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Sunday, June 30, 2024

You Make A Mistake If You Curse Me – Archbishop Agyinasare Cautions Nogokpo | Social

Archbishop Charles Agyinasare has once again addressed the impasse between him and the Nogokpo township in a recent sermon that has since gone viral.

Delivering a stern warning, the founder of Perez Chapel International cautioned those who dare to curse men of God to desist from it as they will not be spared by God Himself.

The sermon, which has stirred up fresh conversations online also shed light on the attention that the feud has garnered in recent weeks.

Recall that the Archbishop had made previous comments during a church program in May, where he referred to Nogokpo as the “demonic headquarters” of the Volta Region.

“Nogokpo is the demonic headquarters of the Volta Region. We only have not said it but the second night, I made Bishop Yaw Adu talk about witchcraft and we disgraced the witches and the wizards. When we were driving from Aflao to Agbozome, immediately we got to Nogopko, Bishop Yaw Adu’s four-wheel drive, the tyres came out from under the car,” he said.

His words sparked controversy and drew a strong reaction from the council of elders in Nogokpo.

In response, the council had requested that the Archbishop appears before them to address the specific comments he made about their community but he did not honour their two-weeks ultimatum.

According to Archbishop Agyinasare, he was surprised at the extent to which discussions about him dominated social media platforms.

“Can you imagine in Ghana, for three weeks, all the problems we have, they were discussing Archbishop Agyinasare. For three weeks, anytime you went on social media, it’s Archbishop Agyinasare, Archbishop Agyinasare, Archbishop Agyinasare,” he exclaimed.

Quoting the biblical story of Abraham, the Archbishop stated, “The blessing of Abraham, I will make your name great so that you can be a blessing … and I will bless anybody that blesses you, and curse anyone that curses you. So once I become a Christian, you make a mistake if you curse me.”

From the look of things the Archbishop has rather used his sermon to further amplify his stance on the matter and it remains to be seen how Nogokopo will navigate the road ahead

Source: 3news.com



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