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Monday, October 7, 2024

Vladimir Putin 'bathes in blood of deer antlers to boost his sex drive'

Vladimir Putin “bathes in blood of deer antlers” to boost his sex drive.

The 69-year-old Russian president – who launched the ongoing invasion on Ukraine back at the end of February – reportedly basks in the ritual which is thought to maximise libido.

A source told East2west News: “Extract from red deer antlers acts as a strong tonic, especially for men’s potency. It strengthens the body’s bones, muscles, teeth, eyesight and hearing, cures pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma, joint pain, osteoporosis, and problems with the spine.”

The outlet reports that “at least 70kg of stag horns were prepared” for his visit to a clinic offering the service in the Altai Mountains in Siberia back in 2016.

However, the source went on to explain that while the president was “warned” that there is no evidence that the ritual is of benefit, he enjoyed it and has repeated the ritual “multiple times.”

The source added: “An acquaintance of the president claims that he had been warned that there is no conclusive evidence of the benefits of antler baths. But Mr Putin liked it, and since then he has revisited Altai multiple times.”

The barbaric ancient ritual – which is thought to dubbed a “natural Viagra”, is said to boost male potency, despite being condemned by animal rights groups, with one claiming that removing the horns of a deer could “scar” the animal psychologically.

The WWF for Nature in Russia previously said: “Our only concern is that the brutality of this disgusting procedure could leave psychological scars on the deer’s psyche.”

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