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NDC UK/Ireland Chapter inaugurates new branch in West London

The NDC UK/Ireland Chapter, on Saturday, 23rd March 2024, inaugurated the West London Branch of the Chapter fashionably.

The ceremony, held in the auditorium in Pinner, saw a packed hall of NDC members and sympathisers who had travelled from the length and breadth of the UK to observe and grace the occasion.

Chapter executives, led by Chairman Conrad Dumbah, were present in large numbers to officiate the process and ensure the successful execution of the programme.

The Chairperson of the occasion was Chairman Kofi Kwakye (former UK/Ireland chapter Chairman), immediate past Chapter Chairman, Alhaji Alhassan Mbalba, and some former Chapter executives were also in attendance. Other vital personalities present were Hon. Chief Hamilton Biney, Mr. Awudu Sannie, and Yayra Koku.

Chapter Chairman Conrad Dumbah took his turn to plead with the newly elected branch executives to hold fast to their duties and ensure that many more members are attracted to the branch to expand the membership.

Party politics thrives on the strength of its numbers, and therefore, we all need to conduct ourselves in such a manner that would attract new members and retain new members to contribute physically and financially to ensure success in the upcoming elections, he added.

Alhaji Alhassan Mbalba used the occasion to urge members of the chapter to endeavour to travel back to Ghana and participate in the upcoming Limited Voter Registration, which is scheduled for 7th-27th May this year, and also to travel to Ghana to vote massively for President John Mahama and NDC parliamentary candidates on 7th December 2024 to ensure a resounding victory for President John Mahama and NDC’s parliamentary majority, so that together we can build the Ghana we all want.

All the guest speakers took turns encouraging the newly elected executives to work hard to bring the NDC ultimate glory in December 2024. On his part, Chief Hamilton Biney, the former Deputy National Organiser of the NDC, congratulated the new executives of the branch on their elections.

He also seized the opportunity to admonish all members to work cordially for victory in the upcoming general election in December 2024.

He also stressed the point that the NDC needed to focus on the loftier objective of the party for a resounding victory in the upcoming general elections in Ghana. At the latter stages of widely accepted to be a successful programme, the newly elected executives were sworn in to assume duty as substantive officers of the West London Branch of the NDC.

Administering the oath of office, the deputy Chapter Secretary, Mrs. Isabella Peace Dietson lauded the branch for electing more women to executive positions and advised the executives to work closely together to ensure the NDC and John Mahama’s victory in the December 7th general election.

In his acceptance speech of the newly sworn Chairman of the branch, Mr. Francis Torto dedicated the day to the memory of his late father, Mr. I T Torto, who was the Greater Accra Regional Minister under the Third Republic (President Liman’s administration) and founding member and first Chairman of the NDC UK/Ireland Chapter, Mr Torto expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed in diverse ways to ensure the formation of the NDC West London branch and admonished his colleagues and members to continue working relentlessly for the best of the branch, the Chapter and the NDC as a whole.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Kofi Kwakye, Chairman of the occasion and former Chairman of the NDC UK/Ireland Chapter, explained that the plan to demarcate London into four branches started over a decade ago, in 2013, under his administration.

He acknowledged all those who contributed in diverse ways over the years to ensure the inauguration of the 4th NDC branch in the Greater London area. Mr. Kwakye reiterated the importance of continuity of initiatives and ideas by successive Chapter administrations.

Chapter Zongo Caucus Coordinator Issaka Sanni offered the Muslim closing prayers to conclude the event successfully and fruitfully.

The NDC UK/Ireland Chapter looks forward to the contributions of the West London branch and the continued growth of the party’s influence in fostering a brighter political future.


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