Concerns are rife about the threat that the activities of some encroachers around the Barekese Dam pose on the very survival of the Dam.
The Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) has on numerous occasions sounded the alarm bells on the destruction of the forest cover that protects the Dam exposing the reservoir to evaporation.
This has, however, caught the attention of the Rotary Club of Kumasi who has laid down measures to help protect and reclaim the depleted forest.
The Rotary Club of Kumasi and Rotary Club of Kumasi Central under the formation of Rotaracts and Interact Clubs in Kumasi has planted over 2000 trees and has collaborated with the Ghana Water Company Limited to set up a Rotary community corps to protect the forest from encroachers.
Again, the Rotary Club of Kumasi has promised to procure drones to enable them to monitor the activities of the encroachers.
According to the President of the Club, Nana Effah Mensah they decided to move in swiftly to salvage the situation after the Club was briefed about the devastating effects of the illegal activities on the buffer zone of the dam.
He said, “We were alarmed by the situation after authorities of the GWCL updated us on the current situation of the dam.
“We realised that if we do not also come in, in no time water distribution in Kumasi and surrounding areas will be disrupted and that can lead to crisis”.
He again intimated that as a result of the activities of encroachers, the forest cover that is supposed to protect the catchment area has been reduced drastically with a resultant reduction of water volume in the dam.
Mr. Effah Mensah assured of the Club’s commitment to collaborating effectively with the GWCL to nip the activities of the encroachers who are mostly farmers and illegal chainsaw operators, in the bud to prevent the dam from pollution and shrinking.
The Rotary Club of Kumasi is the second-oldest Rotary club in Ghana. It is an association of business and professional leaders who strive to promote goodwill, peace, and understanding around the world by performing community service and promoting ethics. It is an organization that is neither political nor religious.
Source: Clinton Yeboah