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“Tips For Guys” – 4 Things To Do When A Woman Looks At You

I really get heartbroken when I see that most cute guys lose their chances of having the wonderful babe they ever wished because they lack the courage to stay connected. Many pickup artist around the world have several ways to help young and aspiring guys to have the woman of their dreams with just a spark inside. You’re not reading this page by accident, you did that because you definitely know this piece would change your life forever if you it into constant practice. I’ve successfully used this tip of how to get a woman connected to you through eye contact and it has help me immensely. With this strategy, I’ve got the chance to date a woman who is if higher class than I am. All you need is to visualize your strength and know that everything is possible under the sun provided you dream it. Here are simple strategies to di when a woman looks at you. This tip never fails.

Look Into Her Direction

Never look away when you notice your woman or crush is looking at you. Seven out of ten guys change their direction and this make her believe you don’t appreciate her glance. The secret is that, instead of looking away, be the first person to look away. This poses to be more attractive than anything else at the moment.


Smile is the most attractive medicine in the love game. Until you smile, it would be very difficult to attract your dream. Give her a warm and confident smile without looking away. Make her known you admire her glance and you appreciate it.

Pose An Attractive Body Language

Don’t feel timid when you notice a girl is looking into your direction. Your body language should pose to be friendly and not arrogant. Turn your body and feet towards her direction and later go back to your normal position or duty.

Break The Voice Barrier

Many guys feel shy to talk to a woman when they notice she is looking at them. They totally lose their voice and not able to say a word. That’s very bad if it’s your dream to be the ladies. Try to make an approach even when you are shy. Constant practice would definitely get you there. The game of attracting women is not a rush but for those who are willing to sacrifice their time and energy. That’s how you can make things a reality.

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Content created and supplied by: HoneyLoveBird (via Opera
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