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Boredom drives investors away from Ghana

Renowned Ghanaian playwright and author, Uncle Ebo Whyte, has claimed that a lack of entertainment options in the country is responsible for its poor economic growth.

According to him, many potential investors get bored and leave the country as there is nothing attractive to keep them.

As reported by adomonline.com, Uncle Ebo Whyte emphasized the significant role the entertainment industry can play in boosting economic growth.

He pointed out that while many foreigners visit Ghana for business and tourism, the limited entertainment options often lead to boredom, causing investors to leave without a desire to return.

“There are not many options for engaging and entertaining these investors, so, these people [investors] do not stay too long. They get bored and most do not look forward to returning to Ghana,” he said.

Sharing his experience, he highlighted that in other countries, daily live shows at theatres keep both locals and visitors entertained, which in turn can boost the tourism industry.

“I spent a week in Prague in the Czech Republic and every evening my host took me somewhere. There were entertainment options every evening. It makes you the guest want to extend your stay and return sooner than later,” he said.

Highlighting the value that entertainment options can play on the economy, Uncle Ebo Whyte mentioned how a former President of Aviation Operators in Southern Africa visits Ghana quarterly just to watch his plays.

“Theatre can boost business and economy, not just in taxes but in attracting and keeping investors in Ghana for all sectors.

“Think what is possible if every foreigner who flies into Ghana knows that he can watch a great show every evening,” he said.

He urged the next government to explore how creative arts can enhance the economy and expressed his willingness to collaborate with anyone who can help him achieve his vision of acquiring an auditorium to host eight live plays a week.

This, he believes, will increase entertainment options for both Ghanaians and foreigners, ultimately benefiting the economy.

Meanwhile, Uncle Ebo’s life and experiences are captured in the GhanaWeb TV documentary “The Uncle Ebo Whyte Story: A Legacy of Inspiration & Creativity.”

The documentary features insights from various personalities who have been impacted by Ebo Whyte. 

It also delves into his journey from early failures and financial struggles, to losing his car and job, and even burning his certificates.

Watch the documentary on Uncle Ebo Whyte below:


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