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‘Your Rejoicing Is Temporary’ — Adebutu To Gov. Abiodun After Appeal Court Victory

Oladipupo Adebutu, the governorship candidate of the Ogun State’s Peoples Democratic Party has described the split verdict of the appellate court on the state governorship election as one that has boosted his hope of reclaiming his “stolen” mandate.

Information Nigeria had reported that, in a split decision on Friday, the court dismissed the petition filed by Adebutu and affirmed All Progressives Congress’ (APC) Dapo Abiodun as Governor.

Justice Joseph Shagbaor Ikyegh delivered the decision of the majority while Judge Jane Inyang, ruled that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) should conduct a fresh election within 90 days in 92 polling units.

Adebutu who disclosed this in a statement signed by Afolabi Orekoya, Media Director of Ladi Adebutu Campaign Organisation, said that having “received the Appeal Court judgment on the Ogun State governorship election on Friday in Lagos, we could gladly see that true justice is on the way and the hope of reclaiming the mandate of the good people of Ogun State is drawing nearer.”

“The appeal judgment that can be described as the pathway to victory resolved unanimously, five out the eight issues in our favour, only one issue in favour of the respondents ( Dapo Abiodun and APC) while the other two issues were resolved in ratio two to one,” he added.

Adebutu said that he was particularly happy that the appellate court treated the case on its merit, unlike the Election Petition Tribunal, which dismissed his solid case against Abiodun and APC on mere technicalities.

“We are indeed glad and hopeful that the judiciary at higher level is gradually considering the merits of the petition, unlike the lower court that chose to address technicalities in place of merit.

READ ALSO: Appellate Court Affirms Dapo Abiodun As Ogun Governor

“Obviously, that human decision has no place in our rule of law and cannot stand. It is however heartwarming that the appeal court resolved all the issues.

“We specially want to salute the courage and boldness of Justice Jane Inyang who delivered the minority judgment that was well-detailed and true to the provisions of the rule of law.

“The judgment sacked the incumbent governor, recalled his certificate of return and ordered INEC to organise a rerun within 90 days in the affected 92 polling units where election was cancelled due to violence and election malpractices.

“This reputable judge also said that INEC should not have made a declaration on the March 18 governorship election, a fact that is enshrined in the Electoral Act considering the margin of lead rule.

“We make bold to say that if our courts can emulate the uprightness of Justice Jane Inyang, there will be a great hope for a greater Nigeria and democracy.

“It should be crystal clear to the placeholders in the government of Ogun State that they need not to rejoice over nothing as what they enjoy now is temporal and cannot last because the truth will still prevail.

“We call on all the good people and stakeholders in Ogun State to celebrate Justice Jane Inyang as a role model for true justice and pray for more of such courageous Justices as we move up the ladder. We remain committed to our vision of a brighter future for our beloved state.

“To our supporters; Your tenacity and unwavering faith in our cause have continued to replenish our strength even as we continue this battle to reclaiming our mandate. As we continue this legal battle to the top of the ladder, please remain steadfast; the truth will ultimately prevail, and the will of the people will be acknowledged,” the statement added.

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