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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Who Is The NDC


The NDC divestiture policy as prescribed by the World Bank, IMF and the US Treasury continues unabated.

What is unfolding before our eyes is the confirmation by deeds that the ruling NDC mafioso cabals have nothing in common with Nkrumah, Nkrumaism, socialism and PanAfricanism. The ruling NDC cabals, like their direct opposite image, the NPP, have no social purpose. Their purpose is privatisation (i.e. appropriation and exploitation at the expense of the rest of society). _NDC + NPP = DUKADAYA (two sides of the same counterfeit note whose values are the same)._ The NDC mafioso cabals are grouped as the Mahama, Mills and Rawlings factions. And the NPP mafioso cabals are also grouped as the Ofori-Atta Victor Owusu and Busia factions which have manifested as OforiPaninfie and Apagyafie factions. The political economy of Ghana is now effectively in the hands of the Dukadaya on behalf their “colonial masters”. Simply put, the House Negroes or the Black Skin White Masks are in charge.

Now the ” _ebiteyie_ ” (ruling class of 31st December 1981 Revo) are back in charge of the “Musical Chairs Revolving Door Revo” which we know as Á LOOTING CONTINUA.

The future in the present is filled with much foreboding because of the arrogance of the ruling Dukadaya Mafioso Cabals and their empty mantra: “probity, accountability and transparency” while they loot and privatise public assets in elephantine proportions under umbrella 🏖 cover.

Please, may I ask the younger generation the difference between ALOOTING CONTINUA and PROPERTY OWNING DEMOCRACY? State capture and privatisation of state assets (create, loot and share) for family, friends and foreign partners at the expense of the _ebinteyie_ is what is under-developing Ghana. This is the signature of my generation which the younger generation must expose, oppose and depose so that tomorrow will not be to their sorrow. My generation is heartless, selfish and narrow-minded.

Yes, ask yourself, what is the difference between these social democrats and property owning democrats who have “captured” the commanding heights of the national economy and sliced it amongst themselves like their colonial masters did when they gathered in Berlin in 1884-5 to carve up Africa? Have the ruling Dukadaya Mafioso Cabals not carved up the oil, gas, minerals, cocoa, forestry, financial, insurance, transport, ports, haulage, energy and telecom sectors to themselves as their milk cows? For example, who is going to benefit from the privatisation of of the Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG)? May I ask what has the rest of society benefitted from the privatisation of Ghana Telecom, Social Security Bank and the most profitable sections of Ports and Harbours? If this is not “state capture” for private gain then what is it? Is this not the hallmark of “social democrats” and “property owning democrats” (two sides of the same counterfeit note whose values are the same – Dukadaya)?

Ghana is now a neocolony of the “Washington Consensus” who have placed their agents at the Bank of Ghana and Ministry of Finance to teleguide the government in power. This is indirect rule revisited on the nation by the Dukadaya. It is this painful reality that stirred up eminent economist Kwame Pianim to boldly express that Ghana is now a neocolony.

*After ECG what next?* Ghana Water Company, Lands Commission, Ghana Airports Company Limited, National Lottery Authority, PMMC, GCB Bank and ADB? *DIVESTITURE CONTINUA, ALOOTING CONTINUA!!!* Is this not how the Dukadaya have underdeveloped Ghana to the benefit of their colonial masters? (However a scope of hope is emerging in Ada where the “Salt-of-the-Earth” are resisting the state-sponsored privatisation of communal salt mining.)


If you cannot manage banks, an airline, ports, railways and vital energy/water/food production and distribution what business do you have tinkering with governance? Here we have an executive arm of government run by President Ababio Mahama and his team telling voters that they cannot “govern” the energy provision and delivery sectors and so they are going to privatise the ECG. Did voters elect the NDC to “govern” or sell out or divest the nation of its vital assets on the say so of the World Bank and US Millennium Challenge Corporation?

The ruling NDC mafioso cabals are a national interest and security threat. They see themselves as the purveyors and defenders of the private sector and monopoly capital. They have assigned themselves the role of proving Nkrumah wrong that the Black Man is capable of running his own affairs. Because they are House Negros they have no sense of intrinsic value in the ethos of African Personality. They are what Kobina Sekyi described as “BLINKARDS” and Frantz Fanon branded as “BLACK SKIN WHITE MASKS”. Yes, the ruling Dukadaya Mafioso Cabals constitute a national interest and security threat.

The question however remains what business do you have running a government when you cannot “run” ECG? Are you not telling the voters that without the guidance of the World Bank you cannot run the government? Is this not why the Dukadaya have de-emphasised the sovereign essence of 1st July, Republic Day? Yes, those who did not want their colonial masters to go are now in charge through the sophistry of constitutional legitimisation of a military government. Did the (P)NDC not overthrow the democratically elected Limann regime? Did the PNDC not insert indemnity clauses in the 1992 Constitution to legitimise their “state capture” just like the purveyors of the COVID vaccine, who by contract, indemnified themselves from prosecution in any form or manner? Like the COVID-19 executive fiat, PNDC indemnity Law 34 is nothing but an act of impunity. Privatisation likewise has become an act of impunity by virtue of executive fiat policed by the talons of the bald eagle 🦅, Uncle Sam. The executive is protected in their perfidy by the presence of US Africa Command and Israeli intelligence and security companies. Does this not explain the arrogance and acts of impunity of the Dukadaya? Who therefore is the NDC and how different are they from the NPP in their handling of the political economy of Ghana?

It therefore makes sense that *#DukadayaMustGo* if the younger generation does not want their tomorrow to be their sorrow. The younger generation owe it to themselves to examine their future in the present with the benefit of hindsight. The younger generation must organise themselves and gather at a roundtable to dialogue on their future in the present. They cannot rely on the ruling Dukadaya Mafioso Cabals who have pledged their loyalty to the US, its NATO allies and apartheid Israel through bilateral and multilateral compacts.

The independence of Ghana remains meaningless so far as it is linked in servitude to the US, its NATO allies and apartheid Israel who combined their intelligence and security forces to undermine and overthrow the Nkrumah regime after successfully undermining and destroying the Lumumba government in the Congo. What then did they do to the human being Lumumba? And what are they doing in Haiti and Palestine?

When you look towards the three Sister States of the Sahel (AES), what stirs in your heart? What does Freedom and Justice mean to you then when the ideals and praxis of Nkrumah mean so much to the AES leadership?
_By Addai-Sebo_
24 January 2025

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