Symptoms of conjunctivitis may include swollen eyelid, thick discharge from the eye, pink or red eyes, irritated eyes, watery eyes, glued eye in the morning and blurry vision.
The signs of conjunctivitis usually start in one eye and then spread to other. Sometimes, the infection comes on while you have a cold.
Sometimes, the liquid coming from your eyes is white or yellow like pus. It may be thick rather than watery. You might wake up with your eyes stuck shut. Washing your eyes with warm water gets them unstuck easily.
Conjunctivitis is caused by infection with a variety of bacteria and viruses. It is often called pinkeye because your eyes turn pink or red.
To treat conjunctivitis naturally, wash all your sheets, take zinc supplements, apply cold compresses to your eye, get lots of sleep and hydrate well to help speed the recovery process.
A medical doctor may prescribe antiviral eye drops, such as acyclovir(Zovirax) or trifluridine(viroptic) or artificial tears. Treatment is supportive and may include ocular decongestants and artificial tears. Cold compresses applied 3times daily for 1 to 3 weeks may relieve discomfort.
Many forms of conjunctivitis go away with over-the-counter treatments in about 1 to 2 weeks.
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
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