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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Cassava products effect on human health

Cassava is a staple food consumed by many Ghanaians and Africans. This food gained its popularity due to the high demand of it by the local people and its numerous use. Cassava can be used for chips, biscuits, gari, fufu, cassava dough and others. All the above mentioned benefits are derived from cassava, a common local popular plant or food. Since the use of this plant for food, there have been so many controversies about its effects on human health. Most people think because it has so much starch in it, the product can lead to diabetes and hypertension, which is not true. All these allegations have no scientific basis. It is just some lies that have been told for long to become the truth. Even most cassava products have positive effects on the health of human.

Cassava products prevent prostate disorders. According Prof. Nakoutey Obu, there is a vitamin in cassava, which is callec Vitamin B17. This vitamin is responsible for the protection of the prostate from any disorder. This special vitamin which is in cassava makes all the products made from it safe, nutritious and medicinal. Consuming tapioca, gari, konkonte, fufu, cassava chips and biscuit are the surest way to prevent yourself from any deadly prostate disorder. Do not fall gullible to the lies that, cassava products aggravates hypertension and diabetes so it is not good to be consumed by diabetics. Go on and consume to protect yourself from such disorders.

Cassava products especially fufu is good for diabetics. Cassava has no side effect if consumed in moderation by diabetics. If you are diabetic and looking for ways to naturally control and manage the disease, then do not eliminate cassava product especially fufu from your meal(menu) entirely. It has been proven by various authorities that cassava products are good for diabetics.

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