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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Its in EC’s interest to audit voters’ register to clear allegations of discrepancies – Solidaire Ghana

A Think Tank Group, Solidaire Ghana has urged the Electoral Commission (EC) to allow for an independent forensic request of the voters’ register.

In a statement issued on September 16, Solidaire Ghana said this will allow the Commission to clear any allegations made by any party.

“The conduct of forensic audit by itself clears all doubts and enriches public confidence in the electoral register and the electioneering process generally.

“So, for an EC whose constitutional powers and functions are deeply based on public acceptance that it is a fair and neutral referee, it should have been in its interest to clear the allegations of a bloated register through an audit, but not to fight and call the bluff of those who raised the red flags,” Solidaire Ghana said.

They contend that the position taken by the EC not to allow for a forensic audit of the register does “not make sense to every right-thinking person in society.”

“Accordingly, we at Solidaire Ghana, join the millions of Ghanaians to demand that the right thing be done by the EC as early as possible.

“The decision of the EC to risk the peace and stability of this country must not be countenanced. We call on all peoples desirous of enhancing our democratic process to do so in accordance with law,” the statement stated.

The NDC on Tuesday, September 17 hit the streets to drum home their demand for a forensic audit of the voters’ register. The protest occurred in all sixteen regions of the country as they make a petition to the Regional offices of the EC.

The party also petitioned Parliament on the matter.

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