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Mr. Ibu Faces Possible Leg Amputation, Begs For Support

Mr Ibu on his hospital bed


Renowned Nollywood actor and comedian, John Okafor, famously known as Mr. Ibu, is currently confined to a hospital bed due to a critical leg condition, which has taken a dangerous turn.

In a plea to his fans, Mr. Ibu, in a widely circulated Instagram video, sought both prayers and financial assistance.

The 62-year-old comic actor disclosed that he has been in the hospital for two weeks battling an unfamiliar and perilous illness. The situation has taken a severe toll on his well-being, and his medical team has even proposed the drastic measure of amputating his legs.

Addressing his supporters on Instagram, Mr. Ibu expressed, “Dear Good people of Nigeria, we are counting on your support at this point when we need it the most. Access Bank 1685687982 John Ikechukwu Okafor.”

In the emotional video, Mr. Ibu, accompanied by his wife and daughter at his bedside, shared his distressing situation. He said, “As I speak to you, I am still lying in the hospital; the medical director of this hospital has suggested that, if his new approach doesn’t work, the best solution would be to amputate my leg. Just imagine, if they amputate my leg, where do I go from here? Please pray for me, seek God Almighty’s intervention, and I don’t want to lose my legs. Thank you so much. God bless you.”

Confirming her father’s ordeal, Jasmine Okafor, Mr. Ibu’s daughter, posted on Instagram that her father had been hospitalized for two weeks.

She earnestly appealed to individuals and organizations to come forward and support her father’s urgent medical needs, to secure treatment abroad.

Describing their struggle, she stated, “As a family, we want to appeal that, at this point, people should come to Daddy’s aid and rescue. For the past two weeks, Daddy has been very unwell, and we decided to admit him to the hospital. I’ve been trying to manage the bills, thinking I could handle it alone. We have been doing everything within our power, as a family, but he’s not improving. Some days it looks like he’s getting better, and some days it seems to be worsening. We are in one of the best private medical facilities in Lagos, and they’re considering referring us to another hospital because he’s not improving here”.

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