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Delta Police Arrest Armed Robbers, Recover Firearms In Separate Operations


The Delta State Police Command has arrested some armed robbers suspected to have been terrorising numerous regions in the state.

The Command also revealed that in separate operations during the week, it had recovered various firearms used by the suspects in their unlawful actions.

The arrest and recovery were announced in a statement released by the Command’s Public Relations Officer, Bright Edafe, obtained by Punch on Friday.

READ MORE: Joseph Aloba Interrogated By Police Following Petition By Oba Saheed Elegushi

According to the PPRO, on Wednesday, the Command’s Special Squad attacked their camp in Sapele, acting on credible intelligence regarding suspected miscreants who had terrorised the communities of Ughelli, Warri, and Sapele, arresting the suspects and recovering rifles and ammunition.

The statement further read, “The team led by ASP Julius Robinson stormed Sapele town on the said date and effected the arrest of one Blessing Atima aged 23 (the gang leader), Destiny Okpako, 19, and Wisdom Akpohiro, 20.

“The following exhibits were recovered from them; one Beretta pistol, one locally cut-to-size gun, three cutlasses, phones and ATM cards belonging to victims. Some of their victims have identified the suspects and their valuables recovered from them.

“On 3/05/2024, RRS Operatives, while acting on credible information that some suspected robbers were sighted in an uncompleted building along Issele-Asagba Express Way. The operatives stormed the uncompleted building and arrested one Usman Bello, 40, and one locally made fabricated Beretta Pistol recovered from him. The suspect who pretended to be a mentally unstable person is in custody

“On 04/06/2024, the Area Commander, Asaba, acting on intelligence report on the activities of some suspects who come from across the Niger to Asaba at night, break into and loot the shops of their targeted victims, the Area commander immediately deployed undercover operatives who embarked on a discreet operation which eventually paid off when the duo of one Ameachi Micheal, 42, and Ogochukwu Ogbode, 38.”

According to the statement, the apprehended individuals are in custody and the investigation is still proceeding.

Stop blackmailing Akufo-Addo into signing Anti-LGBT+ Bill – Freddie Blay ‘reprimands’ religious bodies –


A former National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Freddie Blay, has asked religious bodies to stop mounting pressure on President Nana Akufo-Addo to sign the Anti-LGBT+ Bill into law.

According to him, by mounting pressure on the president, the religious groups are blackmailing the country with their demand.

On February 28, 2024, parliament passed the Promoting Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, 2024, also known as the anti-gay bill.

The bill when assented into law, will impose up to 10 years of imprisonment on anyone who engages in, supports, or promotes LGBT+ and its activities in Ghana.

Presently, the anti-gay bill is awaiting the president’s assent, although he has said he will wait for the outcome of a legal challenge before making a decision on the bill.

But the decision by the president hasn’t sat well with some religious groups and their leaders. By this, they have asked that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo gives the bill priority and sign it as soon as possible.

However, the senior NPP member, in an interview with Kwesi Parker-Wilson on Kumasi-based Oyerepa TV, stated that the religious bodies should not threaten or blackmail the president over the bill.

To him, the bill is not a matter of morality but of human rights and tolerance.

“People should not, as it were, threaten to blackmail… of course it is. [The religious bodies] are blackmailing this country by saying, ‘Sign it, throw people to jail.’ Indeed, I would even say that if it’s a question of morality they are talking about, there should be a law on getting people into jail for adultery. Why are they not doing it?” he questioned.

Freddie Blay explained further that adultery is also wrong but it is not criminalized in Ghana.

As a result, he urged society to accept the reality of the existence of LGBT+ people and tolerate them, rather than persecute them.

“[Adultery] is wrong; why aren’t they making it criminal?… it’s happening, although we frown on it, that you should go and sleep behind your wife or spouse, but it is happening. This is society; it’s happening – the reality of our existence.

“I’m saying if, indeed, there are some people who are members of the LGBT+ tolerate them,” he said.


Kofi Kintaa finally reacts to the deadly death prophecy about him –


Award-winning Ghanaian musicain Kofi Kinaata has finally broken the silence over the recent death prophecy made about his life by one Apostle called BB Fredrick.

Recall that in a video that went viral days ago, a man of God was heard foretelling a divine message warning of imminent danger to Kinaata’s life.

In reaction to the things said by the Prophet, Kofi Kinaata in an exclusive interview on Joy Prime’s morning show stated that he has heard a lot of such prophecies about his life.

Dismissing the prophecy with an air of nonchalance, Kinaata remarked, “I don’t even want to talk about it. That’s what he has seen, and he’s saying it. Maybe me too; I have seen it, and I haven’t come out to say it.”

The “Things Fall Apart” hitmaker added that such prophecies have become a recurring theme in his life, a monthly occurrence since his foray into the music industry.

“I hear this every month, sometimes in a month it would come from different places,” he disclosed.

He ended by stating that he prays about five times a day not because of said prophecies, but because of his own Christian beliefs.


If You Can’t Pay Minimum Wage, Resign — Labour To State Govs


Organised Labour

Organised Labour, has tackled Governors of the 36 States of the Federation, for acting in bad faith towards the new minimum wage negotiations ongoing in the country.

Recall that the Governors under the aegis of the Nigerian Governors Forum rejected the N60,000 minimum wage initially proposed by the Federal Government.

Reacting on Saturday, the Organised Labour faulted the NGF’s position, saying every part of the new minimum wage agreement should be implemented and any of the State Governors who can’t pay it should resign.

Deputy National President of the Trade Union Congress, Tommy Etim, in a chat with Punch, said, “There is no minimum wage. Every segment of it should be implemented. For the governors, we have said it very clearly. If you cannot pay minimum wage, please resign because you were voted for governance not for only infrastructure.

“If you build the entire infrastructure and the people are not living to use it, who will use it? When they were campaigning did they tell us that? They didn’t tell us that. They make use of the poor to get to the top and when they get there, they start thinking outside the box.

READ ALSO: State Governors Are Extremely Rich, Can Afford To Pay N60,000 Minimum Wage – NLC

“All the money they spent in electioneering campaigns, if they applied that to build infrastructure, to develop the revenue generation that would have solved some socio-economic challenges in their domain.”

According to him, the NGF’s statement is a recipe for industrial unrest.

He added: “In this same country, the governors said that N30,000 was too much for governors to pay but it is in the same country that a governor emerged with over N80bn. What an irony! We cannot jump processes. We will also look at it together. Labour will be meeting. We are giving Mr President the benefit of the doubt to work the talk. The end will justify the means.”

Also, Nigerian Labour Congress’ Head of Public Affairs, Benson Upah, noted that Governors have acted in bad faith. It is unheard of for such a statement to be issued to the world in the middle of an on-going negotiation. It is certainly in bad taste.

“As for the veracity of their claim, nothing can be further from the truth as FAAC allocations have since moved from N700bn to N1.2tn, making the governments extremely rich at the expense of the people.

“All that the governors need to do to be able to pay a reasonable national minimum wage (not even the N60,000) is cut on the high cost of governance, minimise corruption as well as prioritise the welfare of workers,” he said.

Omotola Jalade & Husband Celebrate 27th Wedding Anniversary


Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde has celebrated her 27th wedding anniversary with her husband, Capt. Matthew Ekeinde.

The beautiful actress shared a photo of herself and her husband in bed on Instagram to celebrate the day on Thursday.

“Happy birthday my Forever Honeyboy And…Happy Anniversary to us. 27 years and we only just just about to get into phase 2! Last kiddo now 21….no more PG….Ready love? U Endlessly,” she wrote underneath the photo.

The duo got married in 1996. In 2001, the couple held a white ceremony on board a Dash 7 aircraft while flying from Lagos to Benin, with close family and friends present.

Omotola gave birth to her first daughter on March 30, 1997. She and Captain Matthew are blessed with four children: Princess, M.J., Meraiah, and Michael.

Afua Aduonum singathon disqualified? Here’s all you need to know –


Afua Aduonum singathon – Currently, there’s a trending story on social media by some unscrupulous people that Guinness World Records has disqualified Afua Aduonum for flouting some of the laws governing the sing-a-thon.

Before we delve deep into this discussion, let’s take a quick look at the Guinness World Records’ rules for Sing-a-thon.

(1) Applications for this record title are granted to applicants who are 16 years of age or over.

(2) The songs sung throughout the attempt must be recognisable and performed to a reasonable standard. This is at the discretion of the Guinness World Records.

(3) Singing must be continuous with only brief pauses of not more than 30 seconds allowed between songs.

(4) Each piece of music performed must last for at least two minutes.

(5) No piece of music may be repeated in performance within four hours. Songs can only repeated after 4 hours.

(6) Applicant is permitted to take a five-minute break every hour or 20-minute breaks after four hours.

(7) Improvisation or jamming is not allowed.

(8) Applicants may be accompanied or not accompanied. If accompanied, no musician may play for more than four hours, after which they must take a break of a least four hours.

(9) After the attempt, a playlist of all tunes performed must be maintained and submitted with the claim.

Looking at the aforementioned laws, it can be convincingly stated that Afua Aduonum abided by all of them in the layman’s view – Hence only officials of Guinness World Records can pinpoint the exact law she broke that warrants her disqualification.

Until then, the report that Afua Aduonum Sing-A-Thon has been disqualified should be ignored as we all await an official statement from the Guinness World Record.


Palm Sunday: Peter Obi Seeks Divine Intervention For Nigeria


As Nigeria joined other Christian faithfuls around the world, to mark holy week, during the Easter festive, the 2023 presidential candidate for the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has urged citizens to use the final stretch of the Lenten season to seek divine intervention for the country.

It was gathered that Obi made the call on Sunday, in a series of posts via his X handle.

He wrote: “As the global Christian Lenten season enters the final lap known as the Holy Week today, I like to wish them, especially Nigerian Christians, a very edifying week.

“The week-long activities of the Holy Week, mark the deep remembrance of the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which is the core of the Christian faith.

READ MORE: “Peter Obi Is Not A Bad Man, But I Don’t Believe In Messiahs” – El-Rufai’s Son

“Since February 14, 2024, when the Lenten season started, Christians have continued to fast, pray and show brotherly love to one another through almsgiving to the poor.

“The activities of the Holy Week, thus, present us the opportunity to soberly reflect on the many challenges facing us individually, and those facing us collectively as a nation, an opportunity to ask for God’s divine intervention.

“Even as we make our human efforts, as a people, to move our nation forward, we must leverage the solemnity of this season to pray for divine intervention in our nation.

“The hearts of many are heavy with pain, grieving the loss of their dear ones due to the high level of insecurity in the nation. Families are hungry, not knowing where their next meal will come from because they can no longer afford the basic necessity of food.

“Let us, therefore, present our nation to God for healing and restoration, in this Holy Week, so that as we labour, as humans, for New Nigeria, it will become even more possible. I wish us all a fruitful and impactful Holy Week commemoration.”

We fully delivered on our obligations


Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Limited (SML) has vehemently rejected claims by KPMG in its recent audit report concerning its contract with the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), asserting that it fully discharged its obligations as stipulated in the Transaction Audit Service Agreement.

In a report submitted to President Akufo-Addo, KPMG concluded that SML had only partially met the service requirements.

The report highlighted concerns that GRA may not have realized all the expected benefits from the service, partly attributed to the absence of monitoring and evaluation processes within GRA.

However, SML countered these claims, emphasising its full compliance with the terms that led to the subsequent recommendation and awarding of the downstream petroleum audit contract.

“Regarding the transaction audit service, SML delivered fully on the basis for subsequent recommendation and awarding of the downstream petroleum audit contract. The Transaction Audit contract includes provisions for monitoring and evaluation services as well as a value-for-money assessment, both of which were diligently adhered to by the GRA and SML. 

“SML observes that KPMG makes similar findings regarding External Price Verification Services.  SML rejects KPMG’s observation that ICUMS has inbuilt capabilities for External Price Verification.

“SML is an independent assurance audit firm contracted to audit ICUMS, assess the customs at CTSB (Customs Technical Service Bureau) on classification and valuation, and audit the values accordingly. ICUMS cannot audit its operations. SML services provide extra oversight when it comes to classification and valuation,” it stated.  

Meanwhile, the president, Akufo-Addo endorsed the recommendation by the auditing firm, KPMG, to discontinue the upstream petroleum and minerals audit services previously provided to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) by Strategic Mobilisation Limited (SML).

Awal Mohammed elected Pigfarm Assembly Member


By Kodjo Adams

Accra, Dec. 20, GNA – Awal Mohammed has been elected the Assemlyman for the Pigfarm Electoral Area within the Ayawaso Central District in Accra.

He polled 1,643 votes, Mr Ernest Acheampong, got 393 votes while Mr Philip Ceasar had 100 votes.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Mohammed thanked the electorate for the confidence reposed in him to carry out development in the area.

He said he was not surprised because of his vision to prioritise development in the area.

Mr Mohammed said prior to his winning, he graded parts of the rough road in the area, which had been there for over 20 years.

The work, he stressed, had paved the way for easy access to human and vehicular movement, making the area motorable.

He said his short-term plan was to address the drainage system in the area and called for support to undertake that initiative.

The newly elected Assemblyman pledged to work on security in the area to ensure that the people in the area were safe while carrying out their daily activities.


Suspend all non-essential projects like national cathedral – Government told –


PPP National Chairman, Nana Ofori Owusu, on December 6, 2022, asked government to suspend all non-essential projects like the national cathedral.

This comes after government allotted GH¢80 million to be disbursed towards the construction of the national cathedral in the 2023 budget statement.

The government has been asked why it wants to invest money into the national cathedral project when there’s an economic crunch.

The government of Ghana has allotted some GH¢80 million to be disbursed towards the construction of the national cathedral in the 2023 budget statement and economic policy laid before parliament by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Government’s expenditure projection for the years 2024, 2025 and 2026 also reveals that an additional 64 million, 75.5 million and 108 million Ghana cedis totaling 247.5 million Ghana cedis would be spent on the construction of the cathedral between 2024 and 2026.

PPP National Chairman, Nana Ofori Owusu believes in the midst of the economic crisis, the money allotted for the National Cathedral project can be channeled somewhere else.

In a panel discussion on Peace FM’s morning show ‘Kokrokoo’, the PPP Chairman asked government to “suspend all non-essential projects like the National Cathedral. We are in an economic crisis, yet you want to push money into the construction of this project; does it make sense?”

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Crime has no expiry date – NDC to govt officials engaged in ‘galamsey’


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has warned government officials and party apparatchiks engaged in illegal mining that they would not escape the law.

Addressing the media on Monday, October 16, the National Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi said all government officials and party apparatchiks engaged in illegal mining must be arrested, prosecuted and punished.

This, he says, should be done “no matter whose ox is gored” to serve as a deterrent.

According to him, if the authorities fail to carry through with the prosecution of persons engaged in illegal mining, and “are let off the hook today, they will not escape the long arms of the law tomorrow, because crime has no expiry date.”

He noted that, until the arrests and prosecutions are done, the country will not make any headway in the fight against illegal mining.

“Fellow countrymen and women, our collective survival as a nation is at stake here. Our beloved country is fast losing its flora, fauna and water bodies. We are fast becoming endangered species due to the greed and selfishness of a few government officials, party apparatchiks and irresponsible persons who are recklessly engaging in illegal mining with impunity,” he added.

According to Mr. Gyamfi, the NDC cannot afford to sit aloof and allow this canker to fester.

He added that “if we close our eyes to the evil going on, we shall all bear the consequences of the actions of these miscreants who are destroying our water bodies, lands and forests like there is no tomorrow – all in search for gold to satisfy their selfishness and greed.”

In light of this, Sammy Gyamfi urged Ghanaians to take keen interest in the investigations into the ‘galamsey’ issue.

“We cannot and must not accept any shoddy investigation or farcical attempt to whitewash those responsible for this evil” he stated.

The party therefore called on the media to join forces in demanding accountability from duty bearers while commending the media for the yeoman job done in this regard.

EFCC Arrests 40 In Akwa Ibom For Alleged Online Fraud, Recovers Laptops, Phones


The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission’s Uyo Zonal Command detained 40 suspected online fraudsters in Akwa Ibom State on Thursday.

The EFCC revealed this in a statement and photos posted on the X platform on Friday.

According to the anti-graft organisation, the individuals were apprehended during early morning sting operations in two different sites across the state.

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The statement partly read, “Twenty-one of the all-male suspects were arrested in Eket, while the remaining 19 were picked up in Ikot Ekpene.

“Items recovered from the suspects upon arrest include one Toyota SUV XLE, nine laptop computers, 64 smartphones, one internet router, and a smartwatch.”

The EFCC stated that the individuals will be charged in court once the investigations are completed.


Drama as Kemi Olunloyo makes fresh allegations, unveils dirty secrets about Tonto Dikeh


Controversial self-acclaimed journalist Kemi Olulonyo has made some allegations against Nollywood actress and politician Tonto Dikeh.

Kemi Olunloyo, via her Instagram page, shared an investigation reportedly carried out by her on the Churchill and Tonto Dikeh’s child custody saga.

Kemi Olunloyo alleged that Tonto Dikeh denied her ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, access to his son, Omodayo King Andre, despite the court’s order for visitation.

Kemi also alleged that the actress was granted custody of their son because she passed a drug test using the urine of her son’s nanny, and she was involved in different relationships, which led to pregnancy.

Tonto Dikeh drags Olakunle Churchill in a messy fight

Kemi Filani recalls that Tonto Dikeh dragged her ex-husband Olakunle Churchill on social media after the latter celebrated their son’s 7th birthday.

The mother of one claimed her ex was an irresponsible husband and father who only showed his ‘fake’ love on social media.

The actress alleged that Olakunle Churchill was a fraudster on the radar of the United States and United Kingdom governments.

Tonto Dikeh claimed Churchill had failed in his responsibilities, which included paying his son’s school fees. She also dragged his first wife, Bimbo Coker, into the drama, claiming he never divorced her after almost eleven years of separation.


“You married her and suddenly ran away one day, and since 11/10 years, she has never seen you, and you have refused to grant her a DIVORCE????

“I have not spoke, texted, cared to source your no. In 7years so where did we have a conversation on BURNING GIFTS….


Mohbad didn’t leave any will behind


The management of the late Nigerian singer Mohbad, through his social media account, shared some updates on certain happenings following his sad demise months ago.

The controversy surrounding Mohbad’s death seems not to be ending anytime soon, as fresh issues surrounding an alleged will he left behind are now the topic of discussion.

In the past few days, there have been documents making the rounds on social media suggesting that the late singer wrote a will in which he directed his properties to be handed over to some particular person, which is his wife.

Mohbad’s father, in an interview, claimed that he saw forged documents claiming that Mohbad wrote his will at 26 years old.

He went on to ask some vital questions, making a strong case for how many 26-year-olds will write a will in Nigeria and how his son wrote his will to give his wife Wini everything he had.

However, a new post from the management of the singer rubbished the said document while stating categorically that the young musician has never on any day written a will handing his assistance to anyone during his days on earth.

, which was made via Mohbad’s own social media account, also confirmed that an investigation and autopsy were done by the Nigerian police department with a sample sent abroad but the results will be delayed for some months before coming.

All accounts owned and controlled by the young musician were also put on a “post no debit” immediately after he passed on, according to the update given by his management in the post.

went on to confirm that there is an ongoing internal issue among the family of Mohbad and once those internal issues are resolved, all accounts belonging to him will be handed over to the family.

When did Mohbad die? 

On 12, 2023, Nigerian musician MohBad died in Lagos at the age of 27 after he was last seen on September 10, 2023, at the D’General Bitters Ikorodu show, where he performed with Zlatan, Seun Kuti, Poco Lee, Nasboi, DJ 4kerty, and the event host Do2tun in the lineup for the event. Other people in attendance at the show include the CEO of D’General Bitters, Soso Berekon, and the Cubana Chief Priest.

Many pointed fingers at a hospital where he was said to have been receiving treatment before his death and on September 25, 2023, Perez Medcare Hospital, the hospital where he was said to have died, released a statement confirming MohBad didn’t die in the hospital but was rushed in dead already.

A nurse who administered a vaccine to him before his death was arrested and found to be an unlicensed nurse on 19 September 2023 by the Lagos State Police Command.

We Don’t Have To Be Negatively Competitive – Actress, Toyin Abraham To Funke Akindele


Toyin Abraham, a Nollywood actress and filmmaker, has reached out to her colleague, Funke Akindele.

The duo are the most formidable competitors in the Nigerian box office.

In a lengthy Instagram post on Sunday, Abraham highlighted that they became “competitors and persona non grata” as a result of hearsay.

She explained how their competition began in the Yoruba film business and carried over to Nigerian-English cinema when they moved to Nollywood.

However, Abraham claimed that experience and wisdom have taught her that they can compete without becoming negatively competitive.

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She wrote, “In the English industry, Aunty Funke and I continued the rivalry sort of. It pitted our fans against each other. We are two competitive Virgo women, we love to win and sometimes in that process, we splash dirt and mud. But with time, age, and more wisdom, I have realized we can compete without being negatively competitive.

“Aunty Funke, I celebrate you for showing us what is possible. You are a winner. You sold over 1B, you made it possible for other women to dream. You ran us street with that 1B o, this year, many of us will move to 1B and we pray God makes you bigger. Thank you for making great movies and selling them like your life depends on it. You taught other women to hustle harder.

“I had set records in box office records, Aunty came and beat them, today I am happy because she has challenged me to set higher goals. Sis, let’s compliment each other even in competition at the box office, I owe you one post in December (only 1 o, I need to sell market…Lol). I pray that God will make all your dreams come true. I admire you and wish you all the best.”

Bishop Adonteng Commissions Ultramodern Orphanage Home For Underprivileged People In Kasoa |


H.E. Bishop John Adonteng Boateng, founder of Divine Word International Ministries, has commissioned an ultramodern orphanage home for widows, orphans and other underprivileged people in society. 

The “Divine Privileged Home,” located in Kasoa, is expected to house over 200 underprivileged people as they kick-start a life of hope and offer them respite from their plights. 

At a well-attended ceremony at the Accra International Conference Centre on Saturday, the project was officially commissioned with a fund-raiser held to support the underprivileged who would move into the facility. 

Speaking at the ceremony, Bishop Adonteng, who is a recipient of the U.S. President Volunteer Service Award, stated that the insurgence of the coronavirus has worsened the plight of orphans and widows in the past few years and that he was poised to do something for them in these difficult moments. 

“The coronavirus pandemic caused economic difficulties around the globe, and Ghana was not spared either. Even children who still have their parents alive struggle to get something to eat. 

“But the question is, how do those who have lost their parents get something to eat? This is something I have always had on my mind, and I decided to build this orphanage to help the needy in society,” he said.

According to the U.S.-based Preacher, he has always had a vision of investing in children who are underprivileged so that they will become good future leaders.

