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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard Reveal That They’re Selling Their Home: We’re So Sad!

If you know anyone who’s bought or sold a house in the past couple of years, then we probably don’t need to tell you that these are strange times in the American real estate market.

And that’s just one reason that fans are shocked by the news that Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have decided to sell their home.

The news comes at a time when Jill and Derick seem to already have an awful lot on their plate.

Jill is pregnant with the couple’s third child, and Derick recently graduated from law school.

Jill Duggar and Big D

Derick passed the bar exam earlier this month, but he hasn’t said anything about finding work in his chosen field.

That fact has led many fans to the conclusion that the Dillards are moving out of necessity, not choice.

But Jill seems excited about the move.

Jill Duggar with Coffee

And in announcing the real estate news to fans, she also shared some exciting updates on the career front!

The announcement came in the form of a blog post on the Dillard family’s personal website.

“We are joining the masses of people who are currently navigating this crazy real estate market,” the post began.

The Dillard House

“We are moving!!”

Jill said that she and Derick are having a hard time parting ways with their current home — which they just moved into in 2019 — but it seems that the couple is excited about their future.

“We are sad to say goodbye to our very first home that we bought three years ago, but pray it brings much joy to the next family who will get to make memories here,” Jill wrote.

Jill Duggar Pregnant, In Jeans

She added that several family members have contributed decor for the new house, which seems to suggest that the new home is bigger than the old one.

“Thanks to some of the fam, we’ve got some new decor (mostly from Hobby Lobby and Amazon),” Jill wrote.

“And a few of my siblings even popped in one evening to help do a little decorating … so the walls aren’t completely bare.”

Jill With Family

Perhaps anticipating that fans would have questions about the reason for the move, Jill concluded by stating that she and Derick “are moving for a new job Derick recently accepted and are super excited for new adventures.” 

Jill did not offer any details with regard to the nature of Derick’s job or the location of the Dillards’ new house.

But since Derick is only licensed to practice law in Arkansas, it’s safe to assume that the couple will be remaining in their home state.

Jill Duggar with the Fam

Most of the Duggars have been keeping lower profiles in the wake of Josh Duggar’s child pornography conviction, but Jill has continued to delight in sharing updates about her personal life.

In a previous blog post, she revealed that her third child will be another boy!

“We had originally planned on finding out our baby’s gender earlier, a couple weeks ago, but Covid hit our family and we had to delay the exciting revelation,” Jill wrote.

Jill Duggar Pregnancy Announcement

“However, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise because by the time we were able to reschedule, Israel was on spring break,” the statement continued.

“This meant our whole family could be together for the appointment, as we all found out together that another little boy would be joining the Dillard tribe!”

Needless to say, these are exciting times for the Dillard clan!

Our sincerest congratulations go out to Jill, Derick, and their growing family!


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