Renowned Ghanaian journalist, Okatakyie Afrifa, has issued a stern warning to fellow media personality Oheneba Boamah, urging him to stop his criticisms and focus on his own matters. The two journalists have been locked in a heated exchange after Boamah criticized Afrifa’s coverage of governance issues, particularly under former President John Mahama’s administration.
In a passionate address during a live session, Afrifa expressed frustration over what he described as unprovoked attacks and insults from Boamah. He made it clear that their approaches to journalism were different and demanded respect for their contrasting styles. “Stay in your lane,” Afrifa stated firmly, warning Boamah to desist from further criticism.
The tension began when Boamah accused Afrifa of being biased in his commentary, alleging that Afrifa was vocal in criticizing Mahama’s government but seemed reluctant to hold President Nana Akufo-Addo’s administration accountable. Boamah’s comments sparked Afrifa’s fiery response.
“Don’t go in that lane with me, and this is your last warning,” Afrifa declared, adding a threat to expose Boamah’s personal secrets if the attacks continued. “If you go in this lane with me, I will disgrace you and reveal your secrets,” he warned.
Afrifa also took a jab at Boamah’s health, pointing out what he described as signs of poor health during Boamah’s radio appearances, including irregular breathing that he speculated could indicate high blood pressure. “This calls for medical attention. Be very careful, Oheneba Boamah,” Afrifa added, advising his colleague to focus on his well-being.
The exchange has sparked widespread reactions, with many awaiting how this ongoing feud will unfold.