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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mamprugu Youth Call on President Akuffo Addo

Some youth of Mamprugu Traditional Area has written a letter to the presidency in the bid for the Highest seat to look into some concerns of theirs.

“God is not a Yuruba man” -Ola Rotimi

“A cooking pot for the Chameleon is a cooking pot for the Lizard” -Ola Rotimi Book tittled The Gods are Not to Blame.

President of the Republic H. E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is an Akyem by tribe from Akyem Abuakwa with the Okyehene being his King. Vice President of the Republic Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is a Mamprusi by tribe from the Mamprugu kingdom with the Nayiri being his King. 

In February this year, President Akufo-Addo through state security Reportedly went tough on the Chief of Mamprugu under some reasons that he was enforcing the law and that he swore an oath to defend and protect the constitution of Ghana therefore no one is above the law, not even the Nayiri.

The Nayiri did no wrong, the reason was that he has enskined a Bawku Naaba which is his traditional and customary right passed on to him by his forefathers. The Nayiri’s predecessors have enskined 14 Chiefs to Bawku and what the Nayiri did was just in accordance with what is spelled out in the tradition and custom.

In less than 12 hours after the enskinment of the Bawku Naaba on 15 February 2023, the Information Minister under the instruction of the President issued a letter condemning the enskinment and further tasked the state security to arrest the new Bawku Naaba if he parade himself as such. Few days after, the National Security Laison Officer for the Upper East region under the instructions of the President secured a bench warrant of arrest for the Nayiri and the Bawku Naaba and their reasons was that, the enskinment of the Bawku posses a National security threat to the peace of Bawku.

Two days after the arrest warrant was issued, military armored vehicles with well armed officers besieged Nalerigu, traditional capital of the Mamprugu kingdom to effect the court directive. It took protestation by angry youth to prevent the arrest. After backlash from revered Chiefs, well meaning Ghanaians and political parties, the arrest warrant was varied and the Nayiri’s arrest was rescinded leaving that of the Bawku Naaba which still stands till date.

Now to our first quote from Ola Rotimi, “God is not a Yuruba man” six (6) months down the line, the Okyehene, Overlord of the President’s hometown have committed the very offence which the President accused the Nayiri of. The basis for the President’s issue of arrest warrant on the Nayiri and the Bawku Naaba was, that there is already a gazetted Chief of Bawku in the person of Aninchema Abugrago who is a member of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs and the National House of Chiefs therefore the Nayiri shouldn’t have enskined a parallel Chief. The Okyehene have equally enstooled one Barima Adu Korkor III as a parallel Chief of Adoagyiri after there is a legitimately gazetted chief for the past 15 years in the person of Okoanadwo Afutu Dompreh II of Adoagyiri. 

To our second quote, “A cooking pot for the Chameleon is a cooking pot for the Lizard”.

We expect President Akufo-Addo to act in the same way and manner in which he acted towards the Nayiri and the newly enskined Bawku Naaba because both cases are the same and posses same National security threat. The enstoolment of Barima Adu Korkor III posses a National security threat to the peace of Adoagyiri just like the enskinment of the Bawku did for Bawku.

For us to believe that the President didn’t act maliciously and disrespectfully to the Nayiri and the Mamprugu kingdom but rather mean well for peace of the country, we expect him to act same on the Okyehene and Akyem Abuakwa. We the youth, Chiefs and people of the great Mamprugu kingdom are neither for nor against in the conflict between Akyem Abuakwa and Akyem Kotoku. However, what we are calling for is fair and equal treatment for all because no one is more Ghanaian than the other.

We will conclude with a quote from George Orwell’s Animal farm that “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”.

We don’t want to believe that we are in an animal farm. Since not even the Vice President being a Mamprusi from Mamprugu could stop the President from disrespecting and harassing the Nayiri, then Akufo-Addo being President of the Republic should not stop him from issuing arrest warrant on the head of the Okyehene his kinsman, for breaking the law.

What was served for the Nayiri is equally fit to be served the Okyehene! 

We call on all state institutions and stakeholders to show interest in this matter and ensure justice is served else, the youth of Mamprugu will rise and it will be wilder than bushfire!

Thank you.


Mamprugu Kaya Ni Ta’ada -North East Region

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