The Masked Singer is known for leaving audiences and judges stunned when participants are unmasked. However, things turned sour as one of the contestants turned out to be Rudy Giuliani, which led to show’s judge Ken Jeong leaving the stage. Members of audience were also irked, with many taking to social media to slam the creators at Fox for including Giuliani.
Dressed as a giant rooster, Giuliani popped out of a jack in the box while singing a rendition of ‘Bad to the Bone’. While the footage aired showed the crowd and fellow judges cheering after the initial shock, Jeong was caught on camera saying, “I’m done”.
Soon the moment went viral as people couldn’t stop sharing the bizarre TV moment expressing their disbelief.
Rudy Giuliani sings “Bad to the Bone” on Masked Singer as host @kenjeong leaves saying, “I’m done.”
— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) April 21, 2022
The show’s judges appeared confused, with Nicole Scherzinger quietly asking, “Is that Robert Duvall?” This got a flat response from Ken Jeong, “No, that’s not Robert Duvall.”
After his identity was revealed, host Nick Cannon told the contestant, “Mr Giuliani, with all of the controversy that’s surrounding you right now, I think it surprises us all that you’re here on The Masked Singer.” Giuliani agreed with Cannon and replied he was in the show “just had a granddaughter Grace”.
He should be in prison, but Rudy Giuliani is on The Masked Singer right now.
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) April 21, 2022
See? It’s all just a fun joke. The place where he pushed the conspiracy theories about the election that have poisoned our politics forever is just a fun clue on a fun show because nothing matters
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) April 21, 2022
It was, however, no surprise that the former New York City mayor and former attorney to Donald Trump featured on the show. The filming of his exit episode made headlines back in February. Although it was shot months ago, public only saw it when it was aired on Wednesday night. Even though news about his participation was known, his avatar wasn’t revealed, making it difficult for the public to guess his identity.
However, that didn’t stop people from criticising the network. Many however, were impressed by the integrity shown by Jeong and applauded him for walking out.
Allowing figures like Rudy Giuliani to ostensibly rehab their image through shows like this is unacceptable.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) April 21, 2022
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) April 21, 2022
And this is right here is why I will never watch The Masked Singer again. 🤢
— Shari (@MuzzikLvr) April 21, 2022
This is dystopian as hell even without the Rudy Giuliani connection
— Tim Petras 🌻 (@driftwood888) April 21, 2022
Hey @kenjeong , thank you for standing up and walking out. I appreciate it.
— Kathleen supports Voting Rights (@KathleenT135) April 21, 2022
more evidence we live in a parody of our own world
— minty🍸🌑 (@PeppermintFlyBy) April 21, 2022
Honestly, I feel this way about the entire premise of this show. But this is especially cringe-worthy. Good for @kenjeong.
— Kendra (she/her) (@kendrasmills) April 21, 2022
There is no shame, no bottom. Giving a lying traitorous piece of lickspittle like Rudy Giuliani a forum of any sort after his illegal machinations to subvert the will of the American people is beyond disgusting. Ken Jeong is a hero. #boycottFox @kenjeong @MaskedSingerFOX
— Cynthia Payne (@cyntiap) April 21, 2022
Ken Jeong had the courage and the dignity do the right thing. Giuliani deserves to be in prison along with his puppet master trump, not on a television show. This was a very poor decision even for the Fox network, who is notorious for their poor decisions #TheMaskedSinger
— Robin Hollingsworth (@rrjbpmhlbrz) April 21, 2022
Rudy Giuliani should be facing a judge not on the masked singer. WTF is wrong with our country?
— Christine Galea (@chrisgalea) April 21, 2022
This was not the first time when Giuliani dominated trends online. Be it going viral for his dye streaks pictures or hosting a press conference for Trump’s campaign at ‘Four Seasons’ Total Landscaping — he has often got netizens talking online.
In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, Giuliani and other Trump backers pushed voter fraud claims to overturn the legitimate election results.