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Friday, September 20, 2024

what they are, symptoms, causes, transmission and treatment –

Worms correspond to a group of diseases caused by parasites, popularly known as worms, which can be transmitted through the consumption of contaminated water and food or by walking barefoot, for example, and therefore, to avoid them, it is It is important to always wash your hands before eating and after using the bathroom, in addition to drinking filtered water and avoiding going barefoot, avoiding not only worms but also other diseases that can be caused by fungi and bacteria.

The most frequent verminoses, such as giardiasis, enterobiosis and ascariasis, for example, can occur in both adults and children and lead to the appearance of intestinal symptoms, such as constant abdominal pain, feeling of a swollen belly and change in appetite.

Symptoms of worms

Symptoms of worms usually involve the gastrointestinal system, as they are usually acquired after consumption of water or food contaminated with eggs or cysts of the parasites. Symptoms may vary depending on the infectious agent, however, in general, the main symptoms are:

  • Abdominal pain and discomfort;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Loss of weight and/or appetite;
  • Pallor;
  • Weakness and excessive tiredness;
  • Very dark, white or yellowish stools;
  • Itching in the anus, in some cases.

In cases of worms in which the infection occurs through the entry of the parasite into the skin through a small wound, it is also possible to notice redness at the site, itching and an increase in temperature in the region. Know how to recognize the symptoms of worms.

In the presence of signs and symptoms of verminoses, it is important that the gastroenterologist or general practitioner is consulted so that an evaluation of the symptoms can be carried out and a parasitological examination of the stool may be indicated to identify the worm responsible for the symptoms and, thus, be possible to initiate the most appropriate treatment.

symptom test

To know the risk of verminosis, select the symptoms presented in the following test:

Causes of worms

Worms are diseases caused by parasites, the main ones being:

  • Ancylostoma duodenale or americanus necator, which are the parasites responsible for hookworm, popularly known as yellow;
  • Ascaris lumbricoides, popularly known as roundworm, which is a parasite responsible for ascariasis;
  • Taenia sp., also known as solitary, it is a parasite responsible for taeniasis;
  • schistosoma mansoni, which is the infectious agent responsible for schistosomiasis;
  • vermicular enterobius, which is responsible for oxyuriasis, also called enterobiosis;
  • Trichuris trichiura, which causes trichuriasis;
  • Toxoplasma gondii, which is the agent responsible for toxoplasmosis;
  • giardia lamblia, which causes giardiasis.

It is important that the agent responsible for the verminosis is identified, as it is possible that the most appropriate treatment is indicated by the doctor. For this, according to the symptoms presented, the doctor may indicate the performance of blood tests, such as the blood count and C-reactive protein dosage, and/or stool examination, especially the parasitological examination of stool, which aims to identify the presence of parasites. Understand how the parasitological stool exam is done.

How does the transmission happen?

The form of transmission of verminosis can vary according to the infectious agent, being more frequent through the consumption of contaminated water and food. However, some worms can happen through the parasite entering the body through a small wound.

Treatment for worms

Treatment for worms is done according to the intensity of the symptoms presented by the person and the infectious agent responsible for the worm, and the doctor is usually recommended to use antiparasitic drugs, which can be a single dose or be indicated for a period of 5 days. .

So, according to the worm, the doctor may recommend the use of Albendazole, Mebendazole, Praziquantel, Metronidazole, Nitazoxanide, Piperazine. Find out more about remedies for worms.

how to prevent

Depending on the parasite responsible for the worm, transmission can occur in different ways, which can be through the entry of the parasite through small wounds on the skin, as is the case with hookworm, or through the consumption of contaminated food and water, such as what happens in the case of giardiasis and ascariasis.

Thus, it is important to adopt measures that avoid all forms of transmission, thus preventing developments. For this, some recommendations are:

  1. Washing hands after using the bathroom and keep it in proper hygienic conditions, since the parasite eggs are normally found in the feces;
  2. avoid walking barefoot, as some parasites, such as the hookworm, for example, which causes yellowing, enter the body through the skin;
  3. Cut and keep your nails clean, to avoid the accumulation of dirt and possible eggs of parasites, this recommendation being very important in the case of pinworms;
  4. Drinking filtered, boiled or disinfected water with Sodium Hypochlorite, to eliminate possible contaminants;
  5. Wash and cook food well, as they may be contaminated;
  6. Wash hands before meals, to eliminate any microorganism capable of causing disease;
  7. Wash household items with potable water, as this water is treated and free of contaminants.

Any prophylactic and treatment measure for worms must be repeated by all family members. In addition, it is important to check the sanitary conditions of the inhabited place, as poor sanitary conditions can increase the chances of having worms.

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