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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Latest on businessman who tried to bribe NPP MPs

Andy Appiah-Kubi Asante AkIim North MP

Asante-Akim-North Member of Parliament (MP), Andy Appiah Kubi, says he has provided all details about allegations of bribery attempts on New Patriotic Party (NPP) MPs who called for the removal of the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta to the Special Prosecutor.

He disclosed this to journalists after the Special Prosecutor invited Mr Appiah Kubi for questioning on Wednesday.

The lawmaker expressed readiness to cooperate with the Special Prosecutor to ensure the right thing is done.

He, however, did not disclose the details of the information provided.

“The Special Prosecutor needed information from me and I have given the information, I have given a statement and that is the cooperation I’m talking about.

“I already appeared before the committee and I have testified, if they find it necessary to invite me again I will avail myself,” the MP stated.

The Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu and Mr Appiah Kubi alleged that a renowned businessman attempted to bribe the NPP MPs to stand down their demand for Mr Ofori-Atta’s removal.

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu assured Parliament will investigate the allegation of bribery but pressure group, Occupy Ghana, on November 3, 2022, petitioned the Special Prosecutor to probe the allegations.

It was on the back of the petition Mr Appiah Kubi appeared before the Special Prosecutor for interrogation but he decided to call it communication.

Meanwhile, the Special Prosecutor has said the Majority Leader will also be contacted as and when they are ready.


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