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Sunday, June 30, 2024

An AG who cites Wikipedia in court is an ‘ignorant man’ – Agordzor fires Dame –

Assistant Commissioner of Police Dr. Benjamin Agordzor has said Ghana’s Attorney General exhibited naked ignorance in court by citing Wikipedia. 

The former police chief’s remarks came after the court acquitted Dr. Agordzo, Colonel Gameli, and one other junior military officer, Corporal Seidu Abubakar of treason. 

In an interview on JoyNews, ACP Agordzor said the reference to a definition of “Arab spring” from Wikipedia by the AG showed ignorance. 

“They were using definition from Wikipedia for Arab spring in court. I challenged them and asked them to check for proper definition and reference because Wikipedia is not a credible reference point…. It was ignorance to use Wikipedia Definition against court. You can be knowledgeable in law but in some things you are ignorant”. 

In the final judgement in the case, the court agreed with ACP Agordzor’s definition rather than the Wikipedia definition submitted by the AG in its case.

In 2021, ACP Dr. Benjamin Agordzo and eight others were charged with conspiring to commit high treason.

 In 2019, ten people were arrested during a police operation at the Citadel hospital, which linked them to an alleged plan aimed at destabilizing the country’s stability.

The prosecution presented 13 witnesses, including members of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

Throughout the trial, video evidence was produced, shedding light on the accused defendants’ putative scheme to destabilize the nation, including their alleged intent to manufacture ammunition.

Despite the claims, each defendant declared their innocence and presented their defences.

Unfortunately, Dr. Mac Palm, who owned the hospital where the suspects were detained, had his testimony rejected because he died last year.

The court acquitted Agordzor and one other while convicting 8 others for treason to be hanged.


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