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Reconsider your advice to Akufo-Addo over his recent appointments to EC – NDC petitions Council of State

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has petitioned the Council of State over President Akufo-Addo’s recent appointments to the Electoral Commission (EC)’s board.

Article 70(2) of the 1992 Constitution dictates that such appointments be made in consultation with the Council and the NDC believes the Council has a role to play to get the President reverse the appointments.

Several voices have spoken against the appointment of Dr Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani to the EC board, claiming the two are politically tainted and unfit for an institution required to be politically neutral.

And according to the largest opposition party in the country in its petition of Monday, April 17, these appointments if not reversed will hamper the public confidence in the EC.

“Prior to his appointment to the Electoral Commission, Dr Peter Appiahene had played various roles for the New Patriotic Party in the Bono Region. Indeed, he touts himself in his political profile and personal credentials as a ‘strong NPP man with a lot of experience in election issues in Ghana.’”

“It is our considered view that the appointment of a personality with such overwhelmingly partisan credentials into the Electoral Commission will hamper public confidence in the constitutionally independent body and undermine the conduct of free, fair, and transparent elections in Ghana.”

“On the appointment of Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani, our background search reveals that she has well-known New Patriotic Party leanings. Aside from the fact that Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani is herself an activist of the ruling New Patriotic Party, she is married to one Sheikh T.B. Damba, a former Second National Vice Chairman of the NPP, and Ghana’s immediate past ambassador to Saudi Arabia, from 2017 to 2021,” excerpts of the petition said.

Already, the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has demanded the immediate resignation of Dr. Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani as members of the EC.

CODEO at a news conference on Wednesday, April 5, said these appointments have the tendency to make the EC look partisan and affect its credibility in future elections.

Reading the address on behalf of CODEO, Rev. Dr. Fred Deegbe suggested that the two newly appointed EC members resign voluntarily.

“We are painfully aware that voluntary and constitutionally grounded revocation of this unfortunate and democratically problematic EC appointment by the President is extremely unlikely.

“However, nothing stops the affected appointees namely Dr. Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani from voluntarily and honourably resigning from membership of the EC,” he said.

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