A mother of five named Maame Yaa, who has given birth to five children, opened up in an interview about what happened after a Mallam asked her to perform rituals for her son months ago. According to the woman, she is a trader who owns spot in their locality and she is the who has been taking care of her five children after her husband’s death.
The woman said she took out a loan before building a wooden building to live with her children and used the remaining money to buy drinks to sell in her shop. One fateful day, she had a conversation with her customer about her son making preparing for his final exams. A Mallam who came to buy some drinks from her spot overheard their conversation.
He confronted her and told her that he can perform a rituals so that his son will excel in his exams, but that she has to pay Ghc100 and two fowls to perform the rituals. Maame Yaa said she rejected this Malam’s offer, even told him that she is a Christian and will never do such a thing. A few days later, this same Mallam went to her elder daughter who is married a rich man’s house and lied that she has planned to kill her son-in-law to acquire a land.
Her daughter also couldn’t have patience but came to her house with her husband to insult her and accuse her of her possessed. Maame Yaa tried to explain to them that it was not true, but her daughter did not listen to her and continued to insult her, saying she was the cause of her children’s difficult situation and also told her that she was the cause of her first marriage.
Worst of all, no one has come to buy drinks at her shop since the incident occurred. The woman added that her business has collapsed because of these accusations and she had to pay off loans. Now she is seeking help to prove to her daughter and neighbors that she is not possessed.
Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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