Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a moving speech while virtually addressing the US Congress. Zelenskyy’s evocative speech got a standing ovation from people at Capitol Hill. However, an American financial pundit decided to attack him over his attire—a plain T-shirt.
Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital CEO, took to Twitter after the speech to ask if the Ukrainian leader didn’t own a suit. “I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the President of the #Ukraine own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the Unites States,” he tweeted.
I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the President of the #Ukraine own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the Unites States.
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) March 16, 2022
Schiff argued that Zelenskyy was not at the frontline fighting the war directly and could have worn at least a “long-sleeved shirt with a collar”, in case a suit was hard to find.
He would not have had to press a suit. I’m sure he had a clean suit hanging in the same closet as his t-shirts. Plus even if there were not suits available, maybe a long-sleeved shirt with a collar.
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) March 16, 2022
With all the replies I never even noticed that typo. He was not in combat on a battle field. Someone powdered his face. Not a hair was out of place, and he was clean shaven with a trimmed beard. He chose to wear that t-shirt. He could have easily chosen something less informal.
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) March 16, 2022
Schiff’s comment soon drew a serious backlash online with people slamming him for ridiculing the humanitarian crisis and fussing over his attire. Others trolled him for spelling his country’s name wrong while criticising Zelenskyy.
Many reminded him that Zelenskyy was addressing leaders of the world to seek help to stop the Russian aggression and was in extraordinary circumstances. While many asked him to delete the tweet dubbing it “stupid” and “unnecessary” others slammed him for thinking the “world revolves around America”.
You clearly don’t understand when times are hard. When I was in combat, I didn’t get a real shower for months. Needless to say suit racks and dry cleaning were not readily available. Zelensky is what a wartime President in 2022 looks like. Deal with it. #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
— Paul Rieckhoff🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@PaulRieckhoff) March 17, 2022
After that comment I am ready to challenge @PeterSchiff to a cage match where profits go to charity of your choice. I’ll donate to Ukraine relief. I’m just sick of your smugness Peter.The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, their country and their freedom.Have some respect.
— Mike Novogratz (@novogratz) March 17, 2022
If I spent a week attempting to construct a more carping, swinish and relentlessly petty remark, polishing it incessantly until all its spittle-flecked stupidity glistened shamelessly in full view of humanity, I could not ever hope to achieve this:
— David Simon (@AoDespair) March 17, 2022
12 assassination attempts. His country being turned into rubble while children and innocents are murdered. Yeah-i’m sure a suit is front of mind these days. 🙄
— Alex Pierson (@AlexpiersonAMP) March 16, 2022
While people of #Ukraine are fighting desperately against extermination of country & democracy, while children are dying in destroyed hospitals & schools, while people are losing their limbs & their lives, this privileged #ultrarich jerk…
Delete the tweet. #IStandWithUkraine
— Peter Julian (@MPJulian) March 17, 2022
Oh that’s right!
I’m in the middle of the war. My people are being killed. Pregnant women are dying with their babies, there’s heavy shelling all round but hey, I need to look good in a suit for the United States.You’re not a strategist. You’re a snob.
— Royally Blunt (@RoyallyBlunt) March 16, 2022
It’s only March, but you, sir, have just posted the dumbest thing I’ll see on Twitter all year.
— John Law (@JohnLawMedia) March 16, 2022
He is fighting to save the lives of others, he is putting his life at risk to do so – he could have left but he didn’t, that speaks to the man he is he is – you care about what he’s wearing, that speaks to the man you are.
— Amy Trask (@AmyTrask) March 16, 2022
Zelenskyy is a man of his people, on the streets, side-by-side, fighting with them. He does not need to hide behind a suit – his actions speak for him, loudly. It is he who deserves our respect, not the other way around.
— LSW 🌻🇺🇦 (@LisaSabinWilson) March 16, 2022
Do you own any khaki? Have you ever run a country which was invaded by a foreign power with hit squads looking to assassinate you at any given time? Does your family not pay enough attention to you so you instead share your stupidity here?
— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) March 16, 2022
Men in blue jeans and t-shirts build countries.
Men in suits destroy them.— Just Elizabeth, II 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@nihil_ad_rem) March 16, 2022
I’d rather have a hero in a t-shirt for a leader than a traitor in a suit any day of the week.
— Jo 🌻 (@JoJoFromJerz) March 16, 2022
In todays episode of Americans thinking the world revolves around them:
— Janine (@janiney182) March 17, 2022
After Russian forces invaded Ukraine last month, Zelenskyy has made it clear numerous times he is fighting the war with the country’s troops and volunteers. As the country made it mandatory for its male citizens between 18-60 years to defend the nation, he has been seen wearing only moss green t-shirts and jackets, reassuring citizens that he is in Kyiv leading from the ground.
In his poignant address, Zelenskyy invoked the 2001 attacks on America and said that Ukraine was enduring 9/11 every day as it continued to defend Russian forces. He reiterated his demands urging the US and Nato allies to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine.