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Thursday, June 27, 2024

It’s Bawumia Or Nobody Else- Takoradi MP Declares


The Member of Parliament for Takoradi in the Western Region, Kobby Okyere Darko-Mensah has declared that he and his constituents will forgo any other candidate in favour of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in the NPP primaries.

According to Mr Darko-Mensah, the delegates of Takoradi know that Dr. Bawumia is the right choice for the party’s flagbearer in the 2024 elections.

In addition, the MP praised the Vice President’s qualities, including his humility, integrity, and competence.

Speaking during the campaign tour of the Vice Presiden in the Takoradi Constituency, Darko-Mensah emphasized the unwavering support of the people of Takoradi for Dr. Bawumia, highlighting his exceptional leadership qualities and unwavering commitment to the development of the country.

“Those of us on the ground and working with the grassroots know that Dr Bawumia is the one who has cared about us all these years. We will not exchange him for anyone.”

“Dr. Bawumia is someone we can reason with, Dr. Bawumia is humble so I am urging you, he knows the power of power, the power of using power to raise people up, the power of power to make sure that Ghana would be better”

“We shall not exchange Dr. Bawumia for anyone else. He is the epitome of intelligence, competence, and dedication. The people of Takoradi recognize his exemplary leadership and the transformative impact he has had on our nation,” Darko-Mensah stated firmly.

The MP further commended Dr. Bawumia for his instrumental role in the implementation of key government policies. He also praised the Vice President’s efforts in promoting digitalization and financial inclusion, which have significantly improved the lives of Ghanaians.

Mr Darko-Mensah, who is also the Western Regional minister highlighted the Vice President’s ability to connect with people from all walks of life, stating that Dr. Bawumia’s humility and approachability have endeared him to the constituents of Takoradi.

“He listens to our concerns, engages with us, and works tirelessly to address the issues affecting our constituency.
“Dr. Bawumia has proven time and again that he is a servant leader who genuinely cares about the welfare of the Ghanaian people,” Darko-Mensah added.
The minister did not hesitate to send clear signal that delegates within his constituency will vote massively for Dr. Bawumia.

Dr. Bawumia kicked off his campaign tour in the Western Region on July 23, where he met with delegates from Takoradi and Effia Constituencies.

The MP’s declaration comes at a crucial time as the New Patriotic Party (NPP) prepares for its internal primaries to select a flagbearer for the upcoming presidential elections.
Dr. Bawumia has been widely regarded as a potential candidate to succeed President Nana Akufo-Addo, who is currently serving his second and final term.

Darko-Mensah’s unwavering support for Dr. Bawumia reflects a broader sentiment within the NPP, where many party members and supporters view the Vice President as a strong and capable leader who can continue the party’s agenda of economic growth and development.

As the NPP primaries draw nearer, the endorsement from influential figures like Darko-Mensah could potentially bolster Dr. Bawumia’s campaign and solidify his position as the frontrunner in the race for the party’s flagbearer.

With the support of the people of Takoradi firmly behind him, Dr. Bawumia enters the NPP primaries with a strong base of support, which could prove decisive in determining the party’s future leadership and its chances in the upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, Effia MP Joseph Cudjoe has stated that his constituency’s delegates have also cast their symbolic votes for Dr. Bawumia, purportedly choosing him as the next NPP flagbearer.

According to him, the delegates in his area have cast their symbolic votes for Dr. Bawumia as the NPP’s flagbearer, despite no formal voting process being conducted.

Addressing party delegates and supporters during a campaign tour, the lawmaker asserted that the delegates of his area have expressed their unwavering support for Dr. Bawumia to lead the party into the upcoming elections.

“The delegates of Effia Constituency have, in spirit, cast their votes and overwhelmingly chosen Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the next flagbearer of our great party, the NPP. “We have already voted for Dr Bawumia as NPP flagbearer in spirit. We are only waiting for December 2024 to make him President,” the MP assured.

By Vincent Kubi

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