“As a preacher, my work does not end by making prophetic declarations but by going out there and helping people who are underprivileged and giving them hope by giving the best of care,” he stated.

Otumfuo Twafohene, Baffour Opoku Agyemang II, and the Life Patron of Divine Privileged Home, in his address, lauded Bishop Adonteng for being thoughtful about the underprivileged.

Opoku Agyemang II described Bishop Adonteng as a compassionate person and a person with a golden heart, considering the venture he had decided to undertake by helping these people.

He stated that the idea of giving a new life to the less fortunate in society demonstrated that Bishop Adonteng was a good person and asked God’s blessing on his life.

Opoku Agyemang II urged Bishop Adonteng to extend his philanthropic tentacles across the country and urged corporate Ghana and astute individuals to support him in his endeavours. 

Some dignitaries who attended the commissioning of the Divine Privileged Home Ho included former Black Stars; Captain Asamoah Gyan, Group Tobinco Pharmaceuticals Limited; Dr. Samuel Amo Tobbin, Chief Executive of EIB Network; Bolay Ray and Accra Major; Elizabeth Sackey, among others.

The ceremony also witnessed enthralling musical performances from some of Ghana’s finest gospel musicians including Obaapa Christy, Great Ampong and Empress Gifty.

About Bishop Adonteng

He is a highly respected spiritual leader in the United States of America.

Bishop Adonteng Boateng is an International Police Chaplain in the United States who has been recognized for his important role in positively impacting the lives of people. 

The renowned Ghanaian Preacher has over the year’s embarked on social responsibilities to feed and clothe the homeless in the United States. 

He has over the year’s changed the lives of numerous young individuals by offering them scholarships to study in top Universities in America. 

In his home country, Ghana, Bishop Adonteng has helped change the lives of thousands of people in society that include widows, orphans and many others.

Source: /Ghana



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Stonebwoy calls for better governance on Day 3 of #OccupyJulorbihouse demo


Internationally acclaimed Ghanaian musician and social activist, Stonebwoy has emphasised the need for positive change and better governance during the final day of the #OccupyJulorBiHouse demo.

The 3-day demonstration, organised by the Political pressure group, the Democracy Hub, against the high cost of living, leadership failure in resolving economic challenges, poor road infrastructure (#FixTheMotorWay), galamsey, corruption and greed began on Thursday, September 21, where 49 of the protesters were arrested by the police.

On Friday, September 22, celebrities including E.L., Efia Odo, Kelvyn Boy, and John Dumelo joined the protesters on the second day.

The final day of the protest, held on Saturday, September 23, saw famous rappers Kwaw Kese, M.anifest, Pappy Kojo, D-Black, dancehall artist Stonebwoy, and other celebrities join the demonstrators at the 37 Trotro Station.

The protest drew a diverse crowd of individuals voicing dissatisfaction with current governance. Addressing the protesters, the BET award-winner emphasised the need for positive change and improved governance in Ghana.

He spoke passionately about the importance of unity in the fight for a better future and inspired more individuals to actively engage in the movement for change.

The ”Nyedzilo’ crooner called for reforms that prioritised the needs and aspirations of the people.

“Child abuse” Actor Augustine Iloh reacts to Ivy Ifeoma and Paul Okoye’s recent relationship update


Comic actor and film director, Augustine Iloh has shared his 2 cents on the relationship between one half of psquare Paul Okoye and 23 year old Ivy Ifeoma.

In a video posted by instablog which showed Ivy Ifeoma dancing to psquare’s bizzy bidy, he commented,

“Wow. I no fit knack such a small girl. Child abuse”

This is coming right after Ivy Ifeoma revealed that she was just 5 years old when one of Psquare’s most famous song Bizzy body was released. 

“My colleagues have poisoned me, they want to kill me” Actor Augustine Iloh cries out

Kemi Filani news reported back in 2022 that Nollywood comic actor and filmmaker, Augustine Iloh, had raised an alarm over an alleged conspiracy by some of his colleagues to end his life.

Expressing bewilderment at the animosity he seemed to have attracted from fellow actors he had extended help to in the industry,

Augustine Iloh revealed that he was dealimg with the effects of poisoning purportedly orchestrated by those who held ill will towards him. Despite these challenges, he remained optimistic about his recovery and healing from the harmful effects of the poisoning.

Bawumia to embark on nationwide campaign from April 29


The flagbearer for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is set to embark on a nationwide presidential campaign from Monday, April 29.

He has promised to run a practical campaign that would tackle the legitimate concerns of the Ghanaian people.

The NPP flagbearer will begin his campaign tour from the Eastern Region and visit all 16 regions in the month, as part of his first round of the nationwide campaign.

A statement signed by the Director of Communications for Dr. Bawumia, Miracles Aboagye on April 28, noted that, the NPP flagbearer will meet and interact with a wide range of stakeholders, including traditional leaders, the clergy, the youth, traders, drivers, farmers, and students during the campaign.

He will also stop at notable venues such as marketplaces to engage with both traders and consumers, while holding town hall meetings and engaging the media.

“Long before his election on November 4, 2023, and since then, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has been very active in undertaking broad consultations and interactions with various groups across the country.

“Apart from fulfilling his busy schedule as Ghana’s most active ever Vice President, the 2024 NPP Presidential Candidate, and the Party leadership have utilized these recent months to put the structures, personnel, logistics, and programs in place to embark on a very comprehensive, inclusive, constructive, and impactful presidential and parliamentary campaign,” portions of the statement read.

“As we enter the active phase of the 2024 Election campaigning, Dr Bawumia is buoyed up by the strong backing from our party’s grassroots and the growing enthusiasm and confidence resonating throughout the entire party.

“This burgeoning energy signifies our preparedness for the activities that lie ahead in the upcoming contest,” the statement continued. 

Find full statement below:


Adanse Constituency Chairmen Demand Apology From Alan


Alan Kyerematen


Constituency chairmen of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Adanse enclave of the Ashanti Region are demanding an unqualified apology from former Trade Minister, Alan Kyerematen for misrepresenting their preferred candidate in the party’s flagbearership race.

The five chairmen said that their choice for the position has already been made clear.

The demand for an apology comes in light of media reports that they have endorsed Mr. Kyerematen as their choice.

The constituency chairmen stated that they openly and boldly declared their support for Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

The chairmen expressed dissatisfaction and dismay with how videos of their statements were pieced together to falsely represent an endorsement for Mr Kyerematen.
The constituency chairmen are demanding an unqualified apology from Alan Kyerematen’s team.

Their demand comes in the wake of media reports that they have endorsed Mr Kyerematen as their choice.

“We are highly livid and worried about how our statements have been mischievously pieced together to portray a supposed declaration for Hon. Alan Kyerematen, and same shown on UTV during their major news bulletin,” they said in a statement over the weekend.

“We the Constituency chairmen of the Adanse enclave have already openly and boldly declared our support for the Vice President, HE Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, as our choice for the flagbearership race, and this is a decision that we don’t intend to rescind nor reverse.”

Find the full statement below:


Our attention has been drawn to the circulation of a video which erroneously and unfairly misrepresents our position and views with respect to our preferred choice for the upcoming presidential elections in our party.

We are highly livid and worried about how our statements have been mischievously pieced together to portray a supposed declaration for Hon. Alan Kyerematen, and same shown on UTV during their major news bulletin.

We the Constituency chairmen of the Adanse enclave have already openly and boldly declared our support for the Vice President, HE Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, as our choice for the flag-bearership race, and this is a decision that we don’t intend to rescind nor reverse. To set the records straight, among the 6 constituency chairmen of the Adanse Enclave, it is only the New Edubiase constituency chairman who doesn’t support Dr. Bawumia, and even with that, he doesn’t support Hon. Kyerematen either.

We as constituency chairmen thought it was the right, appropriate and honourable thing to do, when we received and honoured the invitation of Hon Alan Kyerematen’s team to the delegates durbar since he’s also one of the presidential aspirants and a stalwart of our party. We accorded him that respect just as we would accord any other presidential aspirant the same respect a d audience. But for his team to misrepresent our statements is something we find absolutely wrong and unfair.

We therefore demand an unqualified apology from them. Thank you.

Kwame Owusu Adansi Asokwa Chairman 024 594 5526
(DMB Campaign Coordinator, Adanse Zone)

By Vincent Kubi

Legendary Virgil Abloh’s skatepark in Accra closed down two years after opening –


Ghana’s first skatepark, the Freedom Skatepark, has reportedly been forced to close down two years after being in operation.

According to a report by complex.com, the Freedom Skatepark which is owned by the late American-born Ghanaian fashion designer and entrepreneur, Virgil Abloh, has been closed down due to challenges by “outside contractors”.

The report was based on a social media post shared by Wole Olosunde, a designer and native New Yorker, who said Abloh’s Freedom Skate Park has been shuddered after a contractor built a cement wall to keep skaters out.

“Finally got to visit FREEDOM, the skate park Virgil Abloh built in Accra, Ghana. One of his last projects before he passed. I left heartbroken and confused. Cause why tf is no one talking about or fighting for this?” he wrote on Instagram.

The New York-based designer asked why someone would destroy the park which became a home to many Ghanaian skaters.

He alleged that it was a business owner who “built a cement wall then poured sand through the park to keep all skaters out” almost a year ago.

“It has been like this for almost a full year, leaving these kids with nowhere to skate. To the point they built their own temporary skate park to be able to keep spreading the love of skating and building community.”

Olosunde asked why authorities and the public are quiet about the closure of the park which the late Virgil Abloh spent huge amount of resources to build.

GhanaWeb reported in May 2023 that the park which was one of the few places the Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, visited on her state visit to Ghana in March 2023, had indefinitely closed.

According to a tweet by a verified page, BlacVolta, on Twitter, it stated that the park had been closed due to a land dispute.

“Accra’s first community-built skateboard park, Freedom Skatepark has been closed indefinitely due to a land dispute that has put the park’s future in jeopardy.

“The dispute arose after a party claimed ownership of the land where the skatepark is located and allegedly started building a wall to block access to the site without notice or explanation,” the tweet said.

The tweet added that the owner of the park had to take to social media to appeal for help on how to get his park safe from the intrusion from people.

“The owner of Freedom Skatepark, @Rooky_Rider, took to Instagram to call for help from the community, asking for contacts to help save the skatepark, as well as ratings on Google and donations to pay for legal fees.

“The closure of the park has caused concern among skateboarders and the local community, who see the park as an important space for youth engagement and healthy activity,” it added.

Another tweet, credited to Rightify Ghana, showed a news clip from TV3 where it was reported that this venue was stormed by an anti-LGBTQ+ group, claiming that the place has been “disguised in the name of skating” but serves as a headquarters for the gay community in Ghana.

The tweet added that the anti-gay group, known as the Islamic Youth for Peace, has called on the police to swoop in on the venue at Shiashie.


Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Table of Men doesn’t know VGMA Board and Academy members – Franky 5 

Table of Men member, Franky Owusu Kwabena popularly known as Franky 5, has refuted claims by George Quaye that they are influencing members of the Vodafone Ghana Awards Board and Academy to vote for Piesie Esther for the Artiste of the Year award. 

According to him, they don’t know members of the Board or the Academy. They are just soliciting votes from people in the industry and the general public. 

“Every year, the change the Board. I don’t know any Board member. I am saying to you that we have lobbied many people including ex Board members and our friends in the media. We throw our meat out there, wherever the fish comes from we catch it ,” he noted. 

He said this on Joy FM’s Twitter Spaces show hosted by Kwame Dadzie on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. 

According to Franky, who is also a gospel presenter and artiste manager, Table of Men is dedicated to ensuring that the gospel industry thrives in the wake of challenges.

Franky 5 – Member, Table of Men

He said pushing Piesie Esther to win Artiste of the Year at the VGMAs is a way of projecting the gospel. 

He noted that no one from the Board has influenced a Board Member or Academy member of the VGMA to vote for their artiste Piesie Esther.

“Which Board member can come out and say that a gospel artiste has lobbied me with money or with gift?” he asked.  

George Quaye, a former Public Relations Officer for Charterhouse, the organisers of the Vodafone Ghana Awards and the lead for ImageBureau, intimated in a tweet that it was wrong for the gospel people to influence the Board and Academy Members in anyway.

Table of Men doesn’t know VGMA Board and Academy members - Franky 5 
George Quaye – Lead at ImageBureau

“‘Gospel people’” going round DESPERATELY doing all they can to “INFLUENCE ” VGMA Academy and Board Members.  “Worldly” acts are focusing on their fans as should be done!  When we talk p3, then Gospel people bore! Smh,” George wrote on Facebook.

“Encourage your fans to vote! Lobby them! Push them! Beg! Implore them! Buy them credits! Get them data! Sing for them if you have to! Go from house to house if you must! Just leave the Board and Academy alone to do their work!!!” he added.

In the meantime, Piesie Esther is contesting other artistes such as Sarkodie, Stonebwoy, Black Sherif, KiDi, King Promise, Joe Mettle, and Camidoh in the Artiste of the Year category. 

The 24th Vodafone Ghana Awards comes off Saturday May 6, 2023 at the Grand Arena of the Accra International Conference Centre. 

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See the unassuming pillar that separates Ghana from Cote d’Ivoire | Social


Every country has a border; a point where the country ends and leads into another.

While some of these are very defined, there are others that are not quite clearly evident.

Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire recently had to seek legal redress on the maritime boundary between the two, from where Ghana won the case, the two countries have actually had a good relationship over the years.

And while there also exist some porous borders between these two countries, some of the most interesting aspects of these demarcations are that some of them are merely a walk away from each other.

An image of one of these borders has emerged online, with several people sharing it.

This was after someone reportedly took a photo from the place; one that has been shared multiple times since then.

In the photo, two gentlemen – one on either side of a small concrete pillar that is only a few meters off the ground, extend their hands in a handshake.

The photo, as has been shared several times, is said to be the indication of the demarcation (border) between the two countries.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time a simple case of a walk over or few meters have indicated a border between Ghana and some of its neighbouring countries.



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UN Warns Against Tunisia Media Crackdown |


The UN has urged Tunisian authorities to end a crackdown on the media and free speech.

It comes a few days after a prominent Tunisian journalist was arrested on charges of insulting President Kais Saied.

A judge ordered the detention of Zied el-Heni ahead of a trial in which he could be sentenced to five years in prison.

In a statement, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk described the situation as “troubling”.

“The crackdown earlier this year against judges, politicians, labour leaders, businesspeople and civil society actors has now spread to target independent journalists, who are increasingly being harassed and stopped from doing their work,” Mr Türk said.

“I urge Tunisia to change course,” he added.

President Saied has previously defended his administration by saying he wants to save the north African nation from chaos.

However, critics have accused him of staging a coup after he suspended the National Assembly in 2021, passed a new constitution and moved to rule by decree.

Source: BBC



: Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of . accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority.

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It’s Only Sensible People Who Like Me – Says Plus |


Popular social commentator, A Plus, has lashed out at critics for attacking him over his controversial take about Yvonne Nelson’s book.

Earlier in what many perceived as an attack, A Plus labeled Yvonne Nelson’s mother promiscuous for not knowing who the actress’ father is.

He said Sarkodie was right to have rejected a pregnancy from Yvonne, who exhibited similar characteristics as her mother, adding that, it was evident in the number of boyfriends the actress had.

A Plus’ statements were in reaction to portions of Yvonne Nelson’s book where she disclosed conducting DNA tests in the quest to unravel the real identity of her father, after the man whose surname she bears turned out not to be her father.

In response to the heavy backlashes he has received for what has been termed as disrespecting Yvonne’s mother, A Plus still stands by his opinions.

He said the insults would not deter him from speaking his mind.

”Me I write book about my “moda” sleeping with multiple men to sell and make money??? No! E be who write? E be Yvonne Nelson write. I take my money buy some. Yes! I will comment paa. If you want to insult my “moda” insult! Go ahead. Go ahead. Do I care? Life is very simple for me ooo. I’m not here to please anyone!! What haven’t I done for individuals and communities in Ghana? Do you even remember? Monfa mo gyimie nfri me so!!!,” he wrote in a mixture of Twi, pidgin and English.

He established that just like Ghanaians have forgotten previous important events, they are likely to ‘toss the issue to the wind’ in a matter of weeks, adding that Yvonne shouldn’t feel special about the manner in which Ghanaians are commiserating with her.

“Me I just don’t care ooo. Say what you want. Ɛmfa me ho barko sei!!! I only care about those very few people who like me for who I’m because those are the few sensible Ghanaians. There is not a single sensible person in Ghana who doesn’t like me. Nyansani biaa pɛ masɛm. Moa moaka no nyinaa mo yɛ mboa!!

“In two weeks or less, they will forget this one too. Tweaaa!! When dealing with these people called Ghanaians, be as hard as 4ck! They will forget!! Don’t you see what Akufo Addo is doing to them? He will leave power and they will miss him! They have forgotten about Atsu. If you ask them who is Abrokwa, 90% of them won’t remember that he is Afia Schwarzenegger’s ex-husband who threatened to bathe her with acid which trended for weeks. They don’t even remember that they have a nude video of Afia Schwarzenegger on their on their own phone! Wei nom? They have forgotten that Agradaa was arrested not long ago, and those who remember that she was, don’t remember her offence. 99% of them don’t remember the Charles Adu Boahen story, one of the biggest stories in 2022,” he added.

Read the full post below:

They have forgotten about Atsu. If you ask them who is Abrokwa, 90% of them won’t remember that he is Afia Schwarzenegger’s ex-husband who threatened to bathe her with acid which trended for weeks. They don’t even remember that they have a nude video of Afia Schwarzenegger on their on their own phone! Wei nom? They have forgotten that Agradaa was arrested not long ago, and those who remember that she was, don’t remember her offence. 99% of them don’t remember the Charles Adu Boahen story, one of the biggest stories in 2022.

If Jesus Christ comes to Ghana right now they will be at the airport in their numbers to welcome him. (That guy self he go come by air or land?) 😅 Few weeks later they will start insulting him on social media; masa fa wo Yesu Yesu no fri hɔ kɔ. Jesus will say, “I’m the way.” They will be like, “masa, you miss road abi?” 😂😂😂😂😂 Ghanaians! You don’t know these people. 😂😂😂😂😂

Me I just don’t care ooo. Say what you want. Ɛmfa me ho barko sei!!! I only care about those very few people who like me for who I’m because those are the few sensible Ghanaians. There is not a single sensible person in Ghana who doesn’t like me. Nyansani biaa pɛ masɛm. 🙌🏾. Moa moaka no nyinaa mo yɛ mboa!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

In two weeks or less, they will forget this one too. Tweaaa!! When dealing with these people called Ghanaians, be as hard as 4ck! They will forget!! Don’t you see what Akufo Addo is doing to them? He will leave power and they will miss him! 😅

Me I write book about my “moda” sleeping with multiple men to sell and make money??? No! E be who write? E be Yvonne Nelson write. I take my money buy some. Yes! I will comment paa. If you want to insult my “moda” insult! Go ahead. Go ahead. Do I care? Life is very simple for me ooo.

I’m not here to please anyone!! What haven’t I done for individuals and communities in Ghana? Do you even remember? Monfa mo gyimie nfri me so!!



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Grammy award-winning rapper, Killer Mike, arrested after successfully bagging three awards –


Grammy-winning rapper Killer Mike, also known as Michael Render, was arrested shortly after clinching three Grammy Awards at the ceremony on Sunday.

The arrest came in connection with a physical altercation at the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, where the Grammys took place.

The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed the arrest through a social media post, aserting that Killer Mike was booked on a misdemeanour battery charge and was subsequently released.

Representatives for the rapper have not yet responded to requests for comment, and the Recording Academy directed inquiries to the police.

Video footage posted by a journalist for The Hollywood Reporter showed the rapper in handcuffs, being led through the arena by a police officer, less than an hour before the Grammys telecast began.

The incident left fans and observers puzzled, considering that Killer Mike had just graced the Grammys stage, celebrating his victories for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song, and Best Rap Performance.

The rapper, who is not only a prolific musician from Atlanta but also an activist and organizer, had shared inspiring words during his Grammy acceptance speech.

However, the abrupt arrest raised questions on social media about the reasons behind the detainment.

Meanwhile, Killer Mike’s X and Instagram accounts continued to stay active, commemorating the Grammy wins despite the unexpected turn of events.


Cyber Security Authority issues Val’s day fraud alert; urges public to exercise caution online


The Cyber Security Authority (CSA) has asked the public to be cautious and exercise due diligence in their online activities on Valentine’s Day.

In a statement issued on February 7, the Authority said malicious cyber actors used the celebration to defraud unsuspecting victims through various schemes.

“Valentine’s Day is an occasion when people show their affection for others by sending gifts or items with messages of love. Malicious cyber actors also use the celebration to defraud unsuspecting victims through various schemes. Of the total losses recorded for 2023, at least GHC 3,558,940 was lost through online shopping and romance scams. The Cyber Security Authority (CSA) is by this alert reminding the public to exercise caution and due diligence in their online activities,” it said.

The NCA advised the public to be cautious of “too good to be true” deals on Valentine’s Day packages or gifts.

“Use a reputable online marketplace or retailer when purchasing Valentine’s Day gifts. Look for reviews and customer feedback before making an online purchase,” it added.

The Authority also urged the public to check the official websites or reliable sources to validate the contact details of shops rather than relying solely on search engine results.

“Also, check user reviews for hints on the reputation of the contact,” it added.

The NCA again asked the public to be alert for fake online shops and hyped adverts, especially on Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram.

“In most cases, request a physical location to enable you to validate the legitimacy of the business. Insist on payment only after delivery and inspection. Be wary of unsolicited messages or emails claiming to be from a romantic partner, especially those that make requests for money or other sensitive information.

“Do not share personal information such as your Ghana card number, credit card information, or bank account details with anyone. Ensure that mobile money payments are made to wallets in the name of the online shop you are dealing with,” it stated.


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Nigel Gaisie is Ghana’s most castigated preacher – Captain Smart at 2024 Watch Night –


Broadcaster Captain Smart has spoken highly about Prophetic Hill Chapel founder, Nigel Gaisie.

According to Smart, Gaisie is the most attacked man of God in Ghana because of the prophecies that he has serially released.

“Since 2013 November that I met him, this man of God has never known peace,” Smart said during an appearance at the 2024 Watch Night service held at the Grace Sanctuary in Dome on January 1, 2024.

“This man has been castigated, maligned, and vilified, it is this innocent man. I have heard and read stories about him,” Smart added before relating a story of how some detractors of Gaisie came at him to spoil his name.

Thousands, if not millions of Ghanaians are attending church services across the country as churches and places of worship hold special prayers to usher in the new year, 2024.

Crossover or Watchnight services have become popular in Ghana over the last few years with believers keenly awaiting what specific prophets will release by way of prophecies.

