Popular socialite, actress, TV Host and musician Shatta Michy has expressed her grievances on the current state of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA).
Responding to a question by Emcee Bebe on what should be done in order to revive the union on Ultimate 106.9 FM on the station’s flagship Entertainment show dubbed “Ultimate Entertainment Records”, Michy argued strongly that the day to day administration of the union should not be left to old men and old women but rather be given to young men and young women who have enough energy to run the union.
“The old folks are old and they do not know the demands of modern day music which is dominated by young folks so they aren’t fit to lead the current generation,” she said.
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Michy, who is currently promoting her latest single “hustle” continued that because the old folks would want to do things that were done during their time and might not necessarily be necessary currently makes them unfit to lead the Union.
The Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), was incorporated in December 1975 to promote and preserve Ghana’s culture through education and equipping the Ghanaian Musician to be self-reliant, creative and industrious.
However, the union has been enveloped with multiple court cases and grievances from members since the tenure of the president of the Union;Bice Osei Kuffour ended in 2019.
The union has since not been able to elect a substantive president after Bessa Simons was made to act as president.