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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Black Stars Have Given Us Hope –Asamoah Gyan

Asamoah Gyan


Former Ghana captain, Asamoah Gyan, has stated that the current crop of players in the Black Stars have breathed hope into the football fraternity.

The Stars have won two streak games in their World Cup qualifiers against Mali in Bamako and Central African Republic in Kumasi recently.

Before then, the team had struggled in their games until the return of Otto Addo, and has suggested the need for consistency.

And to the all-time Stars top scorer, that is refreshing and he is calling for the keeping together of the current set for a long time.

“The team has given us hope,” Gyan said on UTV.

“They’ve raised the spirit high. We should take it game by game and make sure we win. We have quality. It is a young team, a new generation.”

He has, however, urged Ghanaians to manage their expectations and focus on developing the new squad, saying, “We should limit our expectations and not dwell in the past.

“Let’s forget about trophies, if we win it’s a plus. In five years’ time, if we can maintain 80% of this team they can dominate.”

Gyan, 38, who retired from football in June last year, is currently embarking on a nationwide  sports development campaign.


By Kofi Owusu Aduonum

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