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Monday, March 3, 2025

symptoms, care and exams –

The 1st trimester of pregnancy, corresponding to the first 3 months and weeks 1 to 13 of pregnancy, is marked by the development of the baby in which there is rapid multiplication of embryonic cells and formation of the main organs, in addition to the placenta and umbilical cord. considered the most delicate stage of pregnancy, as substances such as drugs, alcohol or cigarettes can affect the baby’s development.

During the first trimester, there are also many hormonal changes in women, which are considered normal during pregnancy, which can lead to the appearance of some symptoms such as morning sickness, excessive tiredness or breast tenderness, for example.

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the first prenatal visit and the exams recommended by the obstetrician should be performed, such as blood, urine, stool tests and the first obstetrical ultrasound, so that the doctor can assess the woman’s health and the development of the baby, as well as providing guidance on the use of vitamin supplements and measures to help alleviate the symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy.

baby development

The development of the baby in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is mainly marked by the accelerated multiplication of cells in the embryo and the formation of the main organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, intestine, kidneys, bones and cartilages, as well as the neurons and small buttons that will give birth origin to the arms and legs.

Due to the rapid multiplication of embryonic cells, the first trimester is considered the most delicate, as some substances such as medicines, medicinal plants, alcohol or cigarettes can interfere with the baby’s development, causing malformations.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby measures about 7.4 centimeters and the placenta and umbilical cord are completely formed, and will be responsible for taking the nutrients and oxygen necessary for the maturation of all the baby’s organs, which will continue to develop until the end of pregnancy.

Changes in a woman’s body

At the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body produces the hormone beta-HCG, in addition to other hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, which make it possible to create conditions for the baby to develop inside the uterus. These hormonal changes can lead to the appearance of the first symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, excessive tiredness or breast tenderness, which can often be confused with PMS symptoms. Know how to differentiate the symptoms of pregnancy and PMS.

In addition, a woman may experience pain in the pelvis as the normal hormonal changes in pregnancy cause the ligaments in the pelvis to loosen to accommodate the baby, as well as other symptoms such as heartburn, a burning sensation in the stomach, tenderness in the gums, or the urge to urinate frequently. . Check out all the changes in a woman’s body from week to week in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Care in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most delicate period in the baby’s development, and it is important to follow all the obstetrician’s recommendations, take folic acid and/or other supplements indicated by the doctor, in addition to eating a balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for the baby’s development and practice physical activities, as long as allowed by the doctor. Know how to feed during pregnancy.

In addition, it is important for women to be aware of the use of medicines, avoiding use on their own and using only medicines or taking vaccines with a doctor’s recommendation, because at this stage the arms, legs and organs of the embryo in formation are very sensitive. to certain medications that can cross the placenta and cause defects in the baby.

During the entire pregnancy it is also important to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or drugs of abuse, as they can harm the baby’s development.

How to relieve 1st trimester symptoms

In the first trimester of pregnancy, some precautions are important to help alleviate the discomfort that may arise, such as:

  • morning sickness: eat small meals frequently throughout the day and stay hydrated. If the nausea is very intense, the doctor may prescribe the use of medicine for nausea during pregnancy. Find out about the treatment of severe nausea in pregnancy;
  • Excessive tiredness: creating a bedtime routine and waking up at the same time each day or getting some sleep during the day can help reduce fatigue and increase mood;
  • Breast tenderness: wear a supportive bra to relieve tenderness, pain, or the feeling of heavy breasts. This bra can also be worn at night to support the breasts and alleviate this discomfort;
  • Pelvic pain: doing light stretches and gentle movements can help alleviate the discomfort. However, if the pain does not improve, or if you have a fever, you should contact your doctor immediately;
  • Heartburn or burning sensation in the stomach: eating in small amounts and not lying down after meals can help alleviate this discomfort. Another important measure is to avoid drinking liquids during meals and to avoid eating fried foods, spicy or highly spicy foods. See other tips on how to relieve heartburn in pregnancy;
  • Gum sensitivity: a soft toothbrush should be used and continued brushing and flossing regularly. In addition, it is recommended to consult a dentist to assess the health of the mouth and teeth;
  • Willingness to urinate frequently: do not hold the urine, as leaving the urine in the bladder may increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

It is important to always follow the obstetrician’s guidelines, according to the symptoms presented, in order to ensure the woman’s health and allow the baby’s healthy development.

1st quarter main exams

Once the pregnancy is confirmed, an appointment should be made with the obstetrician until the 13th week of pregnancy to confirm the stage of pregnancy and clarify doubts such as the baby’s probable date of birth and care during pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, prenatal care is carried out through tests that assess and monitor the baby’s development and the woman’s health, in addition to checking whether there is a risk that the mother will transmit any disease to the baby.

The main exams requested by the obstetrician in the 1st trimester of pregnancy include:

1. Gynecological exam

The gynecological exam in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is carried out with the objective of evaluating the intimate region of the woman and, thus, identify signs of infection or inflammation in the genital region, because of situations such as thrush, vaginal inflammation and cervical cancer , for example, when not identified and treated, they can influence the baby’s development.

2. Routine exams

At all follow-up visits, the obstetrician may perform some more general tests to assess the woman’s health. Thus, it is common for blood pressure to be measured in order to assess the risk of eclampsia, which can lead to early delivery, in addition to assessing the woman’s weight.

Another routine exam that is normally done is the check of the uterine height, in which the measurement of the abdominal region is made in order to assess the baby’s growth.

3. Laboratory tests

Some laboratory tests may be recommended by the obstetrician in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, namely:

  • Complete blood count;
  • Blood type, Rh factor and indirect Coombs test;
  • VDRL;
  • HIV;
  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • Thyroid such as TSH, T3 and T4;
  • Glucose;
  • Toxoplasmosis;
  • Rubella;
  • Cytomegalovirus or CMV;;
  • Urine type 1 or EAS, and urine culture;
  • Feces.

In addition, during the prenatal period tests can also be performed to identify other sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, which can be diagnosed by examining vaginal secretions or examining the urine. If there is any change in any of these tests, the doctor may ask for the test to be repeated in the second trimester of pregnancy. Find out which tests are indicated in the second trimester of pregnancy.

4. Obstetrical ultrasound

The obstetric ultrasound of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is transvaginal, which is usually performed between the 8th and 10th week of pregnancy and serves to confirm the gestational age, how the embryo is developing, if it is in the correct place inside the uterus, if pregnancy is one or more babies, in addition to checking the baby’s heart rate and allowing you to calculate the expected date of delivery.

5. Nuchal Translucency

The nuchal translucency ultrasound is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation, and is used to detect malformations and genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome, for example. Find out how the nuchal translucency exam is performed.

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