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Monday, July 1, 2024

Ashanti MPs Tie Akufo-Addo’s hands against majority side shakeup –

A proposed reshuffle of the Majority leadership in Parliament, has ignited divisions within the caucus, prompting the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Member of Parliament (MP) for the Bekwai Constituency in the Ashanti Region, to address the issue in a press conference.

 The unexpected move by Joseph Osei Owusu alias “Joewise”, aimed at dispelling reports of imminent changes to leadership, has created ripples in both the government and the governing party, setting the stage for a crucial meeting between President Nana Akufo-Addo and the caucus later today.

 Scheduled for today, the meeting with the President, is expected to discuss the leadership shakeup and, notably, address concerns about regional imbalances within the ruling party. Currently, key positions such as General Secretary, National Organizer, and Majority Leader, are held by individuals from the Ashanti region.

Furthermore, there are reports that, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the NPP flagbearer for the 2024 presidential elections, is actively seeking an Ashanti as his running mate.

However, the current Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, a long-standing member of the NPP Parliamentary leadership since 1996, and who is among the Asantes being considered by Bawumia for the role of running mate, has expressed reluctance to entertain the idea of leaving his Majority Leader position.

Despite not seeking re-election in his Suame Constituency, this year, Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, remains resolute in his stance not to let go off the position, adding an additional layer of complexity to the unfolding dynamics in the governing party. 

Sources reveal that, the intended reshuffle, initially slated for discussion and announcement last Monday by the National Executive Committee and National Council of the NPP at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, was temporarily suspended on the orders of the President.

This was after Carlos Kingsley Ahenkorah, the MP for Tema West and others, reportedly stormed the venue.  

The decision to halt the announcement and focus on other issues, including Bawumia’s campaign team, was described as a strategic move to allow President Akufo-Addo and the NPP leadership to engage in thorough consultations with the Majority Caucus, highlighting the significance and sensitivity of the impending changes.

 The outcome of today’s meeting is anticipated to provide clarity on the path forward for the party and its parliamentary leadership.

Addressing concerns and speculations about potential shifts in leadership within the Majority Caucus, Joseph Osei Owusu, stated, “The publications that are going around are false, the majority caucus has not made any changes to its leadership, and the majority caucus has not contemplated making any changes to its leadership and we want to tell you to ignore any such publication.”

“We are confident in the leadership that we have and the status quo shall remain,” Osei Owusu, who was flanked by mainly NPP MPs from the Ashanti Region, added.

The Bekwai MP added that the caucus is unaware of external attempts to make any changes to its leadership adding that only the caucus has the right and power to make changes to its leadership.

Osei Owusu further highlighted the importance of maintaining a cohesive front to address legislative matters and pursue the government’s agenda.

The response follows Media reports indicating that the current Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu is poised to be succeeded by Alexander Afenyo-Markin, who currently serves as the Deputy Majority Leader.

While it remains uncertain if Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, will retain his ministerial role, he is anticipated to take on the responsibility of chairing the NPP’s 2024 Manifesto Committee.

In the wake of these impending changes, Frank Annoh Dompreh, the incumbent Majority Chief Whip, is reported to be stepping up as the new Deputy Majority Leader.

This shift would open the position of Majority Chief Whip for Habib Iddrisu, who presently holds the office of the First Deputy Chief Whip.

The intended reshuffle also, includes the likely appointment of either Patricia Appiagyei or Freda Prempeh, as the new First Deputy Majority Chief Whip, following Lydia Seyram Alhassan’s recent nomination as Minister for Water Resources and Sanitation by President Nana Akuffo-Addo.

Additionally, the role of Second Deputy Chief Whip, is expected to be filled by Alex Tetteh  Djornobuah, the MP for Sefwi-Akontombra.

Meanwhile, other media houses have confirmed that the proposed reshuffle of the Majority leadership was indeed, temporarily suspended on the directive of President Nana Akufo-Addo for today’s meeting with the Majority Caucus arguing that the decision underscores the necessity of aligning any leadership reshuffle with the delicate legal framework of the new Standing Orders of Parliament.

