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Monday, March 10, 2025

ointments, remedies and homemade options –

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection, being very common in the groin, as it is an area that accumulates heat and moisture more easily. This situation happens mainly in men, although it can also appear in women, being frequent in people who play sports, who sweat a lot, obese people or people with decompensated diabetes, as these are situations that facilitate the proliferation of fungi in the skin folds.

To treat this infection, the general practitioner or dermatologist may recommend an antifungal ointment remedy, such as Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole or Terbinafine. However, home treatments are indicated to facilitate recovery and prevent recontamination, such as using talcum powder on wet lesions, drying yourself well after showering, not wearing tight clothes and never wearing wet underwear.

The main options that can be used to treat groin ringworm include:

1. Ointments

The main form of treatment to end groin ringworm is the use of antifungal ointments, such as Terbinafine, Miconazole, Imidazole, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole or Ketoconazole, for example.

These medications can also be presented in the form of cream, lotion or spray, to facilitate application to the affected area, according to the needs of each person, and must be used for 3 to 4 weeks, or as indicated by the doctor.

2. Medicines

In addition to the ointments, there is also the option of antifungal tablets, such as Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole or Terbinafine, which are only indicated by the doctor in cases of very large lesions or when there is no improvement after correct use of the ointments for 1 to 4 weeks .

3. Home treatment

The at-home treatment of ringworm consists of measures that can be used together with the treatment guided by the doctor, never replacing it, as they prevent or help to recover from the infection more quickly. It consists of:

  • use talc, which contain or not antifungals, to help dry secretory lesions and reduce skin friction;
  • Don’t wear too tight clothes or that cause friction to the affected skin;
  • avoid heat and moisture;
  • Wash the affected area with a solution of garlic tea, many times a day;
  • Make compresses with chamomile tea solution, about 3 times a day, if the infection has moisture;
  • Do not wear wet underwear;
  • change clothes daily and whenever you shower;
  • Dry yourself well with a towel after showering, and don’t share towels.

In addition, if there are animals in the house, it is important to observe them, as they must also be treated if they have ringworm, to avoid reinfections.

Main symptoms

Groin ringworm symptoms may vary depending on the fungus associated with the infection. However, in general, the main symptoms of groin ringworm are:

  • Reddish or brownish spot on the groin, with appearance of peeling;
  • Itching in the groin;
  • Appearance of bubbles at the edge of the stain.

In addition, if symptoms are accompanied by intense secretion, wounds or foul smell, it may be ringworm due to Candida. Know how to identify and treat candidiasis of the skin.

Causes of Groin Ringworm

Groin ringworm occurs due to the proliferation of fungi in the region, especially Tinea cruris and fungi of the species Candida sp. or, less frequently, by fungi of the Epidermophyton and Microsporum genus.

These fungi can be found naturally on the skin, especially on hairless skin, without causing any signs or symptoms. However, some factors can favor its development and result in uncomfortable symptoms. Thus, the use of tight underwear, excessive sweating, poor personal hygiene and the use of wet underwear for a long time, for example, can favor the occurrence of ringworm in the groin.

In addition, people with a greater chance of developing this infection are obese people, as they have deeper folds, sports people, who are in contact with sweat and moisture frequently, in addition to uncontrolled diabetics, who are more likely to develop infections and greater difficulties in healing.

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