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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Soldier guarding Hassan Ayariga ‘flirts’ with lady, during boss’s campaign speech

A soldier guarding Dr Hassan Ayariga, the presidential candidate of the All People’s Congress (APC), has been captured in a viral video chatting with a lady and taking her phone number, while his boss was busy delivering a campaign speech.

In the video, while Ayariga passionately addressed the crowd, one of the soldiers assigned to his security detail was seen distracted, engaging in what is suspected to be a flirtatious conversation with a woman standing just behind the candidate.

The guard was captured casually handing his phone to the lady, seemingly to exchange contact information, while Ayariga continued delivering his campaign message to the public. The incident has sparked online chatter, with many commenting on the soldier’s divided attention during a crucial political moment.

Dr Hassan Ayariga is a prominent Ghanaian politician and the founder of the All People’s Congress (APC). Known for his outspoken nature and passion for addressing national issues, Ayariga has been a recurring figure in Ghana’s presidential races. His political journey began in 2012 when he first ran for president as the candidate of the People’s National Convention (PNC).

After losing the race, he broke away from the PNC and established the APC in 2016, continuing his presidential aspirations. Ayariga’s persistent bids for the presidency have made him a notable figure in Ghana’s political landscape, as he continues to campaign on promises of economic reform and inclusive governance.

In the 2024 elections, Ayariga’s ballot number is 9. His campaign is characterised by a strong focus on anti-corruption measures, promising to hold corrupt officials accountable if elected. He has stated, “If you are a political thief, pray that Hassan Ayariga doesn’t become president,” emphasising his intention to change the political landscape in Ghana. Additionally, he has allocated a substantial budget of $100 million for his campaign, highlighting his determination to win at the polls.

Just like other parties participating in the 2024 elections, Dr Hassan Ayariga and the All People’s Congress (APC) have been actively campaigning across Ghana to secure votes.

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