These prophecies have become a mainstay by particular preachers who have often prophesied publicly about matters that will play out during the year as revealed to them by God.

They have often prophesied from the global, continental, sub-continental and on national affairs, some going on to even personal matters in the case of specific congregants.

With 2024 being an election year, some of Ghana’s famed seers are expected to make pronouncements on the outcome of the general election with a keen eye expected on the presidential race as Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo bows out and his vice seeks to replace him even as former president Mahama also eyes a comeback.


Video News Release: The 2023 Africa Investment Forum Welcomes Rugby Africa President to Discuss the Business of Sport


Watch the video

Today Herbert Mensah, the newly elected President of Rugby Africa (www.RugbyAfrique.com), the continental governing body for rugby in Africa, will discuss the business of sport in a one-to-one fireside chat live at the 2023 Africa Investment Forum (AIF) at 11:30 (CET) local time in Marrakech, Morocco.

Championed by the African Development Bank and seven other founding partners (Africa50, Africa Finance Corporation, Afreximbank, Development Bank of Southern Africa, European Investment Bank, Islamic Development Bank and Trade and Development Bank), the Africa Investment Forum is Africa’s investment marketplace to accelerate transactions to close Africa’s investment gaps.

Read the full press release: https://apo-opa.co/3SxkXUO

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Rugby Africa.

Media contact:
Nicole Vervelde
Communications Advisor to the President of Rugby Africa
[email protected]

About Rugby Africa:
Rugby Africa (www.RugbyAfrique.com) is the governing body of rugby in Africa and one of the regional associations under World Rugby. It unites all African countries that play rugby union, rugby sevens, and women’s rugby. Rugby Africa organizes various competitions, including the qualifying tournaments for the Rugby World Cup and the Africa Sevens, a qualifying competition for the Olympic Games. With 39 member unions, Rugby Africa is dedicated to promoting and developing rugby across the continent. World Rugby highlighted Ghana, Nigeria and Zambia as three of the six emerging nations experiencing strong growth in rugby.

Court remands ‘wife killer’ into police custody


The Koforidua District Court B has remanded into police custody, a commercial driver, Michael Abeiku who is standing trial for allegedly murdering his 27-year-old wife Gifty Tetteh at Oyoko a suburb of Koforidua in the New Juaben North Municipality.

The suspect who was placed on the police wanted list after absconding from the crime scene last week Thursday was arrested in the Central Region on Sunday and put before the court presided over by Her Honor Mame Efua Tordemah.

According to the prosecution, police are still conducting their investigations and prayed the court to remand the suspect to enable them to conclude their investigations.

Suspect Michael Abeiku is expected to reappear in court on January 31, 2023.

The commercial driver accused the wife of infidelity and subsequently butchered her and fled the scene before the arri of the police after committing the despicable act.

A combined team of Police CID and civilians accosted him at his hideout at Gomoa Feteh in the Central Region on Sunday before taking him to the Gomoa Ajumako Police station.


Ernest Nuamah in action as Lyon beat Lille 2-1 –


Ghana international, Ernest Nuamah was in action for Olympic Lyon on Wednesday night and helped his team to defeat Lille 2-1 in the Franch Cup.

The forward missed out on a starting role but was introduced in the 64th minute to replace Rayan Cherki.

After coming on to play for Lyon in the Roud 16 encounter of the French Cup, Ernest Nuamah worked his socks off to ensure his team finished on the winning side.

The first goal of the game came in the 40th minute when Gift Orban found the back of the net.

That goal separated the two teams at halftime before two goals were scored in the second half.

Rayan Cherki netted the second goal for Lyon in the 47th minute before Alexsandro Ribeiro grabbed the consolation for Lille in the 53rd minute.

After the 2-1 victory, Lyon are through to the quarter-finals of this season’s French Cup.

Source: footballghana.com

“We Feel Your Pains, Don’t Lose Hope” – LP Tells Nigerians


The Lagos State chapter of the Labour Party on Monday, urged Nigerians, especially Lagos residents, not to lose hope amid challenges facing the nation.

In hYultide er Christmas message to Nigerians, the state’s LP Chairperson, Dayo Ekong, said that the season is a a moment of joy, peace and reflection of God’s goodness and love to humanity.

Despite the economic challenges affecting all sectors, she believes that there is still hope for the country.

READ MORE: Sanwo-Olu Playing Ethnic Card With Lagos Appointments — Labour Party

The statement reads: “Labour Party in Lagos State felicitates with the Christians in the State, the nation, and the entire world on this very important occasion.

“We feel your pain and request that you do not despair. Every pain and suffering has an expiry date and we know, for sure, that the chain of hardship, struggles, and gloomy future will be broken soon.”

“All will be well with our dear country and us all.”

Each State Should Be Allowed To Set Its Minimum Wage, We Can’t Agree What We Can’t Implement — Gov. Radda


Governor Dikko Radda of Katsina State, on Sunday, posited that each State government in the country should be allowed to set its own minimum wage.

Speaking on Television Continental, the Governor said only Nigeria has one single minimum wage for workers across all states.

The Organised Labour, following the removal of subsidy on premium motor spirit (PMS), has been demanding a new wage

While the Federal Government has offered N62,000 as the minimum wage, labour is proposing N250,000.

Radda said: “It is only in Nigeria that we have one single minimum wage for laborers across all states. In other countries, different states have different minimum wages based on sustainability and affordability.

READ ALSO: LG Autonomy Not An Issue, Finances Managed Independently — Gombe Faults FG’s Suit

“What is the need for the state government to agree to pay N100,000 if they can’t implement it?”

The minimum wage is currently on the exclusive-legislative list, which gives power to only the federal government to determine it.

He furthered that there is a need for the country to embrace ranching because it is more profitable.

“There is a need for us to encourage ranching. I am not supporting or opposing, but I’m saying there is a need for us to embrace ranching because it is more profitable.

“We cannot take the herders off the streets in a very short time. We need to give people time to be enlightened.

“There will be a lot of sensitisation and encouragement for people to go into ranching because it is more profitable and more secure,” he advised.

Cecilia Dapaah case must go to the Police and EOCO – Kpebu –


Private legal practitioner, Martin Kpebu, has said that cases involving former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources Cecilia Abena Dapaah must be handled by the Police and the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) simultaneously.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has stated that its investigations so far indicate that the case borders on money laundering, which is outside its mandate.

“The case must now go to the Police and EOCO, they will have to work on it together,” he said on the Key Points on TV3 on Saturday, January 20.

The OPS had said it would, in due course, issue directives regarding the way forward on the Cecilia Dapaah case.

“The investigation shows that the case is largely in the province of suspected money laundering and structuring. By operation of law, there are other law enforcement agencies which are reposed with a direct mandate in respect of money laundering and structuring. On that score, the Special Prosecutor will issue directives and further action on the matter in due course,” portions of the second half-year report of the OSP dated December 29, 2023 read.

Cecilia Dapaah case must go to the Police and EOCO - Kpebu'There are other law enforcement agencies with direct mandate in respect of money laundering' - OSP

It would be recalled that in July 2023, the Office commenced investigation in respect of suspected corruption and corruption-related offences regarding large amounts of money (mainly in foreign denominations) and other valuable items involving Ms. Cecilia Abena Dapaah, a former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources and her spouse, Mr. Daniel Osei-Kufour.

The investigation was largely aimed at determining the source(s) of the large cash sums. The Office took several steps including freezing Ms. Dapaah’s bank accounts and investments and seizing large sums from the residence of Ms. Dapaah and her spouse.

Upon the refusal by the High Court to confirm the freezing and seizure orders, the Office re-seized the cash sums and re-froze the bank accounts and investments and applied to the court again for confirmation in FT0074/2023 The Special Prosecutor v. Cecilia Abena Dapaah & Daniel Osei-Kufour.

From October 2023, the investigation became cross-border and transboundary upon the claim by the persons of interest that part of the seized cash sums was transported into the jurisdiction from the United States.

For that reason, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States became involved in a collaborative investigative work with the OSP on the matter. In October 2023, the Special Prosecutor revoked the freezing order in respect of five (5) bank accounts of Ms. Dapaah, which were eliminated from the focus of the investigation as no longer suspected to be tainted property.


Govt Confirms Closure of 41 Companies as 135 More Face Dissolution


The government, through the Registrar of Companies, has announced the closure of 41 companies.

In a Gazette notice, Registrar of Companies Joyce Koech noted that the names of the affected companies were struck off the register effective June 3, 2024.

“Pursuant to section 897 (4) of the Companies Act, it is notified for the information of the general public that the following companies are dissolved and their names have been struck off the Register of Companies with effect from the date of publication of this notice,” the statement reads.

The Regisrate noted that this move followed compliance with the regulations outlined in the Companies Act.

The firms affected include Advaya Enterprise Limited, Aptly Technology Limited, Boomers Enterprises Limited, and Coast Redwood Limited. Enzi Extractives and Energy Group Limited, Euroduo Supplies Limited, Fine Art By Bobbie Limited, Gikobro Holdings Limited, Goro Gudo Trading Limited, and Hadithi Plants Limited are also among the companies whose names have been struck off the register.

Other affected companies include Jambo Eye Care Limited, Juliafinite Investments Limited, Mac Re Holdings Limited, and Magnitude Drive Limited.

Furthermore, Moninga Company Limited, Network Fundi Limited, New Age Beverages Limited, Northern Nabuko Group Limited, and Oasis Aviation Group Limited are no longer active entities.

Signature Golf Limited, Skyline Shelter Investments Limited, Soin Bodaboda Investments Company East Africa Limited, and Speina Group Holdings Limited are also among the companies that have been dissolved and their names removed from the official company register.

Notice of Dissolution

The Registrar of Companies also issued a notice of dissolution to 135 companies in Kenya.

She invited anyone affected to show cause why the companies should not be struck off from the Register of Companies, providing a three-month deadline from the date of the gazette notice publication.

“Pursuant to section 897 (3) of the Companies Act, the Registrar of Companies gives notice that the names of the companies specified hereunder shall be struck off from the Register of Companies at the expiry of three (3) months from the date of publication of this notice, and invites any person to show cause why the companies should not be struck off from the Register of Companies,” the notice reads in part.

Some of the companies facing shutdown include Ara Technologies Kenya Limited, Ase Africa Ecommerce Limited, Bazik Properties Limited, Baafadal Trading Company Limited, Banoda Oil Limited, Birth By Heart Resort Limited, Blue Columns Chemicals Limited, and Blue Columns Farming Limited.

Others are Carron Creations Limited, Blue Columns Petroleum Limited, Clean Bioenergy Limited, Dentkraft Auto Limited, Clear Cure Pharm Limited, Dosco Twenty Eleven Company Limited, and Burnes Microcredit Limited.

Some of the companies are originally from Israel, the Netherlands, the US, and China. These companies include some that have been operating in Kenya since the 1950s and have employed hundreds of Kenyans.

The companies applying for dissolution operate in various fields, including exporting and importing, travel and tourism, fashion and uniforms, technological solutions, consultancy, food production, pharmaceuticals, and transportation.

‘Protect Workers’ Right To Unionize’


Dr. Yaw Baah


Organised Labour has urged the government to protect workers’ Constitutional right to join any union of their choice.

According to the group, there is an ongoing violation of workers’ right to join or form trade unions by some employers.

General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress, Dr. Yaw Baah, speaking on behalf of Organised Labour at the commemoration of the 2023 Worker’s Day in Bolgatanga, the Upper East Region, said some unscrupulous employers are victimizing workers for forming or joining union(s).

“Too many Ghanaian workers remain outside the coverage of collective agreements because of fear of victimization from their employers. This is the fate of many Ghanaians who are working for foreign companies across all sectors of the economy,” he said.

Dr. Baah said managers in these companies are deliberately frustrating the efforts of Ghanaian workers to exercise their constitutional right to join a union of their choice.

“Currently, we are dealing with a very strange case at Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Ltd. at Kpone where the Chinese managers in the company, with the support of their Ghanaian counterparts, have dismissed three trade union leaders for leading the unionization of workers in the company,” he stated.

The TUC Secretary General said the unionized workers are being intimated and threatened on daily basis to the extent that the Minister for Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour Awuah, has had to intervene to help resolve the impasse between the union and management of Sunon Asogli Power Ghana Ltd.

“Efforts to unionize workers in other companies especially those in the telecom, banking and hotels and restaurant sectors are also being frustrated,” he said.

“Mr. President, we do not think our government should allow such a thing to happen in our country at this day and age. We expect government to do something about this urgently,” he urged.

Dr. Baah further called for the revamping of some dying state institutions and government projects including the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) Saglame Housing Project.

“We cannot allow that project to go waste when many workers who are contributing so much to Ghana’s development cannot have places to lay their heads,” he said. We believe that government has the capacity to revamp TOR. We are appealing to you to use your good offices to change the fortunes of TOR.”

The 2023 May Day celebration was on the theme, “‘Protecting Incomes and Pensions in an Era of Economic Crises: Our Responsibility’.


By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri

“How Mohbad chased me out of his car because of his hidden conversation with his wife” Childhood friend, Primeboy spills, slams his wife for framing him (Video)


Primeboy, the childhood friend of the late singer, Ileriouluwa Oladimeji Aloba better known as Mohbad, has accused his wife, Omawunmi of framing him up in public.

The singer’s friend, who was declared wanted hours ago and turned himself in to the police in an exclusive interview with TVC, revealed that before his death, Mohbad and his wife had a heated argument.

According to him, he had accompanied the singer to perform a day before his death, that was on Sunday but the singer had chased him out at Town Hall in the car after he and his wife got into an argument and were having a hidden conversation.

He described the late singer as not just his friend, but his everything and debunked reports that he was with him when he died.

Crying out over how Omawunmi is trying to frame him, he expressed his sadness at how Nigerians are pointing accusing fingers at him over his friend’s death, which he is innocent of.

Primeboy further made it known that he never received any message from the police and was surprised when they declared him wanted.

“That’s a big lie, there is no way I will receive a message from the police and I will refuse them. Before being declared wanted I wanted to turn myself in – I mean to explain myself at the station because started accusing me wrongly. People that I called said I should chill, I shouldn’t go anywhere, and should wait for them to invite me. So I kept waiting and suddenly I found myself wanted online yesterday. People started calling me that N1 million for anyone who finds me and I was shocked and surprised. I called my lawyer and family and they said I should calm down and that nothing would happen, so far I know nothing about it.

Mohbad is my childhood friend, those days when his stepmother didn’t care about him, I was his stepmother, dad, friend, and everything to him.

He lived with me then and my mum fed two of us together.

I wasn’t with him when he died, because we departed after his show on Sunday.

He chased me out of the car that day because he and his wife were having a hidden conversation, it was his family affair.

They don’t even know how I feel losing him and now they are now accusing me, the feeling is crãzy. I know God sees it all.

I want justice for Mohbad and I want his wife to stop framing me online, that’s wrong”.

Kemi Filani reported hours ago that Mohbad’s friend, Primeboy, had turned himself in after being declared wanted by police

This came after the Lagos State Police Command had declared him wanted for failing to respond to their invitation.

Primeboy had been summoned by the police as part of the ongoing investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s untimely demise. The Lagos Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, issued a statement confirming the development.

Ghanaian Marketing scholar charges African countries to maximise their tourism assets



Tourism is an absolute game changer for Africa.

So declared the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Ghana Communication Technology University, Professor Robert Ebo Hinson, in a keynote address – “Bold Moves, Big Impacts: Leveraging Tourism, Investments & Exports to Transform Communities and Industries” at the 26th Annual Zambia Institute of Marketing Conference and Awards Gala Dinner held from 19-22 April 2023 at the Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya, Livingstone Resort, Zambia.

In the presence of Zambia’s Minister of Commerce and Trade, Hon. Chipoka Mulenga, Prof Hinson submitted that Zambia stands to benefit greatly from strengthening its tourism delivery potential with the appropriate marketing strategies.

His recommendations for Africa in general, include:

• The conduct of a tourism marketing audit to define a balanced portfolio of tourism products and services African countries could be trading in amongst themselves and exporting to other economic blocs as well.

• The Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) could consider appointing an AfCFTA Chief Tourism Officer and conducting a baseline Brand Africa audit to assist in better positioning the continent to work better within itself and to identify domestic and international tourism development opportunities and better position African countries to better engage themselves and better engage international tourist visitors as well.

• AfCFTA could consider developing a new contemporary Brand Africa Programme to facilitate the full success of the Free Trade Area, and especially to facilitate tourism development.

• MDAs connected with tourism could revisit existing national tourism strategies and establish new ones with a strong focus on economic diplomacy, sustainability, infrastructural development, brand promotion and customer-centricity.

• Governments could also consider creating functional interlinkages among ministries of trade, foreign affairs and tourism promotion agencies and promote incentives for investors by establishing Free Zone Boards and empowering them to offer investment incentives to international firm looking to invest in a country’s tourism sector.

• Governments could also develop better transportation and critical infrastructure and establish nation branding institutions to provide strong nation brand platforms for all local and international tourism promotion activities. In the case of Zambia, the Zambia Tourism Board currently handles both tourism and nation marketing. It was established in through an Act of Parliament number 24 of 2007 with a mandate to promote and market Zambia as a tourist destination within and outside Zambia.

• Industry associations (such as the Travel Agents Association of Zambia and the Tourism Council of Zambia) should provide a unified industry voice to articulate to government and others the industry-wide major issues of national significance and work to set service delivery standards for the tourism institutions operating under them.

• Industry associations could also be an important vehicle for implementing country tourism strategies by acting as a critical link between government ministries departments and agencies and firm level tourism operators while acting as capacity building institutions for tourism firm operators in Zambia (and the other African countries) utilising local and international facilitators in the delivery of gold standard tourism skills.

The conference, which closed with an award ceremony was well attended with speakers from within and outside of Zambia and representation from public and private sector entities including Toyota, Prudential Life, the Zambia Revenue Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The World Tourism Trade Council (WTTC) projects that, between 2022 and 2032, tourism’s contribution to the global economy should grow at an average annual rate of 5.8% which is more than double the 2.7% average annual growth rate estimated for the global economy.

“Music Has Not Started Paying Me” – Whitemoney Spills


Popular reality star and talented singer, Whitemoney has surprised Nigerians with the recent admission he made about his music career, as he revealed the aspect of music that gives him money.

The winner of the BBNaija season 6 was recently interviewed by BBC Igbo, wherein he spoke about his career as a musician.

Whitemoney disclosed that although music hasn’t started to pay him, he’s still committed to using his songs to deliver a powerful message.

He further said that although he hasn’t, as yet, started making money from people streaming his songs, he, however, makes money from performances.

Additionally, Whitemoney noted that he knows he doesn’t have a voice that might be considered ‘fine’ but he doesn’t sing to please anyone, particularly his detractors.

READ MORE: “Phyna And I Are No Longer On Speaking Terms” – Groovy Reveals (Video)

His words…

“The truth is singing has not started paying me, I do not get money from streaming, but I get money from performances. I do not have the best voice but I have a message and melody.

“People criticise me, even those paid to criticise me, what you need to know is that I do not sing to make you feel fine or please you because you do not feed me or fund my musical career.”

“Tinubu’s Administration Is A Victim Of Its Speed” – Moghalu


Former Managing Director of National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), George Moghalu has revealed that President Bola Tinubu’s administration is a victim of its speed.

Speaking during an interview with The Sun, Moghalu argued that Nigerians are treating the administration like it is one year old when it is only six months.

He insisted that Tinubu should be commended for making bold decisions after he took over power.

Moghalu added that many Nigerians are expecting too much from the President because he hit the ground running.

He said: “Yes, I agree that things have not been rosy. But at the same time, I would rather say that the Tinubu administration is a victim of its speed.

READ MORE: ‘Those Complaining About Hardship Under Tinubu Are Unrealistic’ – DG NOA

“It is a victim of its speed in terms of performance. Because of the speed, people are already seeing this administration as one year old or even two years old. Yet, it is only slightly above six months.

“He was quick in the appointment of ministers and quick in taking strong decisions on fuel subsidy removal, Forex, and security among others. They should be commended, but, unfortunately, the returns have not started manifesting.

“I would rather appeal to our people to be patient. There is no doubt that things are very difficult, but we must be a bit patient.

“We will keep supporting the government so that the actions they want to take or have started taking can start manifesting concerning the dividend of their actions.”

Adesua Etomi Shares Adorable Pictures To Mark 36th Birthday


Adesua Etomi, a well-known Nollywood actress, has uploaded lovely images on social media in honour of her 36th birthday today.

As she posted pictures of herself surrounded by roses, the mother of one had many people admiring and gushing over her in the comment section.

Adesua acknowledged in her caption how fortunate she felt to be alive during this particular period.

According to her, there are no words to adequately express the feeling of serving a God like her own and experiencing His love.

She noted how God made her life beautiful and expressed gratitude to Him for another year, promising to serve Him till the end of time.

She captioned,


What a privilege to be alive at a time like this, serving a God like you, being loved by a God like you. You make my life so beautiful. With a heart filled with endless gratitude, I say thank you for another year. I’ll be serving you till the end of time”.

READ MORE: “I Almost Quit My Career Because Of Body Shaming” – OAP Toolz Recounts

Many of her colleagues took to her comment section to wish her well.

See some comments below…

Beverly Naya wrote, “Happy birthday beautiful

Susan Pwajok wrote, “Happy birthday Queen

Juliet Ibrahim wrote, “Happy birthday hun”.

Princess Sava wrote, “Most Beautiful of all. After you na you mama

Mercy Ogbeta wrote, “The most beautiful sunshine in the entire world!! Happy birthday my mama

Abigael Ecoly wrote, “Happy birthday Adesua of the most High My Abba’s daughter”.


Sam George makes other wild allegations against GRA boss, Ofori-Atta –


Amidst the several controversies surrounding the legality of the Commissioner-General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah, to hold public office after it came to bear at the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) sitting that he was working past his retirement age and under no contract, the Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram constituency, Sam Nartey George, has levelled fresh allegations against the GRA boss.

He accused Rev. Dr Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah of being used as a tool by Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, and board chair, Oteng Gyasi, to carry out all illegalities in favour of government.

Speaking on Citi FM’s Eyewitness News on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, Sam George asserted that government was in the offing of taking away a contract given to a Ghanaian company to an Indian company called Qata.

He claimed that this Indian company, based on records have performed woefully in other African countries including Rwanda, and Zambia.

“…Ofori-Atta and the Board Chair, Oteng Gyasi, have simply decided that they are going to take that contract away from a Ghanaian company and give it to a crony Indian company of theirs called Qata. They themselves know that Qata has been involved in all kinds of challenges, in Rwanda, in Zambia, and in about three other African countries,” Sam George said.

“They know, and the GRA management is against it. But because Rev. Dr. Ammishaddai is simply hanging there by a string because he has no legal basis to be there, he has become the hatchet man who is being used to carry out all of these illegalities for Ofori-Atta and the Board Chair for GRA,” he added.

