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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Howard Stern Trashes Johnny Depp for “Acting” During Amber Heard Trial, Says Star is a “Huge Narcissist”

Howard Stern is not buying what Johnny Depp is trying to sell.

Not even a tiny little bit.

Depp — who was married to Amber Heard from 2015 to 2017 — is suing his ex-wife for defamation in response to an op-ed she penned in 2018… during which the actress detailed her alleged experience as a survivor of abuse.

Over the past several days, Depp has played the victim.

stern poster

He’s claimed on the witness stand that Heard was the abuser in their marriage, cutting off his finger at one point and stubbing out a cigarette on his face another time.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star took the stand in Virginia on April 19 to “clear the record” about Heard’s allegations of domestic abuse, asserting:

“Never did I myself reach the point of striking Ms. Heard in any way, nor have I ever struck any woman in my life.”

Depp Testifies

Elsewhere, Depp fired back at Heard for her slanderous op-ed as follows:

“I didn’t deserve that, nor did my children, nor did the people who have believed in me for all these years.

“I didn’t want any of those people to believe that I had done them wrong or lied to them or that I was a fraud. I pride myself on honesty.”

To date, many believe Depp is winning the PR battle amid this trial — but Stern doesn’t care about the stories about Heard and her supposedly violent behavior; he thinks Depp pushed for his trial to be televised becuase, well… he’s an elite actor.

Johnny Depp In Court

Said Stern today on his SiriusXM’s talk show:

“On the narcissism scale, I think Johnny Depp is a huge narcissist — and what I mean by that is, he figured ‘I’ll put this on TV. And because I’m so persuasive and I’m so smart, and I’m such a wonderful guy.'”

Stern added that he felt Depp — who has fans in attendance inside and outside the courtroom, cheering the actor on — was “overacting” and “writing his own material as he goes along.”

According to Stern, this is all a performance by Depp.

Johnny Depp on the Stand

“That’s what narcissists do: ‘I will charm the pants off of America at the trial.’ No you won’t,” continued to shock jock.

“This will not go well. It’s not going well for you, it’s not going well for her. It’s not going well for anybody. You sound like two battling children. It’s just coming off really badly.”

Under oath, Depp said:

“Never did I myself reach the point of striking Ms. Heard in any way, nor have I ever struck any woman in my life.”

He explained that his “goal” in suing Heard for defamation “is the truth,” and nothing more.

Amber Heard Outside of Courthouse

Ahead of the trial, Heard — who has not yet taken the standd — issued a statement about the case … while announcing that she was taking a break from social media before heading to Virginia.

“I never named him [in my op-ed], rather I wrote about the price women pay for speaking against men in power,” she wrote om Instagram earlier this month.

“I continue to pay that price, but hopefully, when this case concludes, I can move on and so can Johnny.

“I have always maintained a love for Johnny and it brings me great pain to have to live out the details of our past life together in front of the world.”


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