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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mock Parliamentary Sitting Held In Sunyani

A scene during the mock parliament


The Parliament of Ghana convened a symbolic parliamentary session last Friday at Sunyani Technical University (STU) in Bono Region to mark 30 years of parliamentary democracy.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban S.K. Bagbin, MPs, and Parliamentary Service staff attended the event, which commemorated the country’s 30-year uninterrupted democratic process.

During the simulated parliamentary session, there was a lively debate among students from various tertiary institutions in the region.

The students were selected from Sunyani Technical University, University of Energy and Natural Resources, and Catholic University of Ghana, and they constituted the Majority and Minority groupings in parliament.

Nursing and second-cycle students, traditional authorities, clerics, and members of the general public all attended the mock parliamentary session.

A Deputy Clerk of Parliament, Carmelo Poma, underscored the importance of the celebration and added that it was also meant to bring parliament closer to the people and let citizens understand how it operates.

The mock parliament has been held in Western, Central, Northern and Eastern regions, and it is now the turn of the middle zone, which includes Bono, Bono East and Ashanti regions.

He indicated that the celebration, led by the Speaker, aims to increase youth access to legislators and prepare them to take over from the older generation.

“It is meant to give the youth practical understanding of parliamentary democracy,” he indicated.


From Daniel Dayee, Sunyani

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