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Monday, July 1, 2024

Bawumia, What’s Your Position on LGBTQ?

Don’t get it twisted. This article is not meant to throw any knot in the lubricating presidential wheels of His Excellency, Vice President Mahmudu Bawumia. It’s one topical issue that I would be picking with each one of the four presidential hopefuls for the 2024 presidential elections.

The Vice President, Alan John Kyerematen and Kennedy Ohene Agyepong come in from the NPP axis, while John Dramani Mahama completes the haul coming from the NDC isle. As a Vice President, Alhaji Bawumia is well positioned in an administration that is still reticent on the subject and I intend to start with him.

The question is thus very simple: What’s your position on LGBTQ, His Excellency, the Vice President? The President of the Republic, your immediate boss is still indecisive on the matter. Do you support the lethargic responses so far given on the subject by the President of the Republic? Or that you are compelled by the circumstance that you find yourself to tow, the line of the President?

However, assuming you’re the President of the Republic, could your Excellency tell Ghanaians what his position is, on the matter? There are others from the conservative stand point who argue that Gayism is affront to the social, cultural, traditional and customary values of the Ghanaian? Does His Excellency believe or share in this view point?

Then the most crucial and critical point. As a Muslim, I am aware that not even the ultra-conservative Muslims are in support of the LGBTQ order. As a Muslim, what what’ your faith dictating to you on the matter? Ghana’s former President, John Evans Atta Mills was decisive on the matter. He thought there were many pressing issues that confronted Ghanaians than LGBTQ taking the centre stage of our national discourse.

Countries like Kenya and Zimbabwe have taken similar approach to the Gay question, although a few others like Uganda have shown very robust reaction towards the practice. John Dramani Mahama, once a president showed similar indifference as that of today’s Nana Akufo Addo. To the extent that a well-known Gay activist, Andrew Solomon, once attended his fund raising event.

That was John Mahama then; a possible incoming president Mahama will again need to let Ghanaians know his position on the matter. Both Alan Kyerematen and Ken Agyapong have been members of the Akufo Addo administration, and Ghanaians would want to find out from them what their positions are on the issue. I will tackle each and every one of them in the coming weeks.

Ordinarily, Gayism, would not have been an agenda at all on our political calendar; but the times determine what’s topical. And so today, the broadened gay practice—LGBTQ has become political, diplomatic and everything connected to human existence. The issue is even not settled in countries that seem to be at the fore-front of Gay advocacy. That’s the powerful effect of the subject; to the extent that it has polarized a country as powerful as the United States.

Countries opposed to the subject stand the risk of losing out on allies from the West like the United States (USA), the United Kingdom, Germany, France and others from the Scandinavians. To the stated sovereignties, LGBTQ is more than choice, but a human rights issue with some even arguing that it’s part of the God-given inalienable right of every individual. In effect, while the straight people are a creation of God, so are those with different sexual orientation and preferences also, God’s gift to humanity.        

Content created and supplied by: RKeelson (via Opera
News )

Alhaji Bawumia
John Dramani Mahama
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