TV3 Ghana posted a snippet of the performance of Majesty and Brenda on social media. The two performed a song entitled, ” Stories that touch”.
This year’s mentor event promises to be amazing as TV3 seems to have invested resources into making the show an extremely successful one.
Many Ghanaians have reacted to the post as they have hailed these two talented upcoming musicians.
Whilst some citizens have shown excitement about the duo, others have passed interesting remarks as they could not remain silent.
As the popular adage goes, there is no perfect human on earth. What then are your expectations for Majesty and Brenda? How can the two celebrities be groomed to take the ultimate prize.
What are your thoughts on the ongoing Mentor show? Do you believe that there was an excellent Selection Of Talents by The Judges?
Do you not expect that this Mentor contest is going to be extraordinary?
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
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