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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Major plot twist: 'My missing husband came home after six months but I just know it isn't him'

It had all the ingredients of a paranormal mystery – a missing husband, a grieving wife and petunias growing in the garden.

It sounded like a best-selling novel and that’s what a writer set out to do with her short story. But never in a million years, did Twitter user @_Annikus_ think her little tale of murder and intrigue would ruffle up online users the wrong way.

@_Annikus_ had first posted her tragic recount on Reddit of how her husband went missing and then returned after six months with no recollection of what happened to him.

“A week ago, I was in the back garden watering my petunias when I heard the garden gate creak open. I jerked my head in that direction and- there he was. Exactly the same as he was the day he disappeared,” she wrote.

But she noticed subtle changes in his behaviour.

“The morning after “Rick” came home, I made him a cup of tea. When I handed it to him, he gave me the brightest smile. Then he took a sugar cube from the dish on the table and dropped it into the cup,” she explained.

“I know it doesn’t sound very significant, but my husband never put sugar in his tea. He was always adamant that it ruined the taste, and he’d get so frustrated if I ever put sugar in his cup by accident. And yet, this man had sugar.”

She went to express her terror: “I don’t know much about anything supernatural or paranormal, I don’t even like watching horror movies. But something about this whole situation makes my skin crawl.”

@_Annikus_ basically had readers by the b*lls until the major plot twist at the end.

Understandably, many tweeps realised it was a work of fiction. Others, on the other hand, were gobsmacked.

Check out some of the funny responses below:


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