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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

No man wants to marry me because of my deformed face – Lady weeps

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A young Nigerian lady who has been single for her entire life has taken to the internet to lament over how men have refused to propose marriage to her because of her deformed face.

According to the lady, despite making several advances towards men herself in the bid to find love, they all turn her down because they don’t feel comfortable with her multi-scared face.

In the video, the last can be seen tearfully asking why she’s unable to find love and why all the men have abandoned her like a plague.

In the viral emotional video, the sobbing lady asked; “Why is that nobody loves me? Is it because of the scars on My Face?”.

As of the publication of this article, the video had garnered over 100k views on Instagram alone along with over 11K comments.

My simple advice to this lady is to first look beyond her scars. She should first learn to love herself.

Self-love is important, even people that have worse scars find love and you’d see people who are finest with no love – I trust she will be fine very soon after finding love following the vitality of the video.


Below are some of the comments gathered under the trending video…

omax53 – I can feel her pains. Single guys pls DM her. She’s beautiful (on the inside).

kween_tiwalope – Single men can you please visit her dm ? ain’t y’all due to have a home yet ?

amehiphil – All she need is money for a good surgery. Her face will come back. She’s beautiful. I wish I can help. This are actually the kind of people that needs GOFUNDME 

creamy.dency – Maybe God is reserving you for the best… Hang on soon soon you will find real Love not pity Love ???while you wait Fall in love with yourself firstly

sima__xx – I’m sorry love .. some of us without scars still face thesame thing..Just love yourself more..things will get better??

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