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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Voting underway in some constituencies

Voting is underway in several parts of the country as delegates of the National Democratic Congress elect a flagbearer and Parliamentary Candidates ahead of the 2024 elections.

At the Ningo-Prampram constituency where Sam George is facing a stiff challenge from Michael Tetteh Kwetey, voting started around 8 am according to Citi News reporter Philip Nii Lartey.

Voting also commenced at 7 am at the La Dade-Kotopon constituency where the Member of Parliament Rita Naa Odoley Sowah, in an interview with Citi News said she is hopeful delegates will vote her back into power to serve her constituents.

In the Klottey Korle Constituency, voting commenced around 8: 30 am. In all 1,971 delegates are expected to cast their ballots. The contenders are Dr. Zenator Agyemang Rawlings, Meredith Naa Odarkai Lamptey Addy, and Nii John Alfonso Coleman.

Voting is also ongoing in the Adentan Constituency, where there is a keen contest between former Children and Gender Minister, Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, Linda Asibi Awuni, and incumbent Adamu Ramadan.

Voting is, however, yet to start in several constituencies in the Northern Region as EC officials insist that they will stick with the 9 am start time instead of the 7 am announced by the NDC.

Meanwhile, there is a disagreement between constituency executives of the NDC in the Awutu Senya East and regional executives over the choice of venue for the election this morning.

Constituency executives want the election to be held at the Odukpongkpehe School Park while the regional executives are pushing for the exercise to be conducted at the Ofaakor DA Basic School.

There are indications that some delegates and party supporters have gathered at the Odukpongkpehe school Park while others are at the Ofaakor DA Basic School delaying the start of the event.

Constituency executives say Article 16 (12) of the party’s constituency gives them the mandate to also decide which venue is suitable for the event.

Former President John Dramani Mahama is contesting for the flagbearership slot with former Kumasi Mayor, Kojo Bonsu following the withdrawal of former Bank of Ghana Governor, Dr Kwabena Duffuor.

The former Minister of Finance at a press conference Friday evening explained that his decision was based on his grievances with the processes leading to the party’s primaries; especially the voters register.

He said the exercise had been marred by a lot of irregularities; which had not been resolved by the leadership of the party.

Ahead of the elections, former President Mahama has provided delegates of the NDC with some money to enable them to travel to the voting centres.

“As the party heads to the polls on Saturday for the presidential and parliamentary primaries, the John Mahama Campaign wishes to inform all of Mr. Mahama’s decision to support delegates with some T&T to enable them to travel to the voting centres, a statement signed and issued by the Spokesperson of Mr. Mahama, Joyce Bawah Mogtari, said.

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