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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bawumia Promises Political Showdown With NDC In 2024 Elections


Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, who also seeks the presidential candidacy for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has asserted that he will give the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama, a severe challenge in the upcoming December 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Dr Bawumia made this declaration during his visit to the Nkwanta South constituency in the Oti Region, where he is on a three-day tour to engage with NPP delegates ahead of the party’s presidential voting process scheduled for November 4, 2023.

The Vice President highlighted the positive response he has received from the “Zongo” communities, traditionally strongholds of the NDC. He expressed that if he is chosen as the NPP’s presidential candidate, the Zongo people would overwhelmingly vote for him.

Dr Bawumia further emphasized that, with his candidacy, he expects to sway the Northern Regions and the Zongo communities, crucial regions for the NDC, towards the NPP’s favour.

“In addition, I will attract more votes for the NPP in the Volta Region, shaking the foundations of the NDC’s strongholds. They fear me for a reason; they know that if I become the NPP candidate, it will be a showdown for them,” stated Dr Bawumia.

During his campaign tour, the Vice President has traveled across several constituencies in Ghana, meeting NPP delegates and presenting his vision for the party and the nation.
He has successfully visited the Greater Accra, Ashanti, Western, Central, and Eastern regions, engaging with voters and building support.
To date, he has completed visits to 154 out of the 275 constituencies nationwide.

Currently, Dr Bawumia is touring the eight constituencies in the Oti Region. Upon concluding his visit to Oti, he will shift his focus to the Volta, Bono, Bono East, and Ahafo Regions, ensuring his message reaches every corner of the country.

With the Vice President’s assertive rhetoric and extensive campaign efforts, it is clear that the upcoming NPP presidential candidate selection process and the subsequent 2024 elections will be highly competitive and closely watched by the public.

By Vincent Kubi

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