Citi News quotes sources say Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, is poised to be succeeded by Alexander Afenyo-Markin, who currently serves as the Deputy Majority Leader, saying it remains uncertain if Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, will retain his ministerial role, as he is anticipated to take on the responsibility of chairing the NPP’s 2024 Manifesto Committee.

Citi News wrote, “In a meeting with the President on Monday, the current Majority Leader agreed in principle to step down from his position. However, it was also decided in that meeting that, considering the new Standing Orders, the President and the party’s leadership must consult with the parliamentary caucus of the party before any proposed changes are implemented.”

The aim of today’s Jubilee House gathering is for President Akufo-Addo and the NPP leadership to “discuss the proposed changes with the Majority caucus to ensure their support and agreement.”

This consultative requirement stems from the legal provisions underpinning Ghana’s parliamentary procedure. In particular, Order 6 of the Standing Orders of Parliament grants the Majority Caucus the power to designate the Majority Leader.

This clause underscores the importance of caucus consensus in such appointments. Interestingly, the provision does not explicitly address the appointment of the Deputy Majority Leader, Majority Chief Whip, First Deputy Majority Chief Whip, and Second Deputy Majority Chief Whip, leaving room for interpretation and party-specific procedures.

Insiders say President Akufo-Addo’s decision to involve the caucus directly in the reshuffle process reflects his deep understanding of the legal and democratic nuances involved.

“It’s a move indicative of a broader commitment to uphold democratic principles within the party’s decision-making processes,” one source told CitiNews.

 “This approach not only aligns with the procedural requirements set out in the Standing Orders of Parliament but also resonates with the ethos of inclusive and lawful governance,” the source added.

Traditionally, the selection of parliamentary leadership within the NPP has been the prerogative of the party’s National Council, as outlined in Article 14(2) of the party’s Constitution. This process was in line with Order 7 of the old Standing Orders of Parliament, which vested the authority to choose leaders for the Majority and Minority in the party leadership.

However, the recent revision of these Standing Orders has dramatically shifted this dynamic, transferring the authority to the Majority and Minority Caucuses in Parliament.

The legal framework governing this delicate process is anchored in several key provisions, encompassing the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, the Standing Orders of Parliament, and the NPP Constitution. Each of these legal documents plays a pivotal role in shaping the decision-making process in this context.

One critical aspect is the supremacy of Ghana’s Constitution, as articulated in Article 1(2), which declares it the highest law of the land. Any law found inconsistent with the Constitution is void to the extent of the inconsistency. This principle is particularly relevant when conflicts arise between party constitutions and parliamentary procedures.

Article 11 of the 1992 Constitution, which establishes Ghana’s legal hierarchy, prioritizes parliamentary enactments, placing the Standing Orders of Parliament within the nation’s legal framework. Consequently, these Orders supersede internal party regulations, such as those of the NPP.

The revised Standing Orders of Parliament, specifically Order 6, redefine the “Majority Leader” as a member designated by the Majority Caucus, thus emphasising the Caucus’s role in selecting its leader. This contrasts with the NPP Constitution’s Article 14(2), which assigns the selection process to the National Council, leading to a potential constitutional inconsistency.

However, some lawyers say the NPP Constitution offers a solution to the apparent inconsistency through Article 10(3), which empowers the National Council to issue directives for running the party in between meetings of the annual National Delegates Conference of the party.

 This suggests that, while the National Council cannot directly appoint parliamentary leadership, it can influence the caucus’s decision-making process by issuing a directive.

Additionally, Article 5 of the NPP Constitution mandates members, including MPs, to adhere to party decisions, reinforcing the party’s influence over parliamentary leadership choices.

However, this route was not engaged at Monday’s meeting. Instead, the party leadership chose to put the proposed changes on hold until after the President and the party leadership met with the Majority Caucus before the close of the week.

Insiders say a long-term solution to the legal issues would require the NPP to amend Article 10 of its Constitution to align with the new Standing Orders of Parliament. Such an amendment would streamline the process of selecting parliamentary leadership, ensuring legal conformity and party coherence.


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