Ghana’s biggest YouTuber, Wode Maya has asked if President Akufo-Addo has asked if the president has his own chair for studio interviews or if all media houses have the exact type of chair for the president.
The question comes after he noticed every studio the president grants an interview, he is seen sitting on the same chair at different media houses.
The President is said to carry around his chair in V8 to every event he attends in Ghana. Interestingly, he does not take the chair along when he travels abroad.
Many are now questioning his reason for wasting taxpayers’ money to carry around a chair. Speculations have largely been that the President is scared of Juju (black magic). Others speculate he was told by a prophet to never sit on any other chair when he is out there.
Whatever the case may be, we are yet to get any government official to explain why the president needs to carry a chair around.
Content created and supplied by: TC.Oceans (via Opera
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