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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kumawu bye-election: Nana Boakye reveals NPP’s winning strategy

NPP National Organiser

National Organiser of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Nana Boakye, has revealed the magic trick that helped them retain the Kumawu parliamentary seat.

According to him, they embarked on a people-centered campaign which resonated with voters in the area.

The NPP has been accused of buying the future of the youth at Kumawu. The parliamentary candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Kwesi Amankwah, alleged vote-buying.

“There are videos everywhere, I saw some with my own two eyes…it doesn’t speak well of politics, it doesn’t speak well of us as Ghanaians to be doing things like that,” he said in an interview on Joy News.

Reacting to this, Nana Boakye on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Wednesday said the NDC is peddling falsehood to justify their incompetence.

He claimed allegations of vote-buying by the NDC leadership led by its National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, is just to deceive their poor party supporters.

“NDC goes into the election with incompetence and blames everyone and the EC for their defeat,” he stated.

The NPP National Organiser said through hard work, they were able to win in the stronghold of the NDC at Kumawu.

“Out of 57 polling stations, NPP won 69 and for the first time, NPP won at Sekyere Mission, Oyoko Mission and other areas which are NDC strongholds,” he opined.

He said they are encouraged to do more about to consolidate their votes ahead of the 2024 elections to retain the government in power.

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