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Alan knows he can’t win, he can possibly be a kingmaker – Dr Asah-Asante

A Senior Political Science lecturer at the University of Ghana, Dr Kwame Asah-Asante, has stated that neither the movement by the former Trade Minister, Alan Kyerematen or any other party or individual can win the December 2024 elections.

According to him, Ghana’s two-party system will take a long time to pave way for any third force as has been the case in most two-party systems across the world.

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express on Wednesday November 22, 2023, following the dismissal of some four New Patriotic Party (NPP) members for supporting Alan Kyerematen’s independent candidacy, Dr Kwame Asah-Asante noted that, “ a third force is a difficulty.

“In other jurisdictions, when you have two strong parties, that is a two-party system, you realize that other parties have been dwarfed. It will take a very long time for you to get a third force “he argued.

Asked whether December 2024 was that time for Ghana, he replied, “No, it is not.”

“A third force is actually a function of proportional representation. When you have such a system, it produces results such as that, and you can get evidence in Germany, Israel, Belgium and the rest of them.”

He, however, noted that in the case of Ghana, until the electoral system changes, the two main parties will continue to remain supreme.

“Other parties will continue to be eclipsed and they’ll be dwarfed.

So movements like that of Alan, the best they can do is to get some significant votes, add to other existing parties to be able to push elections into a second round. That is the best that they can do. We did some work, and if you look at the statistics, from 1992 up to 2020, all the other political parties put together in terms of their average performance, did not go beyond 4%” he noted.

“So if you are talking about an individual who’s going to come in and cross the threshold of 50% and beyond, I am afraid that is not what Mr Alan Kyerematen is working for. He himself knows that it won’t work.”

What he [Alan Kyerematen] knows is that he can be a kingmaker by pushing the election to a second round where all those who are launching attacks against him that he’s not a candidate for this election and all that will go to him on their knees, that’s all that he’s fighting for. But for winning, he knows that it will not work” Dr Asah-Asante stated emphatically.

But even on the ability of Mr Kyerematen to push the election into a second round, the Political Science lecturer said it was too early to make that prediction.

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