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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Breaking the Cycle: What NDC Needs to Do to Win Suhum Parliamentary Seat

Suhum is a town located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, and like many other rural areas in the country, it faces a number of challenges related to economic development and employment opportunities. The most common jobs available to the youth in Suhum include trading, shop or fuel station attendant, teaching, driving, Okada, farming or agriculture and the likes.

One of the main challenges facing Suhum is the limited availability of professional job opportunities, which has been a significant barrier to economic growth and development. Many young people in the town feel discouraged by the limited prospects for upward mobility and are tempted to migrate to urban areas like Accra in search of better opportunities. This has contributed to rural-urban migration and a concentration of resources in urban centers, exacerbating economic disparities and hindering the overall development of Suhum.

In addition to limited job opportunities, Suhum also faces challenges related to basic infrastructure and access to financial services. The town has limited access to basic infrastructure, which has made it difficult to attract investment and create job opportunities. Educational opportunities are also limited, with many young people in the town lacking access to quality education or training programs that could help them develop the skills needed to succeed in the modern economy. Again, access to financial services is also limited, which has made it difficult for entrepreneurs and small business owners to access the capital they need to start or grow their businesses.

It is worth noting that despite the challenges facing Suhum, the town has consistently supported the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Ghanaian politics. 

Now let us examine the history of the parliamentary elections held in the Suhum constituency over the period of 1996 to 2020 placing the focus on the NDC and the NPP.

The 1996 parliamentary election in Suhum was contested between two candidates, Ransford Yaw Agyapong of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Solomon Kodjoe Agyepong of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). Solomon emerged victorious with 43.90% of the vote, while Ransford received 31.10% of the vote.

In the 2000 parliamentary election, Agyapong of the NPP challenged Julius Debrah of the NDC. Agyapong emerged victorious with 54.90% of the vote, while Debrah received 41.20% of the vote.

In the 2004 parliamentary election, Opare Ansah Frederick of the NPP challenged Julius Debrah of the NDC. Frederick emerged victorious with 55.20% of the vote, while Debrah received 43.50% of the vote.

The 2008 parliamentary election in Suhum was contested between Frederick of the NPP and Samuel Fleischer-Kwabi of the NDC. Frederick received 44.96% of the vote, while Fleischer-Kwabi received 41.25% of the vote.

In the 2012 parliamentary election, Frederick of the NPP challenged Julius Debrah of the NDC. Frederick received 49.38% of the vote, while Debrah received 48.49% of the vote. The election was very close, with Frederick winning by a narrow margin.

The 2016 parliamentary election in Suhum was contested between Frederick of the NPP and Margaret Ansei of the NDC. Frederick emerged victorious with 54.95% of the vote, while Ansei received 45.05% of the vote.

In the most recent parliamentary election held in 2020, Kwadwo Asante of the NPP challenged Amanda Okyere Kwatia of the NDC.

Asante emerged victorious with 63.95% of the vote, while Kwatia received 36.05% of the vote.

Despite the NPP winning most of the parliamentary elections since 1996, the constituency still faces various challenges such as high rates of unemployment, particularly among the youth.

As a result, many young girls in the municipality have reportedly become dependent on the few guys who are making regular cashflows like the taxi, okada, Aboboyaa, pragia drivers, which has contributed to the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the municipality.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Hon. Margaret Darko Darkwa, in an interview, has attributed this trend to the prevalence of momo and indomie instead of addressing the real issue at hand – lack of jobs in the municipality.

You watch the video here: https://youtu.be/ad3hccJqcYk

Why does the NDC keep losing the Suhum parliamentary seat after all the perceived lack of development in the constituency by the NPP?

We are going to tackle two possible reasons:

One possible factor could be campaign strategies. Could it be that the NPP have better campaign strategies and mobilization techniques than the NDC, giving them an advantage in the elections? This could include better use of social media, more effective door-to-door canvassing, or more visible campaign rallies. NDC is unable to match the NPP’s campaign efforts, they may struggle to win over undecided voters.

Internal party issues may also be a contributing factor. Could it also be that the NDC have had internal party issues, such as factionalism or poor candidate selection, that have weakened their chances of winning in Suhum? party is divided or unable to present a strong candidate, it may be difficult to persuade voters to support them.