Rev. Dr. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah during the PAC sitting admitted that he has been working without a contract for the past two years and three months.

Reacting to the question about his age after the break, Rev. Dr Ammishaddai said, “I turned 62 in October 2023.”

The GRA boss came under scrutiny at the Public Account Committee sitting on Monday, January 29, 2024, when the Minority in Parliament raised concerns over his retirement.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Todd Boehly makes plea to frustrated fans over Chelsea struggles –


Chelsea co-owner Todd Boehly has urged fans to remain patient and wait for the club’s long-term project to come good.

Since his arrival at Stamford Bridge alongside Clearlake Capital, Boehly has operated as chairman and has overseen a drastic downturn in results. Chelsea finished 12th last season and find themselves 11th this year, and frustrated fans have made their feelings known with anti-Boehly chants during matches.

Speaking to Forbes, Boehly acknowledged the current sentiment in the stands but insisted the way forwards is to remain committed to the project.

“We just need to let the process develop and give them the time to go from being unbelievable individual players with great skills to fold into a team,” Boehly claimed.

“The good news is people care so much. And the bad news is people care so much. That leads to times when they’re frustrated with the team and the owners. I get that, but we just have to continue to stay the course.”

Boehly has been targeted by frustrated fans / Chris Brunskill/Fantasista/GettyImages

As part of an unique agreement with his fellow co-owners, Boehly is expected to be removed from his position as chairman in 2027.

Per the agremeent, Boehly and Clearlake will each get the opportunity to dictate the identity of the chairperson every five years, with Boehly hiring himself for the first stint and Clearlake expected to trigger their option to make a change.

Chelsea have strongly denied that the upcoming change is evidence of a rift between Boehly and Clearlake co-founders Behdad Eghbali and Jose Feliciano.

Boehly, should he still be part of the ownership group, will be given the chance to hire a new chairperson in 2032, when he could also restore himself to the post.

We’ll never abandon victims of Akosombo dam spillage – Akufo-Addo assures –


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has reiterated the government’s pledge to assist the victims of the Akosombo dam spillage.

At the 67th Independence Day celebration in Koforidua, themed ‘Our Democracy, Our Pride,’ Akufo-Addo said GH¢80 million of the earmarked GH¢220 million had been released by the government to aid the ongoing rehabilitation efforts in the communities affected by the spillage.

“Government will stop at nothing to restore normalcy to the lives and livelihoods of all affected persons,” he emphasized.

Furthermore, speaking on the 13th African Games which will be officially opened in Accra on Friday, 8th March, he noted that “I am not promising a Ghana clean sweep of track and field events. That would be a miracle, but I am promising a happy and exciting month for all our visitors.”

He also urged Ghanaians to adhere to the principle of the rule of law to ensure that the country’s economy thrived.

“We cannot hope for economic prosperity without adhering to the rule of law. There are a few amongst us who equate the freedom that was proclaimed at the arrival of independence with the freedom to ignore the rules and regulations that should guide our lives.”

“Aspirations for prosperity go hand-in-hand with the discipline necessary for the rule of law,” he stated.


Doctor lists 5 reasons why people get obese



Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry, Dr. Yaw Osafo, has named some five causatives of obesity in people.

Speaking on the Joy Super Morning Show, he stated that often people assume that those suffering from obesity or are overweight, are so only because of their unhealthy eating habits.

He said such assumptions are not always true as there are several causative factors that lead to obesity.

He listed drugs, trauma to the brain, reduced energy expenditure and genetics as other factors that can cause obesity.

Speaking on drug-induced obesity, he said some drugs have weight gain as a side effect.

“So I’ll have a patient I’m treating for epilepsy, and then I’ll put the person on some anti-epilepsy medication it will give the person the side effect of carrying too much weight. I’m treating a patient with depression, some of the medicines we use to treat the depression can let you put on.

“We’re treating a patient for a number of conditions like asthma for which we use steroids and the person can put on too much weight as a result of that. So there are a number of medicines that have that side effect of getting you to put on too much,” he said.

He also spoke about how traumatic injuries to the head could lead to weight gain complications.

He explained that when people are involved in road accidents and acquire severe head injuries it affects their hypoythalamus which disrupts their body functions leading to weight gain.

“Sometimes some disease conditions or even trauma from a road traffic accident and you bang your head terribly and you get a severe head injury and that part of the brain gets traumatised then it’s very, very possible that you’ll develop obesity because that part of the brain is now dysfunctional,” he said.

Lack of regular exercise is also a cause for obesity, Dr. Osafo stated.

He noted that when people fail to exercise frequently and regularly, it reduces energy expenditure and causes weight gain.

“The first and most common one is lack of exercise, regular exercise, not the weekend warriors, those that come to climb the Peduase Mountain only on Saturdays and then there’s an Omotuo joint up there, they get there then they condemn everything they’ve done on the Omotuo,” he said.

He noted that reduced energy expenditure is also often associated with age.

He explained that as people age, they tend to exercise less frequently, thus explaining the rate of obesity getting higher the older the demographic.

“When we’re growing older…you buy a car or you call an uber everywhere you go, you don’t walk as much, you don’t play football again with the boys in your area and so on because now you’re a ‘respectable big man’ or ‘big woman’,” he said.

He added that as people age, their ability to burn calories while they are at rest also reduces.

“When we’re at rest, doing nothing, lying in your sofa, reading a book, your body is functioning so you’re burning some calories. Some things like breathing, the movement of your intestines, heartbeat, functions of the kidney and so on and so forth, all those things go on.

“So on the average we burn between 1,300 and 1,700kilo calories every day. But as we grow older, this resting energy expenditure drops significantly,” he said.

And finally, he blamed some people’s genetics for their obesity.

“They’re born that way and they have a big, big problem,” he said.

He urged obese people to work out frequently and regularly to lose weight, and urged them to watch their diet to avoid ingesting high calorie foods.

Latest update on man who allegedly killed his 3-week-old baby will shock you

Tailor arrested for forcefully shaving private parts of apprentice at Kadjebi

Fetteh Kakraba: Mother of 3-week-old baby allegedly murdered by father speaks

Who leads NPP for 2024 presidential election?


With barely two years before the country heads into another general election, one major political issue dominating the media landscape of Ghana is the question of who leads the New Patriotic Party into the 2024 general election.

As the party is yet to set a date for its primaries, the key people to elect the next presidential candidate of the NPP are party delegates, made up of polling station executives, electoral area coordinators, constituency executives, regional executives, national executives and Members of Parliament among others.

The person who emerges as the presidential candidate is crucial as he is key in determining the direction and developmental agenda for the country when he subsequently becomes the president.

A number of potential candidates have so far either hinted of their interest in vying for the flagbearership slot of the NPP or publicly stepped their foot forward.

Article 13 (1) of the NPP Constitution states that: “The election for the party’s presidential candidates shall be held not later than 24 months from the date of the national elections.

“The date and the venue for the election shall be decided by the National Council, provided, however, that the National Council may, on appropriate occasions, vary the day.”

Given the above, presidential hopefuls are waiting in earnest for the modalities for the internal election to elect a presidential candidate for the 2024 general election to come out.

So far nine stalwarts of the governing party have declared their intention to contest for the flagbearer slot when the party opens nominations. 

The Front runners

Former Trades Minister, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, has set his campaign in motion to lead the party ahead of the 2024 elections. He has already resigned from his cabinet position to focus on his presidential ambition.

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen

He is likely to slug it out with the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who is yet to officially declare his intention to contest, but several grapevine reports have indicated that he is lacing his boots to replace his boss in 2024.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

If he does eventually declare his intention to contest then he and Mr Kyerematen will be deemed the two main front-runners for the slot to lead the party ahead of the next election.

Other contenders

The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto, has also resigned from his post to focus on his presidential ambition.

He is not considered by many to cause any upset and several party insiders have ridiculed his decision to contest for the presidential slot, but he is unfazed by such criticisms.

Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto

The six other contenders, all leading members of the NPP, former Minister of Energy, Boakye Agyarko; the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong who is campaigning vigorously for the slot.

Boakye Agyarko

A recent delegates-based survey conducted by Outcomes International Ghana and Centre for Sustainable African Development Initiatives (C-SADI) UK revealed that Kennedy Agyepong was trailing Dr Bawumia and Alan Kyerematen in the race to become the flagbearer of the NPP.

Also in the race to become the flagbearer of the party is former Presidential Spokesperson and General Secretary of the party, Kwabena Agyepong.

The rest are a former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Joe Ghartey, who is also the MP for Essikado-Ketan; a former MP for Mampong, Francis Addai-Nimoh, and a former Minister of State, Dr Kofi Konadu Apraku, who is also a former MP for Offinso North.

Francis Addai-Nimoh
Dr Kofi Konadu Apraku
Joe Ghartey


Pablo Hxncho Drops ‘Peace And Chaos’


Pablo Hxncho


Afro dancehall artiste Lawrence Nii Adjei Laryea, known in the music scene as Pablo Hxncho, has officially released his maiden album titled ‘Peace and Chaos’.

The album is loaded with reservoir of wordplay, creativity, high quality sound production, incredible story-lines and punchlines.

On this album, Pablo Hxncho featured talented Ghanaian artistes like Spacely and Gunnyboy. He also worked with some of the best music producers in the country.

The tracks on the album, BEATWAVES gathered, are strong and have soul-stirring lyrics. One will easily be motivated to sing and dance along after carefully listening to some of the album’s tracks and the artiste’s message to music fans.

The musician is in the studio working on a number of tracks that will be published by the end of the year. His goal is to have an impact on the local music scene.

With the release of this album, Pablo infuses the Afro dancehall subgenre with a new perspective by fusing the traditional rudeboy swagger with mellow melodies that ooze with unfiltered emotion.

Each track takes you on a trip through the eyes of Hxncho himself, as he sings tales of his love for his family and the life of struggle in the streets.

Pablo Hxncho is also a passionate collaborator who has worked on hundreds of songs with different artistes throughout his music career.

In an industry that is highly competitive, Pablo has crafted a sound for himself that cuts across all ages, gender and demography.

One of the uniqueness of Pablo as an artiste is his ability to write quality songs and work with excellent sound engineers to release a masterpiece for his fans.

He expressed optimism that his latest hit single will soon attract massive attention from Ghanaians.

His management told BEATWAVES that, Pablo has come a very long way as Afro dancehall artiste, and they believe the album which will be a hit on the music scene will share his success story.


By George Clifford Owusu

Do you know how to train a child? – Mzbel clashes with Afia Schwarzenegger –


Ghanaian songstress, Mzbel, has responded to Afia Schwarzenegger after criticizing her for her son’s public appeal for a laptop that he would use for studies.

Mzbel’s son during an interview appealed to the general public to come to his aid because he wants a laptop for personal use.

Afia Schwarzenegger, in responding to the child decided to give him a laptop but went ahead to chide Mzbel for lack of proper training and not having enough funds.

The Ghanaian songstress in reacting to Afia Schwarzenegger showed the numerous laptops and computers she has in her house and lambasted her for making disparaging comments about her child’s appeal.

This is Afia Schwarzenegger’s remarks that sparked the controversy: “Call the Uber driver and take the laptop to Mzbel’s son because he was asking for it in an interview. Even if I die my son won’t go to social media to ask for a laptop.

“Stop comparing me to broke people because none of my children will sit on social media and beg for a laptop. He said, ‘I am begging a tech company to buy me a laptop.’ That is an embarrassment.”

In reaction to Afia Schwarzenegger’s claims, Mzbel said: “Even people’s children I have bought laptops for them yet we have not made it public. You [Afia Schwarzenegger] are coming to tell me we need a laptop. Your Vietnam kids that you left them in my house, who taught them how to brush their teeth?

“Do you know how to train children? You went for an orphanage baby so you could beg for money from people. Are you a parent? My son was asking Tech companies to sponsor him with laptops to use for a review, that was what he was asking for.”

Research Reveals 80% Of Gym Goers Are Career Prostitutes – Actress Lolo1


Nollywood actress and media personality Omotunde Adebowale David, often known as Lolo1, stated that according to recent research, 80% of gymgoers are professional sex workers.

She made her statement on the most recent episode of the ‘Say My Piece’ podcast.

“Stats say that 80% of the people that come to the gym now are career prostitutes,” Lolo said.

Her guest on the show, former Big Brother Naija housemate and fitness expert Kemen, criticised the data, claiming that people who created them were generalising their experiences.

He said, “Whoever is behind that stat is one of the career prostitutes that was just successful in trying to prostitute in the gym.

“We make commercial sex work look like it’s very easy. If commercial sex work was as easy or profitable as a lot of people think it is, an average girl would most likely… Who wants to suffer?

“Even as a man, if sleeping with girls was the easy thing to do… For anybody that has had their life and health changed in the gym, will never say this thing [that gymgoers are prostitutes].”

READ MORE: “No Concrete Evidence, We’re Waiting For Appeal Court Judgement” – Yomi Fabiyi Gives Update On Baba Ijesha’s Case

The fitness trainer claimed that he has never made sexual attempts on any of his clients during his career.

“In my 10 years of being a personal trainer, if you have been my client or know anyone that has been my client that I have had any sexual relationship with, drop your receipts [evidence],” he bragged.


Advertising Association of Ghana participates in 45th IAA world congress in Malaysia –


The International Advertising Association (IAA) recently held the 45th edition of its World Congress from March 6-8, 2024 in Penang, Malaysia.

The 45th IAA World Congress brought together a diverse and impressive group of delegates and garnered 1036 delegates registrations from 35 countries.

This prestigious group of delegates included industry titans, thought leaders and innovators from renowned entities like the United Nations, Google, Meta, Harbinger Health, Cannes Lions, Petal Ads, BBC News, Media Prima, Phoenix New Media, universities, governments, consulting, creative and media agencies, associations, global agency heads, and many more.

Ghana’s 22-member attendance at the congress included a delegation from the IAA’s Africa Region by an immediate past president of the IAA, Mr. Joel Nettey; the Vice-President / Area Director – Africa for the IAA, Mrs. Norkor Duah, and the President of the IAA’s Ghana Chapter, Mr. Andrew Ackah. Also in attendance was the Minister for Works and Housing, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah; CEO of Media General, Mrs. Beatrice Abbey, among other agencies, clients, and media.

Under the theme “Brand: Recode Better World, Better Life”, the 3-day congress touched on 3 main areas: Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

The opening day shed light on “Sustainability for Growth, with Good.” A UN perspective on “Re-code: Sustainability – A Recipe for Brand and Business Success,” where the Minister of Works and Housing, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, moved participants with his presentation, highlighting Ghana’s digitization agenda to provide efficient government services and sustainable development, and how it has impacted the lives of Ghanaians.

Day two shifted gears to “Creativity with Tech for Better Life.” Sessions delved into integrating technology seamlessly into the creative process to drive brand and business evolution.

The final day, coinciding with International Women’s Day, celebrated inclusivity beyond diversity. Sessions explored how innovation and technology can advance gender equality and inclusivity, highlighting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion business evolution.

A key highlight of the congress were the discussions and conversations on the burgeoning field of Generative AI and its potential to reshape the future of marketing. Speakers on the subject delved into how AI could generate creative content and unlock valuable customer insights.

Ultimately, the congress served as a call to action for the marketing community to embrace a more inclusive approach, thereby unlocking its full potential and celebrating the power women hold as both consumers and creators.


Established in 1938, The International Advertising Association (IAA) is a one-of-a-kind global partnership composed of marketing companies, communication agencies, media platforms and education institutions that champion freedom of commercial speech, the value of self-regulation and the opportunity to highlight the collective industry evolution.

The IAA is the global compass that serves as the thought-leader in the MarCom space.

On the ground, we have over 4,000 individual and corporate members spanning marketing, advertising, media, IT communications and academic sectors – all involved in the wide range of brand marketing and marketing communications disciplines.

The IAA has presence in most markets through Chapters and education affiliates reaching across 56 countries where we serve the collective interests of the entire marketing communications profession, unlike other bodies that defend only the interests of the sector they represent.


Grave diggers call for enhanced lighting system to save Tafo cemetery


Poor lighting systems and lax security at the Tafo cemetery are paving the way for some unscrupulous individuals to invade the enclave to perpetrate nefarious activities.

Some worried residents say only enhanced lighting can discourage grave looters and other ritualists from threatening the sanctity of graves in the area.

Digging graves has become a daily venture for Mohammed Rabiu and his colleagues at the Tafo cemetery.

The Tafo cemetery, located on this vast land, is the biggest and has two sections comprising a burial area for Muslims and Christians.

Mohammed Rabiu and his colleagues have the additional responsibility of taking care of the cemetery besides the grave digging.

According to him, their vigilance discourages grave looters from carrying out such activities during the day. He said such unknown persons instead come around at night to perform rituals and also pick some human parts.

Others also openly defecate at sections of the cemetery.

Mr. Rabiu told Citi News in an interview on Monday that “The individuals perpetrating illegal activities here are those who come to perform rituals at the cemetery. We have not caught anyone picking body parts from the graves. Some visit their fetish priest or other soothsayers and are instructed to bury items at the cemetery; we have caught several of them. Some bring in fowls and slaughter them on the graves, which is not helpful.”

“Even if they had prepared those things at home for their children, it would have been better. We cover up such things when we find them at the graves. Some kill and take body parts, while others are instructed to come and collect parts here because the evildoers are everywhere, and they carry out these crimes on our blind side.”

But he denies the involvement of him and his colleagues in such acts and says they call on the police whenever such complaints come in.

“It is not possible to come to us and request a body part at this cemetery. Even if people come, the boys will inform the elders here, and we will hand over such individuals to the police. When they are taken to the police station, they will be questioned if this is an abattoir where meat is sold. We bury people here, and we do not entertain requests for body parts,” he said.

He explains some individuals take advantage of open graves to loot them, although they make efforts to always cover up these graves and rebury exposed human parts.

For him, enhancing the lighting situation here will scare bad people from carrying out their evil acts at the cemetery.

“The initiative to enhance the lighting situation at the cemetery will help address these concerns and ward off people with evil intentions. The public should come and help so that their relatives who are brought here for burial will also have a safe resting place. The wrongdoers are everywhere, and they search for body parts to use for money rituals. These individuals must understand that what they do to others will be done to them too, one day,” he stated.

Some workers close to the cemetery and other residents call for enhanced security at the cemetery.



James Appiah, a resident, said, “When there is enhanced lighting, it will help to brighten up the places. Our Muslim brothers in collaboration with the traditional authorities have constantly cleared the bushy area and that results in the reduction of some negative activities at the cemetery.”

Another resident, Isaaka Bala, noted that “Sometimes we hear that robbers use this place as a hideout for their arms and weapons. Some also come around to loot the graves and if there is light all over, it will be difficult for such people to come to the cemetery to carry out their nefarious activities.”

The cemetery land falls within the Tafo-Ahenebronom Electoral area, and the Assembly Member for the area spoke about the intervention the Old Tafo Municipal Assembly was making to address these concerns.


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LilWin, Martha Ankomah to smoke peace pipe


LilWin, Martha Ankomah to smoke peace pipe

02.05.2024 LISTEN

Kumawood actor LilWin has announced a potential resolution in the ongoing legal dispute with actress Martha Ankomah.

The actor revealed details of the progress in an exclusive statement shared by Express GH TV on YouTube, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes developments that have captured public attention.

“We’ve attended two court sessions. The details are kept from the public eye, as we’ve consented to take action against any blogger who discloses information about the case,” LilWin disclosed, hinting at the confidentiality surrounding the legal proceedings.

Despite the tumultuous nature of their recent interactions, LilWin expressed optimism about the prospect of settling the dispute amicably. “The path to settling this dispute looks promising. Martha’s acting prowess is something I truly respect,” he remarked, indicating a willingness to move past the conflict and extend an olive branch to his fellow industry colleague.

Post-resolution, LilWin revealed his intentions to extend an invitation to Martha Ankomah for a potential collaboration in his next film endeavor. “I’ll personally discuss the script with her and will share her decision with everyone,” he affirmed, highlighting a desire to mend fences and foster a spirit of collaboration within the Kumawood film sector.

The saga between LilWin and Martha Ankomah began on February, 2024, when the former launched a scathing attack on the latter via social media, accusing her of repeatedly refusing roles in Kumawood films. In response, Martha Ankomah initiated legal action against LilWin, citing defamation and the consequential damage to her reputation within the Ghanaian community.

With both parties now engaged in constructive dialogue and a potential collaboration on the horizon, fans and industry insiders alike are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this evolving narrative.

Man City interested in West Ham’s Lucas Paqueta


Lucas Paqueta scored five goals and assisted seven more in 41 games for West Ham last season

Manchester City are interested in West Ham midfielder Lucas Paqueta.

The Brazilian joined the Hammers from Lyon for £36.5m last summer and was instrumental in the club winning the Europa Conference League.

City have made an initial approach to the Hammers but are yet to make a bid.

It is possible they will test West Ham’s resolve as Pep Guardiola looks to bolster his squad after last season’s Treble success and the departures of Ilkay Gundogan and Riyad Mahrez.

West Ham do not want to sell and will be reluctant to lose another key figure in David Moyes’ squad following Declan Rice’s £105m move to Arsenal.

Their position is strengthened by the knowledge Paqueta still has four years left on the contract he signed last summer.

Speaking during their tour of Asia, and following Mahrez’s departure to Saudi Arabian side Al-Ahli, Guardiola said: “We’ll see if we need wingers or inside players.”

If Paqueta was to sign it might see City use Bernardo Silva as a right winger – as they regularly did towards the end of their Treble-winning campaign.

Phil Foden could also play there, with Paqueta offering midfield options alongside that pair, Kevin de Bruyne, Julian Alvarez and summer signing Mateo Kovacic.

Reconsider how contractors are paid to avert stalled projects


Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has called on the government to reconsider its payment methods to road contractors to prevent situations where projects are left unfinished due to financial issues.

He suggests that payments to road contractors should not necessarily be made in bulk but can be done in bits to provide them with the financial capacity to meet project completion deadlines.

The Asantehene shared these views during a courtesy call by the Minister for Roads and Highways, Francis Asenso Boakye, at the Manhyia Palace on Monday.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II highlighted the importance of road infrastructure to Ghana’s socio-economic development and called on the Roads and Highways Ministry to prioritise the construction and rehabilitation of major road networks across the country.

He acknowledged the ongoing complaints by road contractors regarding non-payments and urged the government to ensure timely payments of monies owed to them.

He also encouraged contractors to prioritise quality work to ensure the longevity of road projects.

“Road contractors will always complain about non-payments. Contractors will resume work even when part of their debts are settled by the government. The contractors will also need the money to settle their workers to ensure the work is done. The government should not always wait until the money is accumulated before making payments to the contractors.”

