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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Don’t be lured by money to make a bad choice – Naana Jane to Ghanaians –

The running mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Prof Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang has urged the people of Ghana not to be lured with money in choosing a leader in the 2024 elections.

She believes that the choice of a leader should and must be beyond monetary influence but rather focus on a leader who will bring positive change to the lives of the people.

Prof. Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang made this known while addressing NDC members and supporters at New Tafo Zongo on Wednesday as part of her one-day tour of the Abuakwa North Constituency in the Eastern Region.

“In the 2024 elections, they will bring money but money should not be your focus in choosing a leader because that small money they will give you cannot bring development to your community. The small money they will lure you with cannot construct roads. When they bring you money and win the election, they won’t come here again.

Choose a leader with experience and someone who has been there and done it. When we were leaving power, we had done our best to make education better but what is happening now is worrying and an eyesore and so take the future of your children into consideration and make the right choices,” she said.


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