For example, in this year’s NDC parliamentary primaries, six people picked up forms but only five filed their forms at the end and went through vetting successfully. The fact that six candidates picked up forms to contest in the NDC primaries in Suhum could be seen as both a sign of unity and division within the party.

On the one hand, it could be argued that the high number of candidates shows a healthy level of democracy within the party, with multiple members vying for the opportunity to represent their party in the upcoming elections. This could be seen as a sign of unity, as members of the party are encouraged to participate in the democratic process and express their views.

On the other hand, the high number of candidates could also be seen as a sign of division within the party. It suggests that there may be different factions within the party with differing views on who should represent the party in the upcoming elections. This could lead to infighting and tension within the party, which may ultimately weaken their chances of unseating the NPP in the constituency.

NDC wants to unseat the NPP in the Suhum constituency, they need to take a multi-pronged approach that addresses the underlying issues that have contributed to their lack of success in the past. Here are a few suggestions:

Connect with the Youth: The NDC needs to engage more with the youth in the Suhum constituency. They should work to understand the issues that young people face and develop policies that will address their needs. Additionally, the NDC should invest in youth development programs that will provide opportunities for young people to acquire skills and gain meaningful employment. This will not only help reduce the high rate of unemployment but also help to reduce the rate of rural-urban migration.

Address Local Concerns: The NDC should take a more local approach to campaigning in the Suhum constituency. They should focus on the specific concerns of the people in Suhum, such as access to clean water, sanitation, roads, etc. By addressing these local issues, the NDC can build trust with the people of Suhum and demonstrate that they have a genuine interest in improving their lives.

Build a Strong Campaign Team: The NDC needs to build a strong campaign team in the Suhum constituency that is well-versed in the local politics and issues. They should work to identify and recruit local leaders who have a deep understanding of the community and are respected by the people. Additionally, the NDC should invest in training and capacity building for their campaign team to ensure that they are equipped to run an effective campaign.

Leverage social media: In this digital age, social media has become an essential tool for political campaigns. The NDC should leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach a wider audience in the Suhum constituency. They should use these platforms to share their policies and ideas, engage with voters, and build a community around their campaign.

Hold the Incumbent Accountable: Finally, the NDC needs to hold the incumbent accountable for their record in the Suhum constituency. They should highlight the NPP’s failure to deliver on their promises and hold them responsible for the lack of development in the area. The NDC could do this by calling for a public debate where the NPP will prove to the people of the Suhum Constituency what they have done for the people since 1996. By doing so, the NDC can build a compelling case for change and win the support of the people of Suhum.

Here are a few strategies for the Suhum NDC to consider in order to unseat the NPP:

Consolidate Support: The NDC could focus on consolidating its support base in the constituency by reaching out to members and supporters. This can be achieved by organizing regular meetings and other events to interact with party faithfuls and understand their needs.

Identify Common Goals: The NDC could identify common goals that resonate with party members and voters in the constituency. This can be achieved by conducting surveys or engaging with community leaders and other stakeholders to understand their priorities.

Unify the Party: The NDC could work to unify the party by addressing any internal conflicts or divisions. This can be achieved by promoting transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in party activities and decision-making.

Develop a Strong Campaign Strategy: The NDC could develop a strong campaign strategy that is tailored to the needs of the Suhum constituency. This can be achieved by conducting a thorough analysis of the constituency’s demographics, voter behavior, and political landscape.

Leverage social media: The NDC could leverage social media to engage with young people who make up a significant portion of the voting population. This can be achieved by creating engaging social media , using targeted advertising, and party members to share their experiences and stories on social media.

Provide a Clear Alternative: The NDC could provide a clear alternative to the NPP’s policies and programs. This can be achieved by developing a manifesto that outlines the party’s vision and priorities for the constituency, highlighting areas where the NPP has failed to deliver and presenting concrete solutions to address these challenges.

Thank you for staying with me and don’t forget to leave your comments and suggestions. 

In case you have not watched the video above, use this link: https://youtu.be/ad3hccJqcYk

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