“The monies can be paid in tranches to help in the continuation of work. The more the roads are done, the more others are going bad especially when the rains set in. It is not possible to tackle all the roads but the major ones in parts of the country can be done. The contractors should also ensure they do quality work when they are given the contracts,” he stated.

Mr Asenso Boakye, along with officials from the Ministry, also inspected ongoing road projects in the Ashanti Region.

Progress is being made on the Kwabre East town roads, and the previously deteriorated Kenyase inner roads are being improved.

The team also inspected works at the Atafoa Bridge, a project being undertaken to address flooding in the area.

They proceeded to Asuofua, Kokoso, and the Kumasi-Sunyani road project, as well as the Suame Interchange project.

The sector minister assured that the government will ensure the completion of major road projects to bring relief to motorists.

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PDP’s Adebutu Arraigned For Election Fraud


The Federal Government has brought charges against Oladipupo Adebutu, the Peoples Democratic Party’s 2023 gubernatorial candidate in Ogun State, for alleged money laundering and other offenses.

This development unfolded on Wednesday at the Ogun State High Court in Abeokuta, with the case numbered AB/10c/2023 (FRN Vs Adebutu &Ors).

The former candidate stands accused of criminal inducement during the March 18 election, allegedly orchestrating the distribution of 200,000 preloaded Automated Machine Verve cards worth N10,000 each to voters across the state.

The prosecution asserts that this act was intended to influence the outcome of the election.

READ ALSO: PDP’s Adebutu Visits, Leaves Ogun Police HQ, Dismisses Money Laundering Allegation

After evading authorities for several months, Adebutu returned to Nigeria in December 2023 and was subsequently charged alongside six others.

Despite pleading not guilty to the seven-count charges, Adebutu’s lead counsel, Chief Gordy Uche, sought bail for him on self-recognizance, emphasizing his voluntary appearance in court.

However, Rotimi Jacobs, the prosecuting counsel, opposed the request for self-recognizance bail, leading to a decision by Justice Abiodun Akinyemi to grant Adebutu bail in the sum of N1 million, with a surety of the same amount, who may be a family member or bondsman.

The case has been adjourned until February 7, 2024, for further proceedings.

LIVE BLOG: This is how the Palestine-Israel conflict is unfolding


The Palestinian resistance, or Hamas, which many refer to it as, launched a major military campaign, targeting various Israeli cities and settlements.

We take a look at the latest developments.

Monday, October 9 2.30pm (GMT +3)

According to media reports, 12 missiles were fired from southern Lebanon toward Israel.

The Israeli Army radio said the Israeli death toll has risen to 800, and Hamas fighters are still infiltrating Israel to carry out attacks.

1:30 pm (GMT +3)

Al-Qassam spokesman said the Israeli occupation’s bombing of Gaza led to the killing of four enemy prisoners. Israelis bombed a market in the Jabaliya refugee camp, killing at least 50 Palestinians.

According to the Palestine Chronicle, sources on the ground say that the attack is a response to the Israeli army and settlers’ violence in the West Bank and the killing of a large number of children.

Israeli Defence Minister Gallant described the Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed they would act accordingly.

1pm (GMT +3)

The al-Qassam Brigades said that they bombed Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with missile salvos in response to the bombing of civilian homes in the Gaza Strip.

Sirens went off in and around Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

According to the Israeli ambulance, at least three Israelis were injured as a result of a missile attack. One person was severely injured as a result of a missile falling in Ashdod.

12:30 pm (GMT +3)

The Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords in response to Operation al-Aqsa Flood and continues to launch intensive raids on many areas in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said they were given orders to impose a complete siege on Gaza. This entails no electricity, no water, and no fuel.

Al-Qassam Brigades confirmed throwing rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as a response to the Israeli bombing of civilian homes in Gaza.

12:00 pm (GMT +3)

The Health Ministry in Gaza said 510 Palestinians were killed and 2,751 injured.

The al-Qassam Brigades revealed they had brought into service a locally manufactured ‘Mutabar 1’ air defence system.

11am (GMT +3)

The United Nations says that 123,000 people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip since the start of the escalation.

10:00 am (GMT +3)

Gaza authorities reported that the Israeli military has carried out massacres against a total of 15 families throughout the Gaza Strip.

8:30 am (GMT +3)

Xinhua reported that a Hamas leader told Qatar he is not against the idea of a prisoner exchange that secures the release of all Palestinian female prisoners.

It was also reported that Qatar is working to achieve a rapid prisoner exchange between Israel and the Gaza Resistance.

Saturday and Sunday

Major international airlines have suspended or limited flight services to or from Tel Aviv after the attack, saying they were waiting for safety conditions to improve.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations on Sunday accused Palestinian Islamist group Hamas of war crimes, vowing that it was time to “obliterate Hamas terror infrastructure” as the UN Security Council met to discuss the conflict.



“Set A Goal So Big That You Can’t Achieve It Until You Grow Into The Person Who Can” – Lizzy Gold


Fans of Nigerian actress Lizzy Gold have been inspired and deeply moved by her statement, “Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can.” These words have resonated with fans across the globe, sparking a wave of motivation and self-reflection.

Lizzy Gold’s fans admire her for her talent, passion, and dedication to her craft. Her statement reinforces the belief that success is not merely about the end result but also about the personal growth and transformation that accompany the pursuit of ambitious goals.

Fans have expressed their agreement with Lizzy Gold’s philosophy, noting that setting audacious goals pushes individuals to surpass their own limitations and strive for greatness. Many have shared personal stories of how they have applied this principle in their own lives, setting goals that initially seemed unattainable but eventually becoming the person who could achieve them.

Lizzy Gold’s fans appreciate her as a role model who encourages them to dream big, take risks, and continuously evolve. They find inspiration in her journey, recognizing that success requires continuous self-improvement and the willingness to step outside of one’s comfort zone.

Content created and supplied by: Latest5 (via Opera
News )

Lizzy Gold

Kyeiwaa and I were chased from the Tema Station due to Cantata fame – Christiana Awuni


When actresses Kyeiwaa and Christiana Awuni settled on a pavement at Tema Station to sell, what they did not expect was an embarrassing situation befalling them.

At that time, they had starred in the popular Sunday special, Cantata, but their wage was just fame and nothing substantial to show for it.

It is for this reason the duo decided to sell second-hand clothing to make extra income, but that dream was shattered the very day they made the attempt.

Christiana Awuni, who brought this to light in an interview on Adom TV’s The Journey, said they were chased out of the market by some traders.

“There was a day myself and Rose Mensah (Kyeiwaa) went to sell ‘fos’ at Tema Station. The traders mocked and hooted at us. It was terrible. They chased us out and we had to flee from the embarrassment”.

According to Christiana Awuni, the traders tagged her and Kyeiwaa as greedy fellows who wanted to kick them out of their little business.

The traders feared the actresses will use their fame to gather customers to their side while they (traders) went home empty-handed.

Christiana Awuni made the comments while speaking on some challenges of being a popular on-screen person.

She indicated that the restrictions that come with the job are many.

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It’s a great loss to Ghana – Avoka reacts to Kyei-Mensa’s exit as Majority Leader –


Legal practitioner and long-serving Member of Parliament (MP) for the Zebilla Constituency in the Upper East Region, Cletus Avoka, is disappointed that Osei Kyei-Mensa-Bonsu has resigned as majority leader, saying that his resignation is a great loss and disservice to Parliament and Ghana as a whole.

Mr Avoka, who has worked with Osei Kyei-Mensa-Bonsu for many years in Parliament, praised Osei-Kyei Mensa Bonsu for his dedication and expertise as a legislator who contributed immensely to the passage of landmark bills in Parliament.

He recalled how Osei-Kyei Mensa Bonsu, though not a lawyer, was entrusted with the responsibility that required a keen understanding and a keen knowledge of the law.

“I am hugely disappointed to hear the resignation of my very good friend and colleague, the Majority Leader, Hon. Osei-Kyei Mensa Bonsu. I am hugely disappointed. And I know this will be a great disservice to the Parliament of Ghana and Ghana as a whole…I think that it is a great loss to Parliament and to mother Ghana,” he said in an interview with TV 3 Ghana.

News that Osei-Kyei Mensa Bonsu had tendered his resignation as majority leader broke earlier after rumors of a potential shake-up in the majority caucus which was finally confirmed on Friday.

His resignation has been met with mixed reactions given his enormous experience as a legislator and leader in Parliament.

He became Member of Parliament (MP) for Suame on January 7, 1997, and has remained in Parliament ever since.


Leaked tape: Ofosu-Ampofo, Kwaku Boahen to open defence


An Accra High Court has ordered the immediate former National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo and a Communications Officer of the party, Kwaku Boahen, to open their defence in a trial in which they are accused of planning to assault the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission and others.

The court, presided over by Justice Samuel Asiedu, a Supreme Court judge sitting as an additional High Court judge, gave the order after it held that the prosecution had proved its case against the two, hence they ought to give their side of the story.

The order followed the court’s decision in applications for submission of no case filed by counsel for the accused persons filed in November last year after the prosecution closed its case, arguing that the prosecution failed to establish the allegations against the accused, hence they had no case to answer.

But the court in its ruling rejected the arguments of the defence lawyers and held that the prosecution had made a prima facie case against the accused persons, and subsequently ordered them to open their defence on February 10, 2023.

Mr. Ofosu-Ampofo and one of the party’s leading communicators, Anthony Kwaku Boahen, are on trial over the tape which captures how the opposition NDC is allegedly planning to commit crimes in the country and turn round to blame them on the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Among the strategies were the creation of a general state of insecurity in the country through kidnappings, arson and verbal attacks on public officials like the Chairman of the NPC, Prof. Emmanuel Asante, and EC boss, Jean Mensa.

Mr. Ofosu-Ampofo has been charged with one count of conspiracy to cause harm and two counts of assault against a public officer.

Mr. Boahen, on the other hand, is facing one count of conspiracy to cause harm.


The controversial tape which is the subject of the trial was tendered in evidence by the case investigator, Detective Chief Inspector Bernard Berko, in his evidence-in-chief by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Yvonne Atakora-Obuobisa.

The over two hours tape which was recorded at a meeting of NDC communicators somewhere last year or so, had Mr. Ofosu-Ampofo telling the party members to make life uncomfortable for the targeted persons who included the Chairpersons of the Electoral Commission (EC) and National Peace Council (NPC).

The leaked tape also detailed how the party would approach campaign strategies, including what he described as ‘overt’ and ‘covert’ operations in the wake of the disturbances that characterised the Ayawaso West Wuogon bye-election.

“I want to assure you that as long as I remain the leader of our party, my approach to elections and security has completely changed… and we need to marshal all the human and material resources,” Mr. Ofosu-Ampofo stated when he took his turn to address the party faithful as captured on the tape.

Forensic Examination

A forensic examination conducted on the leaked audio tape has confirmed it to be his voice on the tape.

The examination which was carried out by the Israeli Forensic Science Institute was to compare the controversial tape to another voice recording of the NDC guru when he addressed supporters of the party at the Police Headquarters in Accra after he was granted police enquiry bail.

According to the report, there is 90 per cent probability that the voice of Mr. Ofosu-Ampofo on the tape addressing the party faithful is the same as the voice on the leaked tape.

The report also indicated that “There is also 85 per cent probability of coincidence of speech features and defects.”

Chief Inspector Berko also told the court that while the matter was in court, Kwaku Boahen pleaded an alibi that he was in Bomfa Achiase in the Ashanti Region on February 3, 2019, when the said meeting was held at the NDC headquarters in Accra.

He said a team was constituted to investigate the alibi, and a report was produced after the investigations.


I need Majority in Parliament to complete my work – Akufo-Addo urges voters in Ejisu to vote for NPP candidate –


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has urged the people of Ejisu in the Ashanti Region to vote for the parliamentary candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Kwabena Boateng.

President Akufo-Addo says a victory for the NPP candidate will ensure that they have the Majority in Parliament to be able to smoothly run the affairs of government.

He raised concerns about the hung parliament and its impact on his administration.

Addressing a gathering in Ejisu as part of campaign activities on Sunday, April 28, he said

“We require a parliamentary majority. You’ve witnessed the challenges we face due to our current numbers in Parliament. Today this, tomorrow that due to the equal numbers. Therefore, even if it’s just by one vote, we must secure a majority to fulfil our mandate. And that decisive vote rests with Kwabena Boateng.

“Vote for Kwabena Boateng to come and help me complete my work,” he urged.

The Ejisu byelection will be taking place on Tuesday.

The by-election followed the death of the lawmaker of the area John Kumah.

3 news.com

Ghana’s corruption rating can change if we avoid politicization of institution appointments


A Political Science Lecturer at the University of Ghana, Professor Joseph Atsu Ayeh, says Ghana’s position on the latest corruption percentage index can change if governments depoliticize appointment procedures in state institutions.

The political science lecturer believes weaker institutions, coupled with the appointments of incompetent individuals, have contributed to Ghana’s static position of 43rd on the index.

On the issue of changing the date for the general elections from December to November, Professor Atsu Ayeh indicated that major stakeholders should be engaged before a change is made.

Speaking at the 3rd annual colloquium of the Department of Political Science at the University of Education Winneba, Professor Ayeh urged the government to consider making changes to ensure Ghana’s position changes on the index.

“One of the things that I would like to flag is making our institutions stronger if we want our ratings to change as Ghanaians. I think we have not been able to move away from the politicization of appointing people to institutions. The time has come for the country to deal with appointing competent people to fill positions. I believe that in all political parties, there are competent people, and so that must be the focus of the parties if they want to appoint people to fill different positions. This can be done, but it looks like politics has taken over everything,” Professor Joseph Atsu said.

“On the issue of reforms, I believe they are about change and the way we do things, but that includes the involvement of major stakeholders. You know, elections are sometimes contentious in this country, and that is the reason we need to engage major stakeholders before changes are made. I am not in support of the December 7 date for the elections because around that time it’s too close and if there is a run-off it becomes difficult. The November date is good because it will give the electoral commission enough time to prepare, and so I believe it is time for reforms,” Professor Ayeh said.


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Current dumsor not as bad as Mahama-era – Prof Stephen Adei


Prof Stephen Adei is the new Chair of the Board of the Ghana Revenue Authority

A former Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) has weighed in on the current power crisis, stating that it is not as severe as the previous one experienced under former President John Dramani Mahama’s tenure.

The former Board Chairman of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) acknowledged that although the current situation is not as dire, it still requires immediate attention from the government.

Expressing concern, he warned of potential escalation if the ongoing power outages are not effectively addressed promptly.

Professor Adei provided insights into potential solutions, emphasising the need to address existing bottlenecks that hinder the optimal utilisation of available capacity.

Speaking in an interview with TV3 on Tuesday, April 23, he advocated for a national strategic agenda, proposing the immediate duty-free importation of solar panels to facilitate a transition towards solar energy as a sustainable solution.

Professor Adei further emphasised the importance of enhancing the efficiency of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) for long-term sustainability in addressing the country’s energy challenges.

“It is quite unfortunate… let us be very careful, it is not as bad as the dumsor days, but if we don’t (take charge) it can only get worse.”

“So, the first thing is that to look at, if there are bottlenecks which are not allowing us to use the existing capacity to the fullest, must be addressed. But in the long run, we must have a national strategic agenda.

“You can go solar, immediately the government should allow all solar panels and anything to do with it import-free because in the end the country and the government will win.

“We must have a strategy to make sure that we have a long-term solution and the efficiency of the ECG has to improve,” he said.


Dumsor: Finance Ministry failed to pay power generators over GH₵1.2 billion under the CWM…

My over $8,000 oxygen machine blew up due to dumsor – Joy FM listener..

‘Dumsor’: IES calls for Napo’s immediate removal

Vitamin A-rich foods you should take regularly to see clearly


According to the Cleveland Clinic, consuming vitamin A-rich foods regularly can support and maintain good vision. Vitamin A is essential for the health of the eyes and is known for its role in maintaining the integrity of the cornea and promoting good vision, especially in low-light conditions. Here are some vitamin A-rich foods you should incorporate into your diet.

Carrots: Carrots are one of the most well-known sources of vitamin A. They contain beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, making them another excellent source of vitamin A.

Spinach: Dark leafy greens like spinach are packed with not only vitamin A but also other beneficial nutrients for eye health, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Kale: Similar to spinach, kale is a green leafy vegetable that provides a significant amount of vitamin A.

Apricots: These fruits are rich in beta-carotene and are a tasty way to boost your vitamin A intake.

Red Bell Peppers: These peppers are not only a good source of vitamin A but also vitamin C, which helps maintain the health of blood vessels in the eyes.

Liver: Organ meats, particularly liver, are a potent source of retinol, the active form of vitamin A.

Content created and supplied by: FavourofGod (via Opera
News )

Mohbad: I Almost Died In The Hands Of My Former Record Label


Nigerian Singer, Harrison Tare Okiri, popularly known as Harrysong has revealed that he was tormented and bullied by his previous record label, almost to the point of death.

The “After the Reggae” crooner, who was once a part of Five Star Music owned by E money, stated this in a condolence post to Mohbad on Instagram.

His comment comes after a week of public outrage and an outpouring of tributes for Ilerioluwa Oladimeji also known as Mohbad who died on Tuesday at the age of 27.

He said: “If not for the grace of God, with the help of some very good men, I would’ve died in the hands of my former label.

READ MORE: “Mohbad’s Spirit Won’t Let Me Rest” – Bella Shmurda Vows To Get Justice

“The torment, attacks, abuses and operations back to back, just because I’ve served and wanted to move out and grow a little for myself. It was hell for me.

“The general public believed everything they said about me then. Fans, supporters, show promoters bullying me everywhere. In fact one of my friends said he will buy drinks, celebrate, if I die of hunger and depression.

“I’m alive today just for the few that stood by me, cus they know the true story and refused to be influenced by lies just to kill an innocent man.

“Record labels should stop this do or die thing, killing and destroying young talents just because they want to prove label power and supremacy.”

Buffer Stock Company to hold crunch meeting over debt owed food suppliers


The National Food Buffer Stock Company (NAFCO) says it is committed to working with all key stakeholders, including the Ministries of Education and Finance, to pay the monies owed to the National Food Suppliers Association.

NAFCO, in a statement issued on Thursday, July 6, 2023, announced that it will hold a crucial meeting to find ways of resolving the issues of the food suppliers.

Members of the Food Suppliers Association have been picketing and spending the night at the premises of NAFCO since Tuesday in demand of the monies owed them.

NAFCO said that it duly acknowledges its indebtedness to the National Food Suppliers Association and sympathizes with them in the unfortunate situation they have found themselves in, which has compelled them to picket at its head office premises.

“The company is equally concerned about their plight and appreciates their patience. An emergency board meeting has been scheduled on the situation and the outcome, including a possible roadmap for resolution, will be shared thereafter,” NAFCO stated.

Meanwhile, two members of the National Food Suppliers Association were taken ill on Wednesday, July 5, at the premises of the Buffer Stock Company.

Confirming the incidents to Citi News, the spokesperson for the Association, Kwaku Amedume, said that the rough weather conditions and the emotional trauma that members are going through during the picketing at the Buffer Stock Company contributed to the unfortunate occurrence.

The disgruntled members, who are pushing for their two-year arrears to be paid immediately to keep their businesses afloat, also emphasized that they are undeterred by the silence of the Buffer Stock Company on their demands.

“It only confirms that these people are not serious about working for the government. It tells you that they don’t want to serve but only want to be served. We were told last year to wait until the CEO arrives from Mecca, and he came back, and it is still the same story,” Mr. Amedume.

Click here to read the full statement from NAFCO.



Two Girls Gang Up To Beat Another Lady After The Lady Slapped One Of The Girls During An Argument – Watch


After an incident of road rage, two women band together to beat a third woman after she slapped one of them.

An altercation broke out between three female cyclists after one of them nearly collided with the other two.

The argument between the three women was progressing properly until the woman slapped the other one in the face.

After she had slapped one of the women, she went looking for a stick to use against the others, but they were ready for her as they pounced on her and gave her the worst beating she had ever received in her life.

Watch the video below:

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Over 50% of pregnant women are anaemic


A survey conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) has shown that over 50 per cent of pregnant women in the country are anaemic compared to 40 per cent of them who are not pregnant.

The report, dubbed “The 2022 Demographic and Health Survey, “showed that children aged 6-59 months in households were eligible for anaemia testing.

It revealed that anaemia prevalence is highest in the Northern region with 69 per cent and 35 per cent in Ahafo.

The Survey showed that anaemia prevalence among children had declined from a high of 78 per cent in 2008.

Anaemia among adults has several negative health consequences, such as fatigue and lethargy.

Touching on caesarean operations, the Survey revealed that deliveries were more common in urban areas, representing 27 per cent compared to 15 per cent in rural areas.

The report said over one in five, representing 21 per cent of live births in the two years preceding the Survey, were delivered through a caesarean operation.

On HIV knowledge, the report revealed that two per cent of women aged 15–49 had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months before the Survey.

Of these women, 12 per cent reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse.

The report also showed that 15 per cent of men aged 15–49 had sex with more than one partner in the 12 months before the Survey.

The Survey stated that of the men, 18 per cent used a condom during their last sexual intercourse.

Dr Chris Opoku Fofie, Deputy Director in Charge of Reproductive and Child Health at Ghana Health Service, said the Survey would provide timely information to the authorities and develop comprehensive policies to address any anomalies in the report.

He said anaemia among pregnant women was the major concern because it could lead to increased maternal mortality and poor birth outcomes.

He called on the government to invest in health education for the public to be abreast with preventive measures.
Dr Kyeremeh Atuahene, Director-General of Ghana Aids Commission, urged the government to create an enabling legal policy to address the HIV/AIDS menace.

The Survey is the 7th report conducted in the country since 1988, designed to provide data for monitoring the population and health situation in the country.

The Survey was conducted by the GSS with funding from USAID, UNICEF, UNFPA, the World Bank, the Global Fund, KOICA, the World Health Organisation, and the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office.

A nationally representative sample of 15,014 women aged 15–49 in 17,933 households and 7,044 men aged 15–49 in half of the selected households were interviewed.

The Survey represents a response rate of 98 per cent of women and 97 per cent of men.

Blow-by-blow account of how renowned herbal doctor was found dead –


The circumstances surrounding the sudden death of 46-year-old Grace Boadu, a herbal doctor and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Grace Gift Herbal Clinic and Laboratory Services, with branches in Kumasi, Accra and other areas have generated public discussions.

Grace Boadu was a herbal doctor who was well known in social media circles because of her public education on herbal medicine.

She died on Monday, January 29, 2024 at her home at Tantra Hills in Accra.

According to her uncle, Akwasi Addae, she reportedly fell in the bathroom at a time she was alone in the locked room.

It was one of her staff, who discovered her lying in the bathroom on Monday morning.

