Five Effective Ways To Conquer Musturbation
Musturbation from the medical point of view can be a healthy act but too much of it could bring health risks. From the biblical point of view it is a sin, a detestable act before him, it is a sexual immoral act which the Lord forbade. Many of the young people today got themselves entangled in the cords of Musturbation and are struggling to break free. Listed below are some ways which you can break free from Musturbation. From the biblical point of view, no sin greatly affects the body except sexual sin. Musturbation is a sexual sin against the body which is the temple of the most high God.
1. You must conquer the mind first
Yes, you must conquer the mind first, remember as the saying goes it is our thoughts that forms our world. Any action taken by humans, first are conceived in the mind. So to conquer the act of Musturbation, the decision must first taken from the mind. You must purpose in your heart and mind to stop Musturbation deliberately. After this strong decision we proceed to the next step.
2. Avoid watching pornography
Pornographic videos and images are also one of the factors that can lead to Musturbation. These images and videos are sexually driven and must be avoided. The more you feed yourself with these images the more the desire to engage in the act. Avoid such images and conversations that can trigger the act.
3. Avoid being lonely
Always be in association with people, because when you are alone, these thoughts can regenerated and you may be forced to satisfy the desire. When you always find yourself alone you are likely to engage in the act of Musturbation.
4. Engage yourself in a game or a conversation whenever the desire comes
Since the thought to Musturbation starts from the mind, you must engage in activities that can tune your mind off. Activities like skipping, soccer games, and other outdoor games that can help you to overcome the desire.
5. Learn to pray
Finally, learn to pray. As you have done your part, let God take over. Pray for God’s strength and power to overcome Musturbation. God is able to help you overcome Musturbation through His word. Trust in the power of God word and prayer to help you.
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