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Saturday, June 29, 2024

I don’t own 20 Dubai houses; my lawyers are studying the allegations – Inusah Fuseini –

Former Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale Central Inusah Fuseini has denied being the owner of 20 apartments in Dubai.

He stated that he had referred the matter to his lawyers to handle and was therefore unable to give exhaustive answers on matter in line with counsel from his lawyers save to say that he did not even know a local in which he is said to own properties.

According to a report by UK-based think tank, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) made up of a global network of investigative journalists, Mr Fusheini is alleged to own 20 exorbitantly priced houses in Dubai, costing in excess of 6 million dollars.

But Mr Fuseini has stressed that the report is inaccurate.

“First of all, the story is inaccurate because I was Minister from 2014 to January 2017 [ not as stated in the report. The second thing is that…it is alleged…when I saw it, I referred it to my lawyers. They have told me to not say too much,” he said in an interview with the Daily Dispatch newspaper.

He added that if he spoke at length on the issue, he could compromise his right to take further legal action on the issue, and was therefore restraint so as to enable his lawyers handle it appropriately.

Mr Fuseini is mentioned along with three other politically exposed persons who own expensive property in the Dubai.

The news have generated much discussion in the media regarding the conduct of politicians in office, especially on the issue of corruption.


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