According to the staff, also a herbal doctor, she had just returned from South Africa on Sunday night [Jan 28, 2024].

She went home with a taxi and had even requested that they should meet her at home with GH¢1000 since she had no money on her, to even pay the taxi driver who took her home from the airport.

One of the nurses at the herbal clinic sent the money to her at home.

According to the staff, she also requested for food on her way home from the airport and said she was hungry.

The staff said they bought  from one of her favourite places for her.

But when they arrived in the house with the food, she had already climbed upstairs to her room and the doors were locked.

She did not respond when they knocked on the door and so the staff assumed she was asleep.

They then decided to keep the food and wait till she woke up and requested for it.

According to the staff, around 1am, when he also closed from work, he tried reaching her on phone and there was no response. He then went to the house and knocked on the door and there was still no response.

He then reached out to her external family in Kumasi to inform them that, she had returned from South Africa and was in her room, with the doors locked and was not responding to calls around 1am to 2am.

The staff claimed that he also went to sleep after the family concluded that she was probably tired and was sleeping.

In the morning, when she was still not coming out of her room and was still not responding to phone calls, he claimed he used a ladder to climb and peeped through the window and found out she was not lying in her bed.

He then opened the window forcefully and found her lying down naked in the bathroom.

They then reported the incident to the police and when the police arrived, he claimed they forcefully opened the door and found out that, the door had been locked from the inside since the key was still in the key hole from the inside. 

When they touched the body, it was cold he claimed. They rushed her to the Police Hospital in Accra, where she was pronounced dead.

Uncle’s response

An uncle of the late Grace Boadu, Akwasi Addae said she was not married and had never been married contrary to the public speculation.

He also added that she had no child.

She was a native of Ejisu Abankro in the Ashanti Region.

She studied nursing at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and worked as a nurse for several years. 

She entered herbal medicine and founded the Grace Gift Herbal Clinic.


Deborah Seyrah Adablah Rains Curses On Snapchat Man Who Accused Her Of Infecting Her Sugar Daddies With HIV/AIDS –


Controversial slay queen, Seyram Deborah Adablah has fired rained curses on a snap chat user for spreading false information about her.

The young man known as Bempah spread rumors on his Snapchat that Seyram was carrying the deadly HIV/AIDS virus and was spreading it around.

Reacting to this, Seyram was seen using a red liquid to rain curses on the young man for defaming her.

Bempah also explained that Seyram had accused him of being g@y and as a way of retaliating, he decided to accuse her of having the deadly HIV/AIDS virus.

Watch the video below;


2022 BECE: Entire Results Of 73 School, 2 Private Candidates Cancelled – WAEC | Education


The West Africa Examinations Council (WAEC) has cancelled the subject results of 416 School candidates who took part in the 2022 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

This follows the completion of WAEC’s investigations carried out into some cases of examination malpractice detected during the conduct of the examinations.

The results were cancelled for the offence of either bringing foreign materials into the examination hall or colluding with other candidates.

Three private candidates also had their subject results cancelled.

In a statement announcing the release of provisional results for both school and private candidates who sat the examination in 2022, WAEC said it approved: “Withholding of subject results for 38 school candidates pending conclusion of investigations into various cases of alleged examination malpractice.”

Also, WAEC has cancelled the “Entire Results of 73 school candidates and 2 private candidates for the offence of bringing mobile phones into the examination hall.”

Eleven school candidates have had their “Entire Results” withheld pending conclusion of “investigations into various cases of alleged examination malpractice.”

While the “scripts of candidates from 40 schools in certain subjects are undergoing scrutiny.”

According to WAEC, the “withheld results of candidates may be cancelled or released based on the outcome of the investigations.”

In all, a total of 552,288 candidates made up of 276,999 males and 276,289 females entered for the school examination. This include 65 candidates with visual impairment, 427 with hearing impairment and 54 candidates with other test accommodation needs.

Out of the total number of candidates who entered for the examination, 4,309 candidates were absent.

The BECE for private candidates recorded a total entry figure of 1,144 candidates. This was made up of 641 males and 503 females. Out of the total number of candidates who entered for the examination, 84 candidates were absent.

Source: class fm



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Real Warri Pikin set to walk down the aisle with her husband for the second time, fans react


Nigerian comedienne, Anita Asuoha, better known by her stage name Real Warri Pikin has made an interesting revelation about her marriage.

Real Warri Pikin has taken to her Instagram page to announce her dream wedding which will be taking place sometime in June 2023.

It is known that the comedian is happily married with children, however, she noted that the essence of this second wedding is to have a kind of wedding she has always dreamt of. And it is going to be a celebration of love and commitment.

She wrote: ‘We are thrilled to announce that we will be having our Dream wedding – the one that we have always wanted and wished for! It’s going to be a celebration of our love and commitment to each other. With a renewed sense of purpose and a deep understanding of what truly matters, our love and the journey we’re on together.’

Reactions have trailed this recent development. Here are some of them

Kate Henshaw wrote: So shall it be as you have spoken.. Amen and to the glory of God.

Jane mena wrote: Congratulations Everyday and more mama, God’s blessings always. Forever to goooooooo

Kie kie wrote: You look stunning.

Bebe penned: Why don’t you celebrate your wedding anniversary, than having a fresh wedding . use the money invest in your children’s future, buy house etc for them.

Warri Pikin set to walk down the aisle with her husband for the second time
Warri Pikin set to walk down the aisle with her husband for the second time
How Real Warri Pikin met her husband

On how she met her husband, Ikechukwu and how he proposed, Real Warri Pikin tells The Sun, ” I met my husband in the church. I didn’t see him but he saw me because it was my first time in that church. He is an altar guard and so when they called me out as a first timer he saw me, I didn’t see him. So we later saw that day at the home cell, he happens to be my home cell leader. It’s a very long story but the bottom line is that I met him in July 2012; we got married after nine months. He proposed to me on my birthday, October 29th, and here we are today after eight years happily married, still happy.”

How I attempted suicide – Real Warri Pikin reflects on her struggles days

Asuoha who spoke in an interview with media personality, Chide Jideonwo, revealed that her family was in debt to the tune N22 million Naira.

She recounted the scenario that happened on 6th of June 2018 ,how she attempt suicide and lost consciousness, her relatives took her to hospitals before she regained her consciousness.

The comedian said “i knew God didn’t want me to die as He still has plans for me.”

Real Warri Pikin decided to use her encounter to give hope and inspire others going through life struggles.

IMF Boss: EU needs a capital market union to speed up innovation and the green transition


The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva has said that the European Union (EU) needs a capital market union to speed up innovation and the green transition, create choices for savers and investors, make cost of funds lower, and to enhance resilience through more private cross-border risk sharing.

In her remarks on Strategic Priorities for the Euepraon Capital Markets she said that the European Commission estimates Europe’s investment needs related to the Green Transition at about four trillion euros by 2030.

“I want to focus on the narrative. Unlike banking union, where the logic is clear, CMU is often seen as a stack of technical files without a unifying story. Today, as I speak from Luxembourg, a small country that is a giant of the capital markets, I want to focus on how it all fits together. Let me begin with some context. How do the European capital markets compare?

“Let’s start by looking at how companies finance themselves. In the euro area, only about 25 percent of companies’ liabilities comprise tradable instruments—debt securities and listed equity. The rest are bank loans, loans from nonbanks, and a large chunk of unlisted equity. A lot of this reflects the important role played by small and midsized enterprises in Europe: I think of companies that prefer funds from family and friends to the effort of listing on a stock exchange,” portions of her remarks said.

Below is her full remarks…

Colleagues, we continue! My thanks to Paschal for inviting me to speak on European capital markets. Definitely a topic close to the IMF’s heart.

Let me put the bottom line at the top: Europe absolutely needs capital market union. To create more choices for savers and real investors. To mobilize funding for innovation. To drive a convergence in the cost of funds across the union. To enhance resilience through greater private cross-border risk sharing. And, quite frankly, to catch up with the US on productivity and growth.

Nowhere is the need greater than in the Green Transition. This is existential: either we invest in economic change and slash our emissions, or—quite literally—life on Earth will eventually boil. The challenge calls for resolve, a willingness to take risks on new technologies, and—yes—money. A lot of money.

The European Commission estimates Europe’s investment needs related to the Green Transition at about four trillion euros by 2030. Four trillion euros! You are finance ministers. You make budgets. You understand that fiscal space is a real thing. You know, therefore, that the public sector cannot finance this alone. Moreover, many of the investments will be in areas in the natural domain of the private sector. Most of the total will have to come from banks and capital markets.

Paschal has asked me to be strategic. I want to focus on the narrative. Unlike banking union, where the logic is clear, CMU is often seen as a stack of technical files without a unifying story. Today, as I speak from Luxembourg, a small country that is a giant of the capital markets, I want to focus on how it all fits together.

Let me begin with some context. How do the European capital markets compare?

Let’s start by looking at how companies finance themselves. In the euro area, only about 25 percent of companies’ liabilities comprise tradable instruments—debt securities and listed equity. The rest are bank loans, loans from nonbanks, and a large chunk of unlisted equity. A lot of this reflects the important role played by small and midsized enterprises in Europe: I think of companies that prefer funds from family and friends to the effort of listing on a stock exchange.

As I will explain, this focus on relationships comes at a cost. In the US, 70 percent of firms’ liabilities comprise tradable debt and equity. In Japan, the tradable segment is 50 percent. In the UK, 40 percent. Even if we don’t want to go all the way to the US model, Europe has some catching up to do.

Second, a brief look at the financial system. In the euro area, total financial sector assets amount to some 60 trillion euros, about the same as in China, and not far short of the United States’ 80 trillion euros. Europe and China remain bank dominated, with banks holding about two-thirds of financial sector assets in the euro area, and an even higher share in China. In the United States, in contrast, only one-third of the total is held by banks.

Staff has also documented how European capital markets are fragmented along national lines. For example, European institutional investors exhibit significant home bias at the member state level.

Finally, let me turn to households. The EU is wealthy. For retirement income, it is also much more reliant on social security and public pensions than the US. As a result, the EU’s stock of household financial assets amounts to 2.3 times GDP, versus over 5 times GDP in the US, where people rely more on private savings and pensions. About 30 percent of these assets are held in cash and bank deposits in the EU, versus only 13 percent in the US. Less than half are invested in private pension and investment funds in the EU, versus over three-quarters in the US.

In general, we see less risk-taking in Europe.

Key message: Europe can benefit from more risk-taking. Let me elaborate.

First, innovation. Many creative companies begin life without physical assets. Their assets are their ideas, and ideas are intangible. But banks want tangible collateral, something you can touch. No collateral, no loan.

Europe has venture capital providers, but they tend to be better at funding early-stage research and less good at financing growth. One anecdote I hear often is about creative European companies migrating to America once they reach a certain size. IMF research finds that, even within Europe, collateral-constrained firms tend to grow faster where capital markets are deeper.

Second, cost of funds. IMF research identifies a wide disparity in financing costs across the EU. A firm in Spain or Italy will pay more for its funding than a firm in Germany or France. These are identical companies: same size, profitability, leverage, and fixed-asset endowment, in the same sector, differentiated only by national domicile. We need a more level playing field in Europe. And we need a more level playing field across the Atlantic.

Third, risk sharing. Again, this is intuitive. If I am a Slovak firm selling my equity to investors in Portugal, then if my share price falls the hit is taken in Portugal, not Slovakia. Similarly, if I perform well while the Portuguese economy slumps, the Portuguese investors are cushioned. IMF staff estimates that this “consumption smoothing” effect is four times stronger in the US than in the EU.

Europe needs more of this cross-border private risk sharing. This is about the ‘U’ in CMU: ‘U’ for union. We need to make it easier for a firm in Vilnius to issue a bond in Frankfurt, for a saver in Paris to buy shares in a company in Bucharest.

Let me now move to the tough part: how?

I want to start by giving credit. You have done a lot. Back in 2019 we at the Fund made a number of policy suggestions. I am happy to note that a lot of what we counseled is being done.

In crafting our advice, we noted that one difference between banks and capital markets has to do with risk. If you are a small saver and you want safety: insured bank deposit. If you want a better rate of return: investment fund. But with higher returns come higher risks: mutual fund shares can go down in value as well as up. The capital markets are a place for loss as well as profit.

Bottom line: we need animal spirits, tamed by market discipline.

Market discipline requires transparency. Whereas banks guard their data, the capital markets revolve around public information. Companies publish audited financial statements and prospectuses. Investors read them. The middleman is cut out. Overheads are reduced. These are the basics of market finance.

I want to applaud you for the European Single Access Point for corporate information. I hope it can be taken to completion swiftly. And, in the years ahead, I urge you to take financial disclosures to a whole new level, using every new technology at your disposal.

Let me turn briefly to oversight.

First, consumer protection. Auditors and regulators ensure that disclosures are full, clear, and truthful. This is the essence of protecting the retail investor. We at the IMF understand that a lot of the best regulatory expertise in Europe sits at the national level. But we have also noted that standards can vary across countries. That is why we advise you to take steps to strengthen supervisory convergence.

Second, prudential supervision. Here, I am focusing on two specific types of systemic nonbank financial intermediary: large complex investment firms and central counterparties, or “CCPs.”

Large investment firms engage in leveraged maturity transformation, just like banks. CCPs reduce risks and raise efficiency, but they also concentrate tail risk in a few key nodes. If some banks are too big to fail, I would say some CCPs need to be “impossible to fail.” For years, we at the IMF have argued that such key intermediaries should be supervised just as intensively as large banks.

Next, a word on corporate insolvency. We know that this is an area deeply steeped in national legal tradition, and mostly under the remit of justice ministers rather than the Eurogroup. But the fact remains that there is a strong case for more harmonization of national insolvency frameworks across the EU. I commend the Commission for having made meaningful progress. But, if we are talking here about “Next Generation CMU,” should we not try to go further?

What do I mean? I have in mind an example that you set in banking. There too, 15 years ago, Europe had only national insolvency. In the heat of crisis, you forged the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive. The BRRD, in essence, is a carveout from national insolvency for failing large banks. So, let me put this to you as a question: could you imagine a BRRD for the corporate sector? Something to think about!

Two parting thoughts, one on the nexus between banking and capital markets, the other on the role of financial centers.

First, banking: sorry if not all of you want to hear this, but fast-tracking CMU will require movement on banking union. Why? Because banks are gateways to the capital markets. Even in the US this is true: banks may own only one-third of US financial sector assets, but their influence stretches much further, into financial product design, underwriting, distribution, market making, asset management, and much more.

If a midsized Estonian firm wants to issue a bond for the first time, where does it go? To an investment bank. If a Dutch retiree wants to diversify out of bank deposits, where does she go? To her bank. Colleagues, my point is that legislative change can only facilitate. At the end of the day, someone has to build the capital markets. In many areas, that will be the large cross-border investment banks.

So, if we cannot make progress on banking union, if we cannot build home-host trust so that cross-border banking can be a reality in Europe, then CMU is unlikely to achieve its full potential. Agreeing with Paschal and his efforts, I urge you to make progress on all fronts.

My last thought, on financial centers. We all know that capital markets rely on clusters of expertise. That is why we have New York for equity and debt, and London for interest rate derivatives and foreign exchange. Within the EU, too, we have hubs in Paris, Frankfurt, Dublin, here in Luxembourg, and elsewhere. CMU is not an effort to create 27 financial hubs in Europe! No! CMU is about creating networks.

As these networks are built, my advice would be to maximize cooperation with financial centers outside the EU. I do not underestimate the risks and challenges of financially integrating with countries outside the EU. But still, the regulatory equivalence process should be exploited to the maximum. And, as regards the UK, we can hope that having the Windsor framework in place creates a basis to build a new and mutually beneficial capital markets relationship.

Colleagues, someone with a good sense of humor recently said to me, the CMU is like the Yeti: “everyone talks about it, but no one has seen it.” Please, go build the CMU! With these words, I wish you a fruitful brainstorming in the months ahead. I very much look forward to seeing the new strategic priorities for the European capital markets that you will set out as guidance for the next political cycle!

Thank you!

Ghana leads peers with strong AfCFTA framework


Ghana leads peers with strong AfCFTA framework

Ghana leads peers with strong AfCFTA framework

Ghana currently has a regulatory framework that broadly aligns with the goal of enhanced intra-African trade being espoused by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), a new report has shown.

The ‘Situational Analysis of Ghana’s AfCFTA Preparedness’ – jointly published by Ishmael Yamson & Associates in collaboration with Sam Okudzeto & Associates – showed that the nation is ahead of many of its peers regarding the broad framework for implementing the agreement.

“Ghana’s labour laws are generally aligned with principles and objectives of the AfCFTA… These laws and regulations are generally aligned with international norms and standards, and they provide a good foundation for Ghana to participate in the AfCFTA.

“Ghana has a robust legal and regulatory framework for trade. Government has also developed, and to some extent implemented, various policies and initiatives to promote trade…,” portions of the report read.

The report, which provided a review of the legal, policy and regulatory framework for implementing AfCFTA in Ghana, however highlighted areas for improvement across trade in goods as well as services, labour, investment, dispute resolution and competition.

A review of the Immigration Act and Labour Act was mooted as a step toward eliminating restrictions on the movement of people and skills originating from AfCFTA state parties. By doing so, the nation will enhance its attractiveness for skilled labour from diverse African regions.

This, the report argued, will complement the nation’s commitment to facilitating the movement of workers and skills from across the African continent, as reflected in the National Pensions (Amendment) Act 2014 (Act 883).

“The National Pensions (Amendment) Act 2014 (Act 883) is a commendable move that reflects Ghana’s willingness to encourage the movement of workers from other parts of Africa into the country. This amendment is in line with the AfCFTA’s goal of promoting the movement of people and skills within Africa; and it is likely to make Ghana a more attractive destination for skilled workers from across the continent,” it read.

However, the report emphasised the need to strike a careful balance between attracting foreign investments and safeguarding its national interests. Continual consultation with various stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society organisations, is crucial in achieving this equilibrium.

To ensure effective operation and compliance with AfCFTA principles, the report also pushed for the promotion of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms – like mediation and arbitration – to resolve disputes efficiently.

The report also highlighted the importance of strengthening the country’s intellectual property (IP) regime. While Ghana’s IP framework is generally in line with international standards, it may need updating to align with the AfCFTA IP protocol. This includes enacting new laws and regulations, providing resources and training for IP professionals, and enhancing enforcement mechanisms – such as establishing specialised IP courts and providing access to comprehensive IP information through online databases.

The protection of indigenous rights and traditional knowledge is vital in the context of AfCFTA. Ghana is encouraged to create a strong legal framework to safeguard the rights of indigenous communities and ensure the appropriate use and recognition of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions.

Policymakers were urged to develop a regulatory framework for artificial intelligence (AI) that suits the nation’s unique needs and circumstances. This framework should account for the potential benefits and risks of AI, protect human rights and ensure data privacy. Collaboration with other African countries to develop a harmonised AI regulatory framework is also suggested.

Ghana however currently lacks comprehensive competition legislation, which is a common issue in many African countries. To address this gap, the Protection Against Unfair Competition Act, 2000 (Act 589) may require amendments or adjustments to accommodate cross-border trade and unfair competition within AfCFTA. Additionally, the report recommends harmonising the Act’s definitions with those ascribed to unfair competition practices in AfCFTA. This consistency will ensure uniform interpretation across different participating countries.

For effective operation within AfCFTA, the Act should also include provisions for handling cross-border disputes arising from unfair competition practices between Ghana and other AfCFTA member-states. Coordination with regional authorities responsible for enforcing AfCFTA regulations can further enhance cooperation in addressing cross-border unfair competition issues.

As host of the AfCFTA secretariat, Ghana was one of the first to ratify the arrangement and participate in the Guided Trade Initiative (GTI).

When fully realised, AfCFTA is expected to be the largest free trade area since formation of the World Trade Organisation, given Africa’s current population of 1.3 billion people – which is expected to grow to 2.5 billion by 2050 and increase the volume of trade among African countries from 15 percent to over 80 percent by 2035.

As of August 2023, 47 countries – that is, 87 percent of the 54 signatories – had submitted their instruments of ratification for the AfCFTA.

The post Ghana leads peers with strong AfCFTA framework appeared first on The Business & Financial Times.

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Ghana’s bonds turning into toilet paper under Akufo-Addo – Sam George ‘fires’ back at Gabby –


The Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Sam Nartey George, who is known for criticising the government for the way it handles matters of the economy, stated in 2021 that Ghana, under President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, is shifting away from its fortunes.

Drawing attention to what he considers a disheartening transformation, he likened the economy to a “toilet paper.”

Sam George added that the problems with one of Ghana’s Eurobonds flopping had to do with the shambolic and abysmal economic performance of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Read the full details of the story which was first published on GhanaWeb on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, below:

Sam Nartey George, MP, Ningo-Prampram, indicated that once upon a time Ghana’s enviable bonds are turning to toilet paper under the watch of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Reacting to a Daily Statesman publication of November 9, 2021, that had the headline: “Ghana’s bond flop blamed on Sam George – analysts say anti-gay advocacy could have serious economic implications,” the MP in a post on his Facebook timeline directed at Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko stated, the international markets are exposing the country because the fundamentals of the economy are weak.

He is of the view that the problems with the bond flopping had to do with the shambolic and abysmal economic performance of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

“When the head of your economic team has become a twisted tech conman, it fails to engender trust in your economy,” Sam George noted.

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko in an earlier tweet shortly after Sam George and some of his colleague MPs had presented the anti-LGBTQI+ bill to parliament, tweeted that the bill will only lead to Ghana being blacklisted for promoting hate.

“Gay+ activities are already illegal in our country. But, we aren’t known to hate. The President has given his word he won’t legalise it.

“This Bill only serves one purpose: to get Ghana blacklisted for promoting hate! Surely, the promoters of the Bill can’t say they aren’t aware,” he said in a tweet.

Read Sam George’s full post below:

Dear Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, you give me too much credit. Even though I wished I could see the back of your Cousin’s government as quickly as possible, I am not as powerful as you claim.

The problem with Ghana’s Eurobond is the shambolic and abysmal economic performance under Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. When the head of your economic team has become a twisted tech conman, it fails to engender trust in your economy.

The fundamentals are weak and the international markets are exposing you. Ghana’s once enviable bonds are turning to toilet paper under your watch. This is all on you lot and no one else. Even the most gay financial analyst is thinking of profit as his bottom line. Your bonds do not offer that.

Anyway, Ghana beyond aid! Let’s go!


Kwabena Addo Amankwah to contest Manhyia South NPP primary


A Financial Security Analyst, Kwabena Addo Amankwah, has announced his intention to contest the Manhyia South Constituency Primaries of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

If successful, Mr Amankwah is likely to come up against the incumbent Member of Parliament of the constituency, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, who is yet to announce whether he will be contesting in the next parliamentary election or not.

