Vinoy Alexander’s mantra is ‘no editing, only timing’. Better known as the ‘Timing Wizard’ on Instagram and TikTok, he has seamlessly added himself to some of the most important events in the recent times, both real and fictional. He recently offered a glass of bubbly to former US President Barack Obama; and he was the one who got those Coca Cola bottles so unceremoniously removed by Cristiano Ronaldo from his table. He has come to the aid of Iron Man when Thor refused to play ball, and has posted video with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. He even made a model fall on the runaway by tripping her with broom!
The most interesting part? He did all of that while standing next to the television in his living room. For his efforts, he has 7,11,000 followers on his Instagram and his reels have amassed more than 99.4 million views. On TikTok, he has over 3 million followers. His reels capture the zeitgeist as he happily adds himself to current news, cartoons, superhero movie scenes, clips of cricket, football and film actors.
The content creator has also won the approval of Johnson who has posted videos with him. Talking to over the phone, Alexander said, “It was not an overnight success. But, after striving for more than three and half years, my reel featuring football player Ronaldo moving Coco-Cola went viral.” Alexander also mentioned that he won the applause of American actor Steve Austin, Indian actors Neeraj Madhav, Ashish Vidyarthi and Guru Somasundaram.
When asked about how he comes up with ideas for his reels, Alexander said it’s spontaneous. “The reels are inspired from the movies and funny videos I come across. I have created more than 800 videos so far and out of that, I have only brainstormed for six or seven videos.”
The superhero fan’s social media accounts include a plethora of reels on Thor and Spiderman. Reels on National Basketball Association, football, cricket and celebrities never fail to impress netizens, according to Alexander.
He is working as a cardiac technician in US’s Pennsylvania. “I make videos during weekends whenever I get time. At times, some videos can take up to two to three hours before they are perfect. I am the sole person who is involved in the whole process.”
A person who likes to look at the lighter side of things, Alexander was inclined towards mimicry, dancing and acting since childhood. He started uploading acting videos on TikTok initially. However, it was not well received as his audience could not relate to content in Indian languages. So, Alexander came with perfectly-timed videos to overcome the language barrier.
Recently, he started making reels based on Indian content and it has found favour with the Indian audience. He also said that he has followers from all over the world including Australia, Canada, Dubai, Africa.
Vinoy also shared that people used to mock him earlier when his videos did not get noticed. “I kept doing it for the people who loved them, regardless of the small number. If you love to do something, you should do it,” said the 35-year-old man. Alexander also noted that internet is a platform where people copy others without even giving credit.
Alexander was born and brought up in Mumbai and he moved to US in 2004. His parents are from Kerala.