across more than 50 countries. I’m not going to try to whitesplain away Kobe’s observations, but as many 90 Day Fiance fans can attest, numerous viewers who are from Africa have already taken to social media to say that Kobe’s experience is not theirs, and that, in their cultures, breasts are less sexualized and therefore breastfeeding is less stigmatized. Of course, all of that may be moot, as Emily and Koban — and now Kobe — are not in Africa right now.

There’s more to it than just where and when

There's more to it than just where and when

Kobe’s suggestion that Emily breastfeed elsewhere was already unreasonable, but he is also expressing a desire for Emily to simply stop breastfeeding their son altogether. According to Kobe, he brought this up even before coming to the United States. He says that his sister stopped nursing her baby at 7 months, and that he’s never known anyone to breastfeed past 10 months.

Well …

Well ...

Almost every health organization on the planet, including Cameroon’s government, recommends breastfeeding until 2 years if not longer. More than one-third of child deaths before the age of five in that country are related to malnutrition, with other children having growth stunted. International studies have noted that there are challenges, including cultural resistance, to breastfeeding programs in Cameroon. While breastfeeding is not an option for everyone and not a fix-all solution, it is possible that Kobe is unfamiliar with the health benefits that Koban is receiving. (And, more to the point, we’re talking about a toddler and his mom — the only people who should be part of this decision)

Kobe has his own motive

Kobe has his own motive

He is unwilling to “share” Emily’s breasts, and says so pretty directly. We’re not kink-shaming Kobe (or anyone else), and we can only speculate about what questions producers may have asked to get him to say this, but it’s a little weird to put yourself into an imaginary competition with your kid.

As for Emily’s parents

As for Emily's parents

They’re a very chill pair, but they of course support Emily continuing to breastfeed her son, because it’s her choice and because it’s good for him. When Kobe tried to claim that it was disrespectful (whatever that means) of Emily to feed her son or pump milk in front of her dad, he gently shot him down, explaining that he doesn’t have an issue with it — it’s a natural part of having a kid. Emily’s parents also diverted the couple’s verbal sparring match by getting Kobe to help Lisa prepare the food.

At dinner …

At dinner ...

Kobe opens up about his own background. His English is better than his French because his mother (who was a side piece of his father’s) is from the English-speaking part of Cameroon, not from the French-speaking region. He acknowledges that his father’s lack of involvement in his life and upbringing is an additional motivator for wanting to be in Koban’s life.

Emily’s grandmother likes Kobe

Emily's grandmother likes Kobe

She jokes with him that they all do what Emily says — a joking way of explaining how the entire family has helped the new mom, just as Kobe hopes to.



Kobe helps Emily get Koban ready for bed. He has a lot to learn, and Emily explains to him how Koban has nighttime diapers. Kobe speaks repeatedly to the camera about how cute Koban is. Koban is still a little unsure of Kobe, having previously only seen him through a screen, but their interactions so far are very cute.

But Koban is a little distracted

But Koban is a little distracted

Emily and Kobe can’t really talk about the elephant in the room (the production crew and cameras that are literally in the room), but Koban’s high-energy excitement is probably at least in part due to Kobe’s presence. Koban isn’t accustomed to anyone else being in bed, and the bed is a little small for two adults, let alone two adults with a toddler.

Kobe goes to sleep in the other room

Kobe goes to sleep in the other room

It’s a little sad, but it’s only one night — so far. He turns out the light for Emily and heads off to sleep.

Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre

Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre

As Ariela and Biniyam disembark their plane and make their way to the bagging area, Janice and Dr. Fred Weinberg are waiting in an over-the-top way. They discuss the possible hurdles that Ari and Bini will face, along with how excited they are for their arrival. For Janice, it’s been ten months. Fred, meanwhile, has only met Biniyam one time.

They’re here!

They're here!

This is Ariela’s first time in the US in nearly a year. For Biniyam, he hasn’t been in North America since he was with his ex-wife, Bria. What’s most significant, however, is that they’re here together on the K-1 visa.

Avi is So cute

Avi is So cute

Avi puts on Janice’s sunglasses, seemingly fascinated by them. It’s a precious reunion for all of them.

Ari and Bini have high hopes

Ari and Bini have high hopes

They hope that they can effectively “start over” together. As Ari’s parents touched upon, things will be so different here, as Bini is surrounded by Ari’s culture instead of the other way around. However, Ariela worries that some of the problems that have plagued their relationship could follow them to New Jersey. Only time will tell.

Ari and Bini are super sleepy, but …

Ari and Bini are super sleepy, but ...

… Fred and Janice take them to their new home, an apartment that is very close to their house. It’s a pretty normal two-bedroom home, and while it’s not fully furnished yet, it does have several key things — including some gifts for Avi.

But there’s a catch

But there's a catch

Ariela will have to start paying the rent and bills starting in a few months at the latest. On the one hand, that’s a reasonable request — for a grown adult to pay their own rent if they’re staying in an apartment. That said, Ari didn’t pick the apartment herself, and she would have chosen something smaller and at a different location if she had, because that’s what you do when you know that you have to foot the bill. Biniyam won’t be able to work for months, and seemingly has not been working for some time, so this falls on Ariela’s shoulders.

Bilal Hazziez and Shaeeda Sween

Bilal Hazziez and Shaeeda Sween

Bilal has a new test for Shaeeda, but this one involves fewer lies than the last one. She’s meeting his kids in person for the first time. The four of them share a group hug in Bilal’s spotless kitchen.

Shaeeda is peer pressured into playing pool

Shaeeda is peer pressured into playing pool

She’s not much for games (which is fine, but does make us curious about what she DOES do for fun), but agrees to a game of pool to get to know Bilal’s kids in person. She apparently commits a faux pas by holding the pool cue inverted (the narrow tip touching the floor) but no one aside for some viewers says anything about it.

What should they call Shaeeda?

What should they call Shaeeda?

Shaeeda is nervous, for obvious reasons and because she knows that how Bilal’s kids feel about her will play a huge role in her relationship’s future. She asks if they’ll one day call her “Umi,” but they’re not so sure.

“Umi” is what you’d call your mother

"Umi" is what you'd call your mother

They already have a mom, and not everyone is comfortable using that label with someone else — even a stepmom. Bilal’s kids are very reasonable and thoughtful as they discuss this.

Speaking of kids …

Speaking of kids ...

Possibly with production prompting, they ask Shaeeda if she wants more kids — she, of course, does. They ask Bilal, and he sort of wavers without giving a real answer, turning the question on them (shocker: his son wants a little brother). Shaeeda picks up on how evasive Bilal is being.

Later, Shaeeda calls her sister

Later, Shaeeda calls her sister

She explains how she has noticed a change in Bilal’s desire to have kids, but he hasn’t said so explicitly. She loves kids — including her sister’s kids — and wants some of her own. Her sister correctly points out that she has to have a real talk with Bilal about this.

Kara Bass and Guillermo Rojer

Kara Bass and Guillermo Rojer

Guillermo is so nervous the whole drive to Kara’s mom’s house, because he’s going to meet her family for the first time. He’s met her mom before, when she came down to the DR to visit, but he’s never met her brother, Kevin, or her uncle, Mike. Most importantly, though, he’s reunited with his and Kara’s dog, whom they adopted together. It’s been a long time, and her mom has been watching the adorable little doggy for Kara (who, remember, flew down to the Dominican Republic to fly back with Guillermo — way too long to leave a dog home alone).



Kara introduces Guillermo to the family. Guillermo gushes about the things that he’s noticed that are different — newer, nicer cars, wider roads. He doesn’t talk as much about organized hay bales like he did in the car, but it’s still very sweet, especially because their dog is snuggling in his lap.

Uncle Mike has been stalking Guillermo

Uncle Mike has been stalking Guillermo

That’s a joke — many of us use “stalking” to mean “glancing at someone’s Instagram a few times a month,” but one can see how that wouldn’t translate smoothly. Kara had warned Guillermo that Mike is very protective of her. However, Mike tells the camera that he likes Guillermo so far, and that his opinion truly depends upon how he treats Kara and nothing else — which is exactly the right opinion to have, honestly.

Guillermo ends up charming everyone

Guillermo ends up charming everyone

Guillermo is so sweet and earnest, talking about how he knew that Kara was the one because she took care of him in ways that only a wife would when they were together before. It’s really sweet.

Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone

Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone

Patrick surprises his brother, John, with an adorable little dog. He doesn’t want Thais to get lonely while he’s at work, so this cute puppy will be a surprise for her as well — after she arrives.

Thais is 25 and from Brazil

Thais is 25 and from Brazil

She has never left her region of Brazil, or really spoken to anyone from another country, before Patrick. In fact, after they connected on Tinder, he asked her to dinner — which she says is unusual, because in her experience, Brazilian men don’t ask women to dinner.

Thais has worked as a model

Thais has worked as a model

She is clearly gorgeous, and also not shy about listing her good qualities. You can tell that the show is setting her up to be a villain, however, because she’s everything that certain aspects of the fandom hate — a young, pretty woman who is marrying a handsome, employed man. She also has an accent more like that of Larissa Lima than any other Brazilian woman who has been on this franchise, which is an interesting coincidence.

She has wall art of her and Patrick

She has wall art of her and Patrick

She is not shy about broadcasting their relationship or singing his praises.

Thais goes to visit family

Thais goes to visit family

She stops by her grandmother’s house, where her sister Kamily “Mimi” is, in preparation for her big move. Her sweet grandmother tears up thinking about it.

But Thais’ dad doesn’t know yet

But Thais' dad doesn't know yet

Her dad has always been protective, and she recalls him chasing a high school boyfriend of hers with violent intentions. Either there is something missing from that anecdote, or there’s some major toxicity going on.

He is very leery of Patrick

He is very leery of Patrick

Carlos, Thais’ dad, is worried that his young daughter (she’s young, but 25, and Patrick is only six years older — same age gap as Kara and Guillermo and as Jibri and Miona, and with both parties being a couple of years older) is being exploited by her American fiance. Meanwhile, he has no idea that she’s moving — he thinks that this is a temporary vacation to Austin.

Where did he get that idea?

Where did he get that idea?

Thais doesn’t know why her dad thinks this, but when she says that he got the idea that American men just use and discard Brazilian women “from television,” we can’t help but wonder if he caught Colt Johnson’s seasons of this franchise. Larissa Lima and Jess Caroline are both Brazilian, after all.


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