Dr Opoku Prempeh is one of the names that have been circulating in the media as a possible running mate to the Vice President, Dr Mahamadu Bawumia, should he become successful in the party’s upcoming delegates conference scheduled for November 4. It is, therefore, unknown if he will still be contesting again.

Per the timelines issued by the party, nominations would be opened on December 20, 2023, and closed on January 4, 2024, in constituencies where the NPP has sitting MPs, followed by an election on February 24, 2024.


Sharing his plans for the constituency in an interview with the Daily Graphic, Mr Addo Amankwah who served as a Personal Assistant at the Office of the Chief of Staff during the Kuffuor administration, said his plans for the constituency were based on four main policies.

The policies are education reforms, healthcare expansion, economic diversification and security improvement.

He noted that the current NPP government had done very well with the Free SHS policy, and it was, therefore, necessary for the constituents to take full advantage of it in order to be competitive in the work environment.

“We will invest heavily in STEM education.

We will provide resources like laptops and financial support to all tertiary students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics within the constituency.

“I have started an organisation called STEM-TUTORS which involves a group of university students who will be teaching children within Manhyia South; Coding and Robotics.

“We need to build the next phase of leadership who can potentially adapt to the future of technology,” he stated.

Health care

On healthcare, the aspiring MP said every constituent deserved access to quality healthcare, which was why he would consistently organise health screenings and National Health Insurance Scheme registration within the constituency.

He said part of the MP’s common fund would be allocated to support the clinics within the constituency to purchase advanced medical equipment through guaranteed loan programmes.

“This, when implemented effectively, will not just subsidise medical services but improve the infrastructure of healthcare,” he stated.

Economic revitalisation

Sharing his economic plans, he said he was a believer in a free market economy and also believed that businesses should be given the resources and improved infrastructure to operate.

He said the constituency was fortunate to have the beautiful palace of the Asante King which was a huge boost for tourism.

He said part of the MP’s common fund would be allocated to support the clinics within the constituency to purchase advanced medical equipment through guaranteed loan programmes.

“This, when implemented effectively, will not just subsidise medical services but improve the infrastructure of healthcare,” he stated.

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Ange believes Super League organisers are detached from football –


Tottenham manager Ange Postecoglou says ideas like the European Super League often come from people who are “detached from what this game is all about”.

Spurs were one of six English clubs who were signed up to the original Super League in 2021 before swiftly withdrawing amid fan protests.

A European Court of Justice ruling on Thursday has forced UEFA to at least listen to proposals for rival competitions like the Super League in future, but all six Premier League teams involved last time have already distanced themselves from any attempt to revive the ESL.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has also vowed he will “make sure the European Super League doesn’t happen” if he becomes Prime Minister but Postecoglou believes the plans are a non-starter if fans are not on board.

The Australia said: “The response it got the first time around is a pretty good indicator of where it sits within the footballing fraternity in general.

“That’s always a pretty decent barometer. I always think with these concepts they’re done in a room with people who sometimes are detached from what this game is all about.

“It won’t surprise anyone that I’m fairly conservative with these things. I’m a traditionalist. I don’t like the game changing too much, I don’t like rules changing too much.

“But I guarantee you I won’t be in that room when these kind of concepts are put together. But you have a fairly good barometer of what the most important people — the fans — felt about it and football people in general, so we’ll see what the outcome is.”

Arsenal and Liverpool issued statements pledging their commitment to the European football mainstream on Friday, after the other four members of the ‘Big Six’ had done so on Thursday.

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‘Kuami Eugene is alive and receiving treatment’ – Management –


Lynx Entertainment, the management of Ghanaian musician, Kuami Eugene, has shared some updates on the tragic motor accident their artiste had been involved in.

In a statement addressed to the public on March 18, 2024, the management, while confirming the incident also disclosed that the Highlife artiste is currently undergoing treatment.

According to the record label, Eugene is very much alive although he has sustained some injuries.

The statement also contained that the passenger who was on board with Kuami Eugene had suffered some injuries and is currently receiving treatment as well.

“Lynx Entertainment wishes to inform the general public that singer Kuami Eugene is alive and currently receiving treatment following a car crash on Sunday, March 17, 2024. Our artiste sustained some injuries together with one passenger but currently responding to treatment,” parts of the statement read.

They, however, pleaded with the public to accord the musician and his family some privacy to aid his recovery.

“We appreciate the outpour of love, fans, media, and the general public but we plead the artiste is given much space at this moment as he begins his recovery,” the statement read.


Kuami Eugene rammed his vehicle into the back of a tipper truck at about 11:30 pm on Sunday, March 17, 2024, around the Achimota Overhead, CP.

According to a reporter at the scene, a vehicle was arranged to transport him and the other passenger on board, to the University of Ghana Medical Center (UGMC).


Stonebwoy, Shatta Wale To Collaborate

Shatta Wale and Stonebwoy 


Stonebwoy, a well-known reggae and dancehall artiste, says he is open to collaborating with Shatta Wale.

He did not, however, provide an explanation for why they had not collaborated since the resolution of their conflict at the 2019 Vodafone Ghana Awards (VGMA).

In an interview on Asaase Radio, Stonebwoy expressed his sincere belief that they would eventually collaborate, but he did not want them to rush into anything merely to appease others.

“It will come, everything happens in time. As I sit here, I believe in a clean heart and I know that as powerhouses as the two of us are, we can shake the grounds. Time will tell and I hope and pray that it doesn’t become too late,” he said.

Stonebwoy joked that they would quarrel because they are opposing creatives, while discussing his readiness to work with Shatta Wale.

When they reunited after being barred from the VGMAs after an altercation between them ruined the 2019 edition, the two initially promised supporters a collaboration.

Even though the prohibition has been lifted, the partnership has not yet taken place.

The 2023 Vodafone Ghana Awards (VGMA) saw Stonebwoy take home a trophy, but Shatta Wale is yet to return to the programme.

Provide information on persons you claimed are engaged in galamsey


Director of Communications of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah has called on former president John Dramani Mahama to provide information on National Democratic Congress (NDC) members he said engaged in illegal small scale mining popularly known as galamsey but had their equipment confiscated.

Mr. Ahiagbah said the former president must be patriotic enough and help the police bring such persons to book.

Mr. Ahiagbah made the call on the back of a claim by former president Mahama that government has deliberately been harassing NDC supporters who engage in galamsey but allowing NPP fanatics to engage in the practice with impunity.

In an interview on Eyewitness News on Citi FM, Mr. Ahiagbah refuted the accusations and said the Akufo-Addo government has made strides in its fight against galamsey and admonished the former president to volunteer information leading to the prosecution of such people.

“When the president took control of the fight against galamsey, he engaged everyone because it is an open fight he was leading and there was no secret about it and I call others to come on board and disregard the comments of the former president”.

“If the former president knows anyone engaging in galamsey, he should tell us because all of us are united in the fight against galamsey. But we want to know the NDC supporters he said are engaged in galamsey, so they can be prosecuted for endangering our future.”

“We must be interested in what the former president was saying because it is revealing that there are NDC people who are doing galamsey, and he knows them and encourages them to keep doing it, but they are now disappointed because the fight against galamsey is successful,” Mr. Ahiagbah further stressed.

Mr. Ahiagbah further indicated that the government’s fight against galamsey has been relatively successful and appealed for a collective effort and collaboration of the public to keep it going.

“The Lands Minister is busy reclaiming galamsey lands and the fight against galamsey is ongoing, and we all have to make efforts to help make the fight a success.”



Freda Prempeh Takes Over Sanitation Ministry


Freda Prempeh 


President Akufo-Addo has appointed the Minister of State at the Presidency and Member of Parliament for Tano North, Freda Prempeh to take over as the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources.

In a statement issued and signed by the Director of Communications at the Office of the President, Eugene Arhin said Freda Prempeh takes over from Madam Cecilia Dapaah following her resignation and acceptance by the President on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

“The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has appointed the Minister of State at the Presidency and Member of Parliament for Tano North, Hon. Freda Prempeh as the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources. She takes over from Hon. Cecilia Abena Dapaah whose letter of resignation dated Saturday, July 22, 2023, was accepted by the President on Saturday, July 22, 2023,” it added.

Ms. Prempeh replaces Madam Cecilia Dapaah who resigned from her position as the sector minister following a public outcry over a burglary in her house involving a million dollars, several thousands of other foreign currencies and Ghana cedis.

The former minister’s resignation follows the report of foreign currencies allegedly stolen by her house helps at her residence.

In her resignation letter addressed to the President, Madam Dapaah said she decided to step down because she “did not want this matter to become a preoccupation of government and a hindrance to the work of government at such a crucial time.”

It emerged in the public on Friday, July 21, 2023 that two house helps of the minister were facing charges before an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly stealing an amount of $1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghanaian cedis at the former minister’s residence at Abelenkpe in Accra on October 2022.

Meanwhile, Cecilia Dapaah on Saturday, July 22, 2023, in a statement, insisted however that there were inaccuracies in the figures available to the public and assured “to cooperate fully with all state agencies to enable them fully establish the facts. I have no doubt whatsoever that at the end of the processes, it will be fully established that I have conducted myself with integrity during my period in public service and I will be fully exonerated from all the allegations that have filled the public domain in the past 24 hours.”

Until her appointment, Freda Prempeh was a Minister of State at the Presidency.

She has also served in other capacities as Deputy Minister of Works and Housing, Deputy Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection among others.

The statement further disclosed that the President, in consultation with the Ministers  for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Roads and Highways, have also reassigned two other ministers from the Ministry of Roads and Highways and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration respectively.

“President Akufo-Addo in consultation with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, and Regional Integration and Roads and Highways, respectively has also appointed the Deputy Minister for Roads and Highways and Member of Parliament for Afigya Sekyere East, Hon. Mavis Nkansah Boadu as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and Member of Parliament for Tatale/Sanguli, Hon.  Thomas Mbomba as Deputy Minister for Roads and Highways,” it added.

By Charles Takyi Boadu & Ebenezer K. Amponsah

Ernest Addison is professionally incompetent; he must resign


Ranking Member of Parliament’s Finance Committee, Isaac Adongo, has dismissed Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta’s description of Bank of Ghana Governor Ernest Addison as a competent professional.

Adongo, who is also the Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central, said Addison’s handling of the economy has been disastrous.

“Is that how you describe someone as professional? That you ignore the laws and wipe out the entire money reserve that is the basis of all monetary policy actions of the government? You have destroyed all of them making the BoG unfit for purpose,” Adongo said in an interview on Eyewitness News on Citi FM on Thursday.

Adongo also accused Addison of failing to manage the cedi effectively.

“If the cedi stabilises at 30% in 2016 and you have moved it to 54%, we should praise you because you managed it better some time ago? Why have you suddenly forgotten how you did it if you are a professional?” Adongo asked.

Adongo’s comments come after Ofori-Atta defended Addison’s work in an article titled “Citizens – Standing Strong with the Bank of Ghana.”

Ofori-Atta said Addison had achieved a number of successes during his tenure, including ensuring the inviolability of the banking system, establishing the Consolidated Bank of Ghana (CBG) and the Development Bank of Ghana, raising over $10 billion in the Eurobond market and AfriExim bank, bringing inflation down to single digits of 7.9% for the first time, and managing an impressive period of currency stability in the country.

However, Adongo dismissed these achievements, saying they had been overshadowed by Addison’s failures.

“What the Central Bank Governor has done is the worst record that wipes off his entire career in the sector,” Adongo said.


US Embassy commemorates 247th Independence Anniversary in Accra; affirms ties with Ghana


Nii Martey M. Botchway

Accra, July 5, GNA – The United States (US) Embassy in Accra Tuesday held a ceremony to commemorate the 247th Independence Day celebration of the US.

The event, first in person since COVID-19 struck, brought together hundreds of dignitaries, including Government officials, public figures, traditional and religious leaders, and members of the diplomatic corps.

Mrs Virginia E. Palmer, the US Ambassador to Ghana, in a speech, reiterated the US’s commitment to ties with Ghana, saying her country had concluded work on a $390 million Millennium Challenge compact, which built power infrastructure that would make major contributions to Ghana’s economic growth.

Emphasising the depth of the long standing security partnership between both countries, the US Ambassador indicated that Ghana and the United States hosted Flintlock, a major military exercise that involved 29 nation militaries, and said the US would soon be commissioning two ships and handing over pier equipment worth millions of dollars to the special boat squadron.

“We are not just celebrating America’s independence, but the ties that bind the United States in Ghana,” she stated.

The Ambassador acknowledged the economic hardship facing Ghana and commended the Minister of Finance for securing the International Monetary Fund deal, and urged him to work hard at recovering the economy, assuring that the US government, companies and people stood by Ghana.

Mrs Palmer said Ghana’s independence struggle inspired countless others in their quest for freedom, including the United States, stating that “your example burns bright in a time when there has been much democratic backsliding around the region.”

“Together we draw inspiration from our heroes of the past, activists, innovators, and dreamers, who have pushed boundaries, battled discrimination and changed the course of history,” she added.

Mrs Ursula Owusu Ekuful, the Minister of Communications, who represented President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said the friendship between Ghana and the US had grown and evolved over time, expanding into various years of collaboration and cooperation.

She said Ghana, which was journeying towards becoming one of Africa’s shining examples of democracy and good governance, had received strong and sustained support from the United States through various initiatives, including election support through funding, capacity building and civil society engagement.

Touching on economic cooperation between the two countries, Mrs Ekuful noted that the United States had been a significant trade partner for Ghana, contributing to economic growth and job creation.

“I am informed that in 2022, Ghana -US bilateral trade reached $3.7 billion.

“Additionally, the United States supported Ghana with $48 million in security assistance in 2022,” she said.

Mrs Ekuful said the occasion offered a great opportunity to strengthen the bilateral ties between Ghana and the United States, noting that as partners in development, both countries looked for each other’s interests for the benefit of their citizens.

The celebration was laced with music from the US Navy’s Topside brass band and some fireworks brightening the night.


NDC chieftain and senior lecturer at University of Ghana Steve Ahiawordor dead –


MyNewsGh.com has confirmed the death of the University of Ghana’s senior Political Science lecturer, Prof Steve Kofi Mensah Ahiawordor.

Family sources who confirmed his death say they will issue an official announcement in line with family traditions.

The lecturer, who was also a lawyer, was a chieftain of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Volta Region and in the Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency.

He was a board member of the National Health Insurance Authority, (NHIA) under the late Atta Mills administration and later a board member at the Bulk Oil Storage and Transport Company (BOST) under the John Mahama administration, a family source told MyNewsGh.com.

The late academic held a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Ghana in 1981.

Ahiawordor held a Certificate In American Foreign Policy Decision Making from the University Of Michigan in 1995.

In the same year, he was called to the Ghana Bar as a Barrister At Law, at the Ghana School of Law.

In 1993, he obtained an M.Phil degree In Political Science from the University Of Ghana.

The deceased has been the subject of numerous false death reportage in the past.


NSS personnel likely to strike over unpaid allowance –


The National Service Personnel Association is calling for the immediate payment of two-month outstanding allowances owed to members serving in the public sector.

In an interview with Joy News, the Association expressed concern over the delay in disbursement of the allowances, which has become a recurring issue, causing hardship for graduates who depend on the stipend for their survival.

The Association is demanding the immediate payment to prevent the possibility of an industrial action. This comes as National Service Personnel in the public sector have been struggling to meet their basic needs due to the delay in the payment of their monthly allowances.

Nana Adu Gyamfi, Secretary Of the National Service Personnel Association

Nana Adu Gyamfi Mensah, Secretary of the National Service Personnel Association, stated that the association is currently engaged in negotiations with the government. However, he emphasized that if the government fails to honor the agreement reached during these negotiations, the association will be compelled to initiate a strike action.

“In the coming days, after probably our last meeting with the board and government, we will announce our next line of action which is to call for a strike and subsequently a demonstration,” he said.

Some personnel from the 2023-2024 batch have reported not receiving their allowances since January 2024. One personnel, Prince Boadi, expressed worry about the delayed payment of allowances.

“The delayed payment is a worry to us because as graduates our parents someway want us to be fending for ourselves so most of us depend on the allowance. If it delays, we really get worried,” he indicated.

“With the concerns of allowance, we had about four unpaid allowances with two months settled…this is not something that must happen. We are telling the scheme and government that this is unacceptable” he said.


54.1% inflation rate scary; BoG may have to respond by increasing PR – Ato Forson


Ranking Member on the Finance Committee of Parliament Dr Cassiel Ato Forson has described the current inflation of 54.1 per cent as frightening. 

In his view, the central bank, the Bank of Ghana (BoG) may have to respond to this upward trend by increasing the policy rate which is currently 27 per cent.

The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) on Wednesday January 11 announced that the rate of inflation for December 2022 was 54.1 per cent, up from the 40.4 per cent recorded in November same year.

The month-on-month inflation rate was at 3.8% in December 2022.

According to the figures, five divisions recorded inflation rates higher than the national average.

Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels (82.34%); Furnishings, Household Equipment (71.52%); Transport (71.42%); Personal Care, Social Protection and Miscellaneous Goods and Services (60.94%) and Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (59.71%).

Whilst Food inflation went up by 4.4% in December 2022, Non-Food Inflation went up to 49.9% in December 2022, from 46.5% in November 2022.

Inflation for locally produced items was 51.1% and inflation for imported items was 61.9%.

Eight sub-classes registered inflation rates higher then the food inflation average. They included Water (94.2%), Fruit and Vegetable Juices (84.6%), Milk, Other Diary Products and Eggs (82.2%) and Tea, Mate and Other Plant Products for Infusion (77.7%).

Commenting on this in a tweet, Dr Ato Forson who is also lawmaker for Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam said “This is getting scary, Bank of Ghana may have to respond with an increase in monetary policy rate!”

By Laud Nartey|3news.com|Ghana



Pierra Makena Talks DJ Career, Retirement Plan, Advances from Politicians, Ideal Man


Apart from her role as a disc jockey, Pierra Makena boasts a rich acting history, having starred in popular local shows such as Tausi, Tahidi High, and Changes, among others.

With a Mass Communication background, she also explored radio broadcasting.

In a recent interview, Pierra reflected on her experiences working in a predominantly male-dominated industry, challenges stereotypes she has encountered throughout her career, retirement plans and more.

What was it like starting your DJ career as a woman in a male-dominated industry?

Trust me, it was not easy to establish myself as a female DJ. It was even harder for people to see me in clubs doing my job. Most of the time, people associate females in clubs with promiscuity. Trying to prove that DJ is a career was hard, but I am happy I succeeded in making it a career and a thriving one at that.

I am happy that there are upcoming women DJs who can peacefully do the job without being judged. My family was very supportive from the start and after I started building my brand, they supported me even more. They trusted me. 90 percent of Kenyans who know me support me but there is 10 per cent who just hate me. I will say this, if I can hate someone, then I don’t know why someone should not hate me. I don’t mind people who hate me. I have genuine people who support my career.

If you weren’t a DJ, what career path would you have chosen and why?

I would have been a paediatrician. I love children so much and if not, I would be driving an ambulance and saving lives. When I retire, that is what I will do. I will buy an ambulance, go for training and start saving people’s lives. I love children and if I had the chance, I would have given birth to many of them. But I need to maintain myself and have enough money to raise them.

The reason I put my child in the limelight is because she is part of me. I love my baby to be everywhere I am. She is talented and I do not see why I shouldn’t show that to the world. Raising my daughter is a testimony and is also my motivation to work hard. It gives me joy to raise her.

You recently turned 43, what advice would you offer to your 20-year-old self, and what are your plans?

First, embrace your sexuality and know that you cannot make money out of being female. If you ever think that you can get things easily for being female, you will never get anywhere but with your brains, you can go very far. Two, have God in your life no matter how young you think you are. Three, believe in yourself and work for yourself. Don’t expect to get a rich man who is going to take care of you, think about all those good things being done by you. Think about buying a car and acquiring all the good things in life from your hard work.

My plans are always dedicated to God but I want more success to come my way. However, if what I have planned doesn’t come to pass, it doesn’t mean I have failed.

What course did you study in school?

I studied Mass Communication at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC). I was in the same class with Statehouse’s digital strategist Dennis Itumbi. I didn’t think I would end up being a DJ. That doesn’t mean I have dropped what I did in school because I still do film. Right now I am producing and I also have an advertising company. I do communication and public relations jobs. I like the fact that people know me as just a DJ but I am so many things.

Most of my fans are unaware of what I own or my behind-the-scenes work, and I prefer it that way. Studying communication has opened many doors for me, allowing me to travel to various places. I believe I chose the right career. While it might not be the most popular right now, it is certainly sustaining me.

What is your take on marriage, and would you date a public figure?

I am ready for a baby, I am just waiting for the right man. No pressure on that. My type of a man has to be God-fearing, good looking and very hardworking. I do not want to struggle and I also don’t want to see whatever I have built being misused. Let us build more. It doesn’t have to be a rich person, but someone who is hardworking and who will complement me. I get so many love advances on my DMs but I have not connected with any of them emotionally. I need to connect and I never want to make a mistake. Celebrities and even politicians hit on me all the time. I might fall in love with one of them but they need to be the right one.

If they are public figures and they are not married, I would date and marry them. I don’t judge people by what they do. However, I would never get married as a second wife.

Courtesy: Life&Style/Nation.

Social Media Influencers, Content Creators Must Register, Pay Taxes – CAC


The Corporate Affairs Commission, has called on social media content creators, Instagram users, and TikTok users with huge followers to register their enterprises with the commission.

INFORMATION NIGERIA reports that the development is coming, following the plans by the Federal Inland Revenue Services to onboard media content and influencers into its tax system.

It was gathered that the CAC registrar, Hussaini Magaji, made this known while receiving the Managing Director, Opay, Dauda Gotring, and his team in Abuja, on Tuesday.

Magaji revealed that content creators are making a lot of money without making any tax payments to the federal government.

READ MORE: Senate Orders Egbetokun To Produce CAC Registrar, Magaji In 24 Hours Over Revenue Discrepancies

He said: “Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. It is stated in the Company and Allied Matters 2020 that for any business to take place in Nigeria, whether you are doing business with your name or another name, you must surrender your business for registration.

“If you are a content creator on the internet and you have a large followership and you are gaining or making money from it, you must register and that’s the provision of the law.

“And we are all out to enforce the provision of the law with its penalties. This cannot go on, these groups of people are under mandate to register as a business considering the amount they make from the content creation.

“The government is all out to ensure every business in Nigeria, no matter what or how, is registered with the CAC.”

Player ratings as Gunners hold off Spurs fightback in derby thriller –


FROM TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR STADIUM – Arsenal moved four points clear at the top of the Premier League with a nervy 3-2 win at north London rivals Tottenham.

The Gunners raced into a three-goal lead before the break having weathered an early Spurs storm, but Ange Postecoglou’s men rallied in the second half and came bitterly close to claiming an unlikely point.

Second-place Manchester City play later on Sunday and can reduce the gap on Arsenal back to one point with victory at Nottingham Forest, but it’s job done for Mikel Arteta’s side for now, clearing the hardest of their final hurdles to end the season.

How the game unfolded

Arsenal had the ball in the net after 13 minutes through Kai Havertz, but the flag went up for offside against Martin Odegaard in the build up.

But a couple of minutes later, the visitors took the lead from a corner. Bukayo Saka’s delivery towards the near post was headed into his own net by Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg.

Soon after falling behind, Tottenham hit the post through Cristian Romero, whose header from a few yards out following a James Maddison corner could only find the upright.

On 22 minutes, Spurs thought they were level. Arsenal’s clearance from a corner fell to Pedro Porro, who fired into a crowded box and the ball fell kindly for Micky van de Ven to sweep in beyond David Raya. However, after a lengthy VAR review, the goal was ruled out for the most marginal of offsides against the Dutchman.

Instead, Arsenal then went two up. Spurs were denied two penalty appeals at one end before the Gunners went down the other and scored, with Havertz picking out Saka with a wonderful ball over the top, and the winger cut inside Ben Davies before slotting home.

Before the break, Arsenal made it three, with Havertz getting in on the act, heading home from a Declan Rice corner.

Tottenham tried to pull one back at the end of the first half when Porro threaded a ball beyond William Saliba and Gabriel Magalhaes to Son Heung-min, but the South Korean skied his effort much to the frustration of the home support.

In the second half, the hosts sought to get a foothold again and went close through Romero, who beat Raya to a Dejan Kulusevski cross but couldn’t keep his attempt down.

Spurs wanted a penalty when Kulusevski fell under a challenge from Gabriel before Arsenal went straight down the other end and went close to a fourth, with Guglielmo Vicario’s toe denying Saka.

Tottenham pulled one back in comical fashion just after the hour mark. Raya’s poor kick from the back was snuffed out by Romero, who this time found the back of the net with a bobbling half-volley.

Spurs were again denied a penalty when Davies received a kick to the groin from Rice but were handed one after a VAR review. Son stepped up and found the top corner to set up a grandstand finish.

The hosts threw every man forward for six minutes of added time but just couldn’t find an equaliser and Arsenal held on for a precious three points.

Tottenham player ratings (4-2-3-1)

Romero got Spurs up and running / Chloe Knott – Danehouse/GettyImages

GK: Guglielmo Vicario – 5/10 – Nullified on corners due to the man-marking of White. Made a great save in the second half to deny Saka but the game was already slipping away at that point.

RB: Pedro Porro – 5/10 – Wasn’t rinsed in his own third but didn’t provide enough when Tottenham did have the ball. Sometimes ignored by his teammates when in acres of space, mind.

CB: Cristian Romero – 7/10 – Somehow the recipient of Tottenham’s best chances, ironically scoring with the only one not planted on his head.

CB: Micky van de Ven – 6/10 – Thought he brought Spurs level with a goal chalked off for a slight offside. Tasked with doing too much when defending in transition.

LB: Ben Davies – 4/10 – Allowed Saka to cut onto his stronger left foot leading to the second goal. Just doesn’t have the same dynamism of Destiny Udogie. Put his body on the line to win a penalty off Rice.

CM: Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg – 4/10 – Should have done more to position himself correctly and head away the corner for the opening own goal. At least fought like a madman in midfield and didn’t shy away.

CM: Rodrigo Bentancur – 5/10 – Wasn’t afraid to get stuck in but was sometimes too slow progressing the ball when space opened up behind Arsenal. Hooked at the break.

RW: Dejan Kulusevski – 7/10 – Committed to the cause even when things weren’t going Spurs’ way. Needed more support from his teammates in attack.

AM: James Maddison – 5/10 – Stayed higher up the pitch rather than dropping deep in frustration, which Tottenham needed but he couldn’t pick that stubborn Arsenal lock.

LW: Timo Werner – 5/10 – Withdrawn with injury in the first half. Did little to trouble Arsenal to that point.

CF: Son Heung-min – 7/10 – Should have made more of a close-range opportunity on the stroke of half-time. Looked more comfortable back on the wing after Richarlison’s introduction. Nerves of steel from the penalty spot.


SUB: Brennan Johnson (31′ for Werner) – 6/10 – Gave Tomiyasu problems when switched to the right in the second half but his delivery wasn’t always accurate.

SUB: Pape Matar Sarr (46′ for Bentancur) – 5/10 – Tried to be too clever in possession at points, stumbling and coming close to playing into trouble.

SUB: Richarlison (63′ for Maddison) – 6/10

SUB: Yves Bissouma (63′ for Hojbjerg) – 6/10

SUB: Giovani Lo Celso (88′ for Davies) – N/A


Ange Postecoglou – 5/10 – Tottenham gave themselves too much to do and that’s in part due to the naivety of their manager.

Arsenal player ratings (4-3-3)

kai havertz

Havertz had the last laugh / Chloe Knott – Danehouse/GettyImages

GK: David Raya – 4/10 – Didn’t actually have a lot to do in way of shot-stopping until gifting a goal to Romero out of nothing.

RB: Ben White – 7/10 – Never seem flustered in his duels with Werner, Son or Johnson. Helped Arsenal score from corners by essentially attaching himself to goalkeeper Vicario.

CB: William Saliba – 8/10 – Likewise always calm in the heat of the battle. Made a number of important blocks and interventions.

CB: Gabriel Magalhaes – 7/10 – Beaten by Romero for a few headers but ironically not the goal he converted. Swept up well and made sure to give it to Spurs players when they fell under his tackles.

LB: Takehiro Tomiyasu – 6/10 – Bodied Kulusevski with a few cynical fouls but found it much harder to keep the electric Johnson under wraps.

CM: Declan Rice – 5/10 – Was among Arsenal’s standout performers until he gave away a daft penalty for hoofing Davies in the privates.

CM: Thomas Partey – 6/10 – Pressed into some early errors by Tottenham but kicked this bad habit as the game progressed.

CM: Martin Odegaard – 6/10 – Made some strange and uncharacteristic errors in build up that threatened to cost his side, but ultimately his never did.

RW: Bukayo Saka – 8/10 – Made light work of Davies and is making a habit of scoring in north London derbies when Arsenal need him.

CF: Kai Havertz – 9/10 – A little more false nine than straight-up nine today, but played that role to perfection. Found Saka with a lovely assist before getting a goal for himself.

LW: Leandro Trossard – 6/10 – Caught trying to dribble out from the back on occasion. Didn’t have the same sights of goal as he has in recent games.


SUB: Gabriel Martinelli (63′ for Trossard) – 6/10 – Tried to take on Van de Ven for pace and predictably lost. Relentless work rate came in handy down the stretch.

SUB: Jakub Kiwior (89′ for Odegaard) – N/A

Subs not used: Aaron Ramsdale (GK), Oleksandr Zinchenko, Jorginho, Fabio Vieira, Emile Smith Rowe, Gabriel Jesus, Eddie Nketiah


Mikel Arteta – 7/10 – Arsenal’s three-goal lead was down to his tactics and management. Still clearly needs to work on his team not shooting themselves in the foot.

Player of the match – Kai Havertz (Arsenal)

Lilwin To Run For MP In Afigya Kwabere South



Kumawood actor, Kwadwo Nkansah, widely known as Lilwin has announced his decision to run for the Ashanti Region’s Afigya Kwabere South parliamentary seat.

According to him, several demands from traditional, prominent, and opinion leaders as well as the general public influenced his choice.

Lilwin who disclosed this in an interview with Okay FM in Accra, said that he would run as an Independent candidate.

“Last year, around October, I found myself in a situation where a number of elders approached me. According to them, they had already convened to discuss the possibility of me becoming their MP, but as an independent candidate. They assured me of their commitment to ensure my victory in the election,” he said.

“More recently, their concern was intensified due to my latest movie, ‘Mr. President.’ They came for a copy of the movie and after watching it, they came and informed me that no matter what they have spoken with my mother, my uncle Wofa Atta, and a lot of my family members that, I have to become an MP.”

He stressed that by running as an independent candidate, they believe he can bridge the gap and maintain his status as a public celebrity without polarizing his supporters.

“My initial response was that I wasn’t interested, yet they still kept pressurising me to contest as the independent candidate, that way I do not divide my fans be they NPP, NDC, or CPP supporters.

“They also said that I will be provided with an English language tutor so that I can speak better and express myself.

“In our region, many of the youth face hardships stemming from drug and alcohol issues. So, I think if I come, I will focus on jobs… because there are no jobs, they are engaging in all kinds of deviant behaviors,” he said.

Voting finally ends in Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency –


Voting has finally ended in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency, one hour after the closing time of the NPP presidential primaries.

EC officials are sorting out the ballots while the police are busily supervising.

Voting started at 7:52,but could not end at the stipulated time of 2pm, instead, it ended at 3:03pm as there were more delegates in the queue waiting for their turn to vote.

Security is tight as sorting has begun, making sure that everything goes on smoothly.

Many delegates went home after voting leaving some of the delegates who are eager to know the outcome of the election at first hand


Removing Haruna Iddrisu absolutely reckless


The Managing Editor of The Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr, has described as reckless the remo of the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu by the leadership of the National Democratic Congress.

He said the NDC has created room for speculation amongst the party’s political opponents.

“This is a reckless move, absolutely reckless move. So what have you achieved? You have created conditions for all manner of speculations. I was listening to some of my friends in the NPP discuss this matter, come and see, it’s like they have won a bonanza.

“One of them actually went to the extent of saying John Mahama directed this move because he has a rift with Haruna, he wants to show Haruna some sense. This is not true, John Mahama was not comfortable with this move,” Mr. Pratt said on the Alhaji and Alhaji show on Radio Gold.

He described the popularity of the MP for Tamale South as legendary adding that his remo will affect the fortunes of the party up north.

“His popularity is legendary and anytime he has been touched, there have been repercussions. He is not God, he is not all-knowing, he is not omnipotent, he is not omnipresent, he can be removed. But if you want to remove him there are things that you have to do knowing the political circumstances. Were those things done?” the Editor of the Insight Newspaper asked.

According to him, though the outgoing Minority Leader has his shortcomings, he is the primus inter pares in the Northern region.

“Haruna Iddrisu may have all his faults, but he is the primus inter pares [first amongst equals] in the Northern Region. I have been to Tamale on many occasions, I went to school in Tamale, and I know Tamale fairly well. This is a man who comes to Tamale and he doesn’t drive a car. I have seen him riding just an ordinary bicycle moving from place to place holding caucuses in the streets, and playing cards with members. I have seen him on a motorbike going to funerals and so on,” Mr. Pratt noted.

There have been some disagreements amongst the Minority caucus after the party replaced Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu with Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, MP for Ellembelle also replaced Ketu North MP, James Klutse Avedzi as the Deputy Minority Leader while Kwame Governs Agbodza replaced Asawase MP, Muntaka Mubarak as the Minority Chief Whip.

Some MPs signed a petition to reject the decision of the party over lack of consultation. Another set of MPs also petitioned the leadership of the NDC to ignore calls for the reshuffling to be reversed.

The Council of Elders of the NDC subsequently called on both sides to cease fire.




Bofoakwa, Frimpong Manso End ‘Marriage’



Bofoakwa Tano FC has parted ways with head coach Frimpong Manso, citing a series of poor results in recent Ghana Premier League matches.

The newly-promoted club has mutually terminated the contracts of both Manso and his assistant, Kofi Sarfo.

The coaching duo was brought in before the 2023-24 season, following Bofoakwa’s promotion to the Ghanaian top-flight last season.

Although the Sunyani-based club initially led the league standings, they now find themselves in 6th position after a downward slide in recent weeks.

With just one win in their last eight matches, Bofoakwa has drawn six and suffered one defeat.

Tensions escalated after the latest league game against Nsoatreman FC, where fans reportedly threatened to attack the head coach.

As a response to the challenging situation, the club is set to appoint a new technical head in the coming weeks to steer the team through the remainder of the season, aiming to secure their premiership status by the end of the campaign.

Chess Master, Tunde Onakoya’s Parents Receive House Gift


Tunde Onakoya, a chessmaster, is overcome with emotion after an unknown good Samaritan gladly gifted his parents a house.

Following Tunde’s shattering of the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon in New York, this development has occurred.

While the official decision on Tunde’s record-breaking achievement is still pending, the passion he demonstrated during the marathon has already earned him praise and acclaim from far and wide.

Onakoya was overwhelmed by the gift towards his parents and took to his X handle on Friday to express his deep gratitude.

Despite his father’s early scepticism about his chess interest, Onakoya recognised his unwavering support in a variety of ways.

He wrote, “Today, an angel blessed my parents with a new home. It stands as the epitome of the greatest act of kindness I’ll ever witness in this lifetime. Thank you.

“My mother toiled as a janitor in the very institution where I pursued my education, ensuring I had the opportunity to learn. Meanwhile, my father navigated the chaotic streets as a Danfo driver and conductor, tirelessly striving to put food on our table.

“To afford them the life they truly deserve is the greatest joy life could ever bestow upon me.”

READ MORE: Why I Filed Lawsuit Against Perpetrator Of Fake News Of My Arrest – Davido Spills

Onakoya achieved a new Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon after playing for 60 hours last week Friday.

How? Chamber and Hall at Pantang cost GHC1,700 monthly – Netizen fumes –


An aggrieved citizen is upset about the surging cost of rental spaces in the country, particularly in the country’s capital.

In a video shared by X user, @SecureNation, an adult male bemoaned the amount of money one has to spend for shelter. According to the young bloke, a single room is going for GHC800 while a chamber and hall residence is being rented for GHC1,700 at Pantang.

He noted that this unfortunate incident is currently happening due to the ineffectiveness of the Rent Control Department mandated to co-operatively work with landlords and tenants to promote optimum peaceful co-existence through education and reconciliation while also providing on rent matters in compliance with the Rent Act 220.

“Is there no elder in this country? A chamber and hall at Pantang cost GHC1,700.

“If you want a 2-bedroom house in Accra, you must have GH2,500 or GH3,000 plus. For what reasons. How much does the ordinary Ghana earn at the end of the month? A single room is now going for GHC800, GHC1,000. If you will bath outside, it’s GHC500.

“And nobody is talking about it. Rent Control, what are you doing? You are suffocating us. Wake up. It is getting out of hand. Nobody, the government is not talking about it,” he lamented.

The issue of the high cost of rental spaces in Accra is not new news, and much has not been done by the government and other relevant authorities to finally address the matter.


Bagbin Applauds Vanuatu’s Trade Commissioner To Ghana |


The Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana, Rt Hon Alban Sumana Bagbin has commended the Vanuatu Trade Commissioner to Ghana, Amb.Prof Hugh Aryee, for linking up the Republic of Vanuatu to Ghana and Africa, and ensuring the country opens business interests in the Vanuatu economy towards African trade facilitation.

The Rt. Honourable Speaker emphasized on how the world has become a global village and for that matter, the distance between countries no longer matter, hence, the extreme need to get some of the smaller nations at the outermost parts of the world to be linked to the advanced and other nations for bilateral trade engagements.

The Rt. Hon. Speaker said this when he received the Vanuatu Trade Commissioner to Ghana, Amb. Prof Hugh Aryee and his team to the Parliament House in Accra. The visit was to officially inform the Speaker about the impending visit of the Speaker of the Vanuatu Parliament and his 5-member delegation on an official state visit to Ghana in July 2023.

The Trade Commissioner also briefed the Speaker and his staff about the extent of plans and the itinerary for the august visit as regards the important places and personalities the august visitors might want to visit when in Ghana.

He informed the Rt Hon Speaker and his team of the reciprocal return business trip to Vanuatu which has been slated from 20th August to 4th September. The business trade mission will include a cross section of the Ghanaian public, businesses and trade agencies interested in doing business in the Republic of Vanuatu as well as leisure and holidays.

Rt Hon Alban Sumana Bagbin told the gathering that he was very happy about the visit and reiterated the desire of entire House would be looking forward to the trade and business mission. The Rt. Hon speaker also mentioned he was excited about this news because he had always wanted to visit Vanuatu in the past, hence, a pleasant news and therefore encouraged Ghanaians to take advantage of this opportunity.

He said the Parliament of Ghana is ready to receive his counterparts and the delegation from the Republic of Vanuatu, accord them all the necessary courtesies and protocols they deserve. He said he will confer with the leadership of the House to afford the visiting Speaker the opportunity to address the House.

He called for the constitution of a joint Committee of his Parliamentary staff and the Trade Commission to come out with a befitting plan of action for the historic visit being the first official visit of government delegation from the Republic of Vanuatu to Ghana.

The delegation would be accompanied by Hon Seremaiah Matai Nawalu Member of parliament and Minister of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Ni-Vanuatu Businesses, Hon Anatole Hymak Member of Parliament, Chairman of Economics and Foreign Policies Standing Committees of Vanuatu Parliament, Mr. Noel Kalo, Director of Department of Trade and Mr. Gaetan Ruru who oversees Interparliamentary Relations of the office of the parliament of Vanuatu and Ms. Vanessa MOLISA – Advisor to the Office of Speaker.

The Trade Commissioner presented a picturesque brochure which details the blueprint of activities of the Vanuatu Trade Commission’s (short, medium to long term) goals and objectives for Ghana and the rest West African regional bloc under which the mandates of the commission operate, as well as Vanuatu vehicle Stickers, presented to the Rt Hon Speaker.




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Reopen renal unit to outpatients in 24 hours – Parliamentary Health Committee to Korle-Bu


The Parliamentary Health Committee has issued a 24-hour ultimatum to the management of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital to reopen the renal unit to outpatients.

The Renal Patients Association has reported that the closure of this unit has tragically prevented patients from accessing critical dialysis treatment, leading to the unfortunate loss of 14 lives.

Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the Ranking Member on the Health Committee, expressed his deep concern during a media briefing following an inspection of the facility.

He urged the government to swiftly implement the necessary subsidies for dialysis treatment and criticized the delay in reopening the facility as insensitive.

“With regard to the dialysis issue at Korle-Bu, we believe that the government is being wicked, the government is being unconscionable, and the government is being insensitive.

For the past four to five months, the renal unit has not been opened to the OPD and we think that as a matter of urgency, whatever it takes, wherever we can get the resources, we have Covid levies, we have NHIL and this is a national emergency and government must put measures in place.

We must not delay because people need these services day in and day out…it is unthinkable and insensitive of the highest order. We must be clear that within the next 24 hours, the renal unit of Korle-Bu must be opened” he said.


Funke Akindele hails Regina Chukwu on her birthday


Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele has sweetly celebrated her colleague, Regina Chukwu on her birthday today.

Regina Chukwu had left Funke Akindele impressed with her numerous glammed photoshoot.

The twins mum took to the celebrant’s comment section to hail her.

She wrote, “Happy birthday Gina!! O por o”.

Reacting, Regina Chukwu wrote, “My own sister”.

Regina Chukwu sets Instagram on as she marks first birthday as a Landlord

Kemi Filani reported earlier that Regina Chukwu had set the internet on fire with her glamorous birthday shoot.

Regina has many reasons to be grateful this year as she marks her first birthday as a Landlady.

Kemi Filani reported late last year that Regina had joined the Landlady’s club as she splashed millions on a new house.

Taking to Instagram to celebrate her new age, Regina Chukwu noted how blessed she is.

Reminiscing on her past year, Regina recounted how she celebrated her birthday in a rented apartment last year, but today, she is celebrating it as a landlord.

She stated that her creator has been so intentional about her life, which she doesn’t take for granted.

Calling for prayers, Regina stated that she is leaving the epistles for later in the day.


Believe it or not GINA is BLESSED.

Last yr I celebrated my birthday in a rented apartment but today I am landlord in this city I was born and raised in.

God has been so intentional abt me and I do not take it for granted.

Let me leave epistles till morning for now pls pray for GINA.

Thanks to my glam squad”.

Funke Akindele celebrates Regina Chukwu birthday

I am not bothered by death prophecies, I hear them every month – Kofi Kinaata –


Ghanaian highlife musician Kofi Kinaata has said he remains unbothered by death prophecies made against his life by some prophets.

This comes in reaction to a viral video featuring a pastor claiming to have received a divine message that Kinaata’s life is in danger and urging the public to pray for him.

Responding to the prophecy during an interview on Joy Prime’s morning show, Kinaata said he was aware of the prophecy but expressed his indifference towards it.

“I don’t even want to talk about it. That’s what he has seen, and he’s saying it. Maybe me too; I have seen it, and I haven’t come out to say it,” he said.

Kinaata also shared that such prophecies were common in his life, as he hears of them on a monthly basis since he started music.

“I hear this every month, sometimes in a month it would come from different places,” he added.

He clarified that his practice of praying five times a day is rooted in his Christian faith rather than fear of these prophecies, and he wishes to distance himself from such negative predictions.

His comments come during his media tour to promote his upcoming album, ‘Kofi O Kofi,’ which will be released at the end of April 2024.

The album will comprise seven tracks, including his recently released single “Effiekuma Heartbreak.” Other tracks will include Auntie Ama, Abonsam Ye Me Neighbor (Abonsam), Saman Aba Wo Fie (Saman), I Don’t Care, and Take Away.


Source: www.ghanaweb.com

OSP freezes Cecilia Dapaah’s cedi and dollar accounts


The woes of former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Dapaah are far from over following the scandal involving huge sums of money allegedly stolen by her house helps at her home in Accra.

In the latest development, Citi News understands the former minister’s cedi and dollar accounts have been frozen by the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) pending further investigations.

Citi News sources indicate that the OSP has filed a motion to confirm seized money the office retrieved from Madam Dapaah’s residence and to also confirm the frozen bank accounts.

The OSP is investigating Madam Dapaah for corruption and corruption-related offences following the revelation that she was keeping more than $1 million in her house.

This comes whilst the police and Attorney General are prosecuting persons accused of stealing the alleged monies from the minister’s house.

Madam Dapaah became the talk of the town in July 2023, when the Chronicle Newspaper reported that her domestic helps had been dragged to court for allegedly stealing  $1 million, 300,000 euros, several millions of cedis and personal effects of the former minister and her husband valued at thousands of Ghana Cedis and dollars.

Cecilia Dapaah subsequently resigned from her position after a public uproar. She was arrested by the OSP and was later granted bail.

Officials from the Office of the Special Prosecutor on Monday, July 24, 2023, searched the home of the former Minister of Sanitation.

The OSP in a statement disclosed that “At 11:55 GMT on 24 July 2023, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, who resigned from the position of Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources on 22 July 2023, was placed under arrest by the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) in respect of suspected corruption and corruption-related offences regarding large amounts of money and other valuable items reportedly stolen from her residence.”

