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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Show leadership and fire GNPC’s Freddie Blay, Opoku Ahweneeh Danquah – Edem Agbana to Akufo-Addo

The National Democratic Congress (NDC)’s Parliamentary Candidate for Ketu North has asked President Akufo-Addo to sack the Board Chairman of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), Freddie Blay and the acting Chief Executive Officer, Opoku Ahweneeh Danquah.

Eric Edem Agbana said the continuous stay of the two is dangerous and inimical to GNPC’s existence. 

According to him, President Akufo-Addo cannot hide this time and will be demanded to fire the two accused persons. 

“I think the president should show leadership and ensure that these two individuals are dealt with accordingly and as anti-campaigner we will keep watching what the president will do in this matter,” Mr Agbana said in an interview with TV3 on Wednesday.

Already, some 29 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have also demanded the removal of the two. 

The CSOs, made up of the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP), Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), the Chamber of Petroleum Consumers Ghana (COPEC) and 26 others, say the two men have “become a threat to Ghana’s interest in the petroleum sector.”

In a statement endorsed by representatives from all 29 CSOs and sighted by JoyNews, the coalition argued that a country being micromanaged by the IMF cannot be seen to be engaging in fiscal recklessness.

The group is also demanding complete information on the AFC transaction and the actual amount that would constitute petroleum cost and the immediate closure of the Aker PoD from the Petroleum Commission and Government.”

Giving more details, the coalition said the recurring controversies surrounding Aker Energy and AGM operations in Ghana and the sale of 50% of Jubilee Oil Holding Limited’s interest in the Deepwater Tano block to PetroSA, are of great concern.

“In these difficult times, the nation needs prudent management of its resources to derive the fullest of benefits and bring relief to the suffering masses,” the statement added.

The GNPC Board Chairman is said to have written to PetroSA offering it an equal split in the interest held by GNPC’s subsidiary Jubilee Oil Holdings Ltd.

Energy Minister Matthew Opoku Prempeh is unenthused by the deal and wants it off the table, saying it does not